Thursday, November 07, 2013

Oprah And Her $500 Black Truffle Kit

Oprah is sharing her favorite things again and it is obvious that her favorite things do not come with any type of reality for the people who actually buy her magazine. I understand that it is a holiday issue and that some of her favorite things are going to be pricey but I bet you anything one of her favorite things is a fast food burger and she does not have that on the list. Why not? Don't you think people would love to know that Oprah likes fast food too? That they have something in common with a billionaire?

Instead she tells her readers "they must buy" a $500 black truffle risotto kit. She probably goes through one a day. I understand wanting to splurge on something but spending $500 on a black truffle risotto kit doesn't sound like that great of an idea. I would love to know how many people will rush out and buy it. I bet Oprah loves popcorn at the movie theatre and Chicago has in my opinion, the best popcorn store. Hello Garrett. If you have seen the lines that stretch outside at holiday times and found yourself saying that you will give it 15 minutes and then another 15 minutes just to get it then you obviously have tried it. Oprah though says you need to spend $94 to get the popcorn that comes with truffle oil from some place online. Is this to just show you how much money she has?

I don't get it.


  1. OMG GARRETT'S is the BEST!!
    We have one here in NYC but it pales in comparison.

    Yeah O (as in OSTENTATIOUS, not OPRAH) needs to quit it she knows damn well when the camera's are off she is sending her assistant to the South side for the best ribs on the planet, (Lem's) as well as Shark's chicken wings lol

    Nothing worse than a person of color who never had money and finally gets it.

    1. @montana, actually, there's nothing worse than a disgusting racist.

  2. Seriously, I don't think this will affect many of us in any way. I don't watch her network or read her magazine. I'm not going to get all high and mighty about what other people choose to buy with their money.

  3. Ophph with her head!!

    If people choose to follow this twat and spend their money: their problem, not mine. Same thing with Goopy.

  4. Truffles smell like mildewed socks … one taste was enough, they are over-rated and an acquired taste…please save your money.

  5. If she would like to give me her favorite things, they would be my favorite things too. But buy them? No.

  6. I want the hat on the cover.

  7. 1.) Oprah "Favorited" Garrett's in 2010.

    2.) O readers are by and large a well-off demographic with disposable income. It's no accident that the mag's "Favorite Things" list reflects this. The editors know *exactly* what they're doing. If you feel left out, ask yourself why you even give a shit. Seriously.

    3.) Enty: How about your own list? Keep it in the right side banner through Christmas. Hell, keep it up all year and refresh from time to time. Plug your favorite restaurants, mail-order bacon, donut recipe, movie, album, charity whatever.

    1. Hey NomNom, do you comment on Jezebel sometimes? I thought I saw your name over there yesterday when I was perusing the site and was like, I wonder if that is the same NomNom that posts at CDaN?

    2. Yup, that's me.

  8. These are just the products that paid for placement in the article. It likely has nothing to do with her real favorite things.

  9. Exactly Lotta. Who am I to judge what other people buy.

    I love truffle salt, and love to throw it on just about anything. However, I am quite happy with the jar I can pick up at my local grocery store. It only takes a we bit, and didn't break my bank.

    I haven't watched anything O related in forever. I like it that way ;)

    I remember one time at the grocery store, I picked up her magazine, and the guy behind me said something quasi snarky. What was really funny, he didn't think that I heard him. I told him , "Hey, the magazine is actually really good, it just has her big ole head plastered on each issue"

    We had a good laugh, and I told him no worries.

    I have since stopped reading her magazine, not bashing it, just kinda grew tired of it.

  10. Oprah annoys me with her ego, but I have to say, I like her magazine. I read it at my doctor's office and it's nicely edited and laid out. The whole thing isn't about "me me me" and pretend humility like Goopster's email rag. Goop acts like she's a regular stay at home mommy just casually recommending $150 shorts for toddlers and a $100 lunchbox to match the $200 backpack ensemble. O gives away cars on her show.

    People who buy high end foodstuffs are going to recommend high end foodstuffs. It's not like O is going to pimp Rice A Roni in her magazine.

  11. I used to subscribe to Oprah's magazine, but it seemed like every damn issue was the same. Live your best life, eat blueberries for health, let go of anger, buy these cosmetics. I literally felt like I was reading the same issue over and over.

  12. Wait...7, what's wrong with Rice-a-Roni?! That was my go-to after closing the bars down. Too bad it has so much sodium, I could go for some right now! :D

  13. the great thing about money, you can spend it however you choose or don't choose. you may not want $500 truffle kits. Someone else may not want a Big Mac. who really gives a shit.

  14. I wanna know why my Facebook time line keeps posting secret that helped Oprah lose weight. Ya I don't think so!

  15. I wanna know why my Facebook time line keeps posting secret that helped Oprah lose weight. Ya I don't think so!

  16. Ditto, Nutty. I did buy the favorite things knives a couple of years ago. I liked them so much I bought a set for my BFF. I never knew knives could SLICE so well, I only bought them for the colors

  17. @Meanie, woohoo! OT TIME!

    Have you ever made your own Rice A Roni? It's super easy and tastes miles better than the boxed stuff. A Tbsp of olive oil, butter, or ghee in a pan, add some diced garlic and saute until soft. Add a cup or two of basmati rice (TJ's organic white is really good for this) and a small amount of crunched up vermicelli noodles (or spaghetti if you don't have vermicelli, or skip it if you don't have any) and toast the rice mixture until it's golden brown. Add about 1/2 cup chicken broth, stir, keep adding chicken broth and cook until it's soft. Season with salt, garlic salt, pepper, and add whatever you want. I always add mushrooms but not truffles because, well, I'm not Oprah. :b

  18. Seven, that sounds awesome! I've been trying to keep away from heavily processed foods and Rice A Roni is one of the few things I truly miss. I think I'm going to give this a try later this weekend. Thanks for giving me back one of my foodie guilty pleasures!

  19. While I understand your anger at not being able to afford a $500 truffle kit, can we not forget that Oprah has friends, and viewers that CAN afford it? The woman is a fucking Billionare with a 'B'. So why the fuck does everything she list on HER FAVORITE'S list have to come from the fucking dollar store? If Richard Branson put out a Favorites list with $500 fungus on it would we be talking about it? FUCK NO

  20. I might splurge on a $50 black truffle kit but not 500

  21. Anonymous9:20 AM

    I loathe Oprah. If only her name hasn't been misspelled on her birth certificate
    I can't imagine an Orpah would've had the same success

  22. Abhor all things Oprah.

  23. I have detested Oprah since she held her Legends ball honoring 25 African American women in 2006. It was a black-and-white affair, but only Oprah got to wear a hot red dress. Yeah, like she is better than people like Rosa Parks and Aretha Franklin. She has a huge ego and lots of Photoshop artists for her cover photos.

  24. I never liked her.

  25. Mmmm Garrett's. That stuff is like crack. It was the best part of my wedding...had Garrett's for our favors.

    If you want to buy Garrett's do not go to the Michigan Avenue location. ALWAYS hit the one on Randolph by Macy's. Usually never any lines...

  26. Lindt Truffles are awesome. I have no idea what real truffles taste like.

    1. Me either!I know risotto is yummy mushy rice pasta stuff but what is a kit? guessing they don't sell it at the publix

  27. I just bought some truffle oil at Trader Joe's the other day. Now I'm inspired to make popcorn for dinner. Yes, I said dinner :)

  28. I don't care if Oprah wants to buy a million of those truffle kits, but I take issue with this for the same reason I take issue with Goopy. It's the way they act as if everyone can afford this stuff, like, "Oh, you've just GOT to try it! I don't care who you are, your life will totally SUCK if you don't spend $900 on this t-shirt!" or whatever. That's so rude, not to mention horribly out-of-touch. If you want to share that kind of thing with your rich friends, go for it, but don't talk to the general public that way.

  29. Nothing worse than a person of color who never had money and finally gets it.

    Child molesters, rapists, spouse abusers, homelessness, AIDS, ponze schemes, our loved ones dying--I can go on all the bad things that are worse than your interpretation of Oprah being some fried-food loving mammy.

    But I digress. . .

    Why bash Oprah for loving the good life? There are dozen of magazines that do the same thing. Every fashion magazine does it, even the so-called budget friendly ones. Is it conceited in some way? Probably, but ultimately, either read the magazines for entertainment value or don't read them at all. Or at least be consistent with the rich people bashing. Oprah isn't the first or only one to do stuff like this.

  30. That dress is hideous on her.

  31. Another OT about Rice-a-Roni. It's one of the very few packaged things I do buy. We eat it once a week making the Spanish rice and adding a smoked tomato we make, top with shredded jack and black beans. It's a tasty and cheap meal.

    And I love to cook but frankly have never understood the truffle craze either.

    And GatorGirl Risotto should never be mushy or gummy. Someone isn't making it correctly.

    BTW, my mother in law was so unduly influenced by all things Oprah. She's the one that would buy that $500 truffle kit. Lemme tell you for $500 it better come with a goddamn truffle (or 2) from Perigord

  32. Replies
    1. Ezell's is okay. Heaven Scent (the chicken joint recently opened by the original Ezell) is better. As is the chicken at the Beacon Hill and Georgetown Chevron stations.

  33. I receive O Magazine as a gift. I've never been an Oprah-hater, but the magazine's juxtaposition of feel-good self-help and conspicuous consumption weirds me out. Like, it's telling me to feel good and enjoy my life, and oh, by the way, here's a bunch of stuff you will never be able to afford. I spent 15 minutes or so with it every month then donate it to the library.

    With that said, I still feel like Oprah's intentions with the magazine are basically good.

  34. I don't know if her picks have the same impact in her magazine as they did when she was on TV every afternoon --but in those days Oprah's favorite things MADE a number of small businesses.

    Of course Oprah doesn't buy that stuff so the price is kind of irrelevant--these companies send things to them in HOPES Oprah will endorse their product as a favorite thing. It's big business for the vendors and for Oprah.

    I used to like that show best when she would have a group like all teachers that she did one year--where you know they don't make a ton of money and it was a huge treat for them.

    I don't mind the picks--it is a way to see things I would not normally see--I don't shop much and live a pretty simple life so it's fun to see fancy stuff. I can't afford them but I enjoy looking.

    Ellen does this now with her 12 days of giveaways--and all year long she has people on who she gets her sponsors to help--and often she invites them back to the show to be in the audience for the big giveaway shows. I think it's nice.

  35. I saw a show where they showed how her favorite things are picked. It was interesting, she has them bring in thousands of items for her to glance at, before choosing. I remember one item she liked but didn't like the shape of the bottle, so it was a "no". Another time the color was an aqua blue so it was a "no" without knowing what the product even was. It's not like she has used this stuff. It's more she liked the idea of this stuff.

    I don't watch her show, or read her magazine, I'm not sure how I saw this show.

  36. I don't see where she says you need to buy these things. Of course there would be frivolous expensive things on the list. If any of us made a list of our favorite things there would be things others considered ridiculous. It wouldn't mean I was telling you to buy it, just that I like it.

  37. Oprah is full of shit. Her lofty, everything is okay, Im okay, youre okay, the universe is wonderful, kind, find your center, blah blah blah... unicorns is a bunch of shit. Maybe she's even a cult. and probly a fkn communist too.

  38. What Oprah is, is an evolved woman with money.

  39. Bob's Burger Bus sells fries made in truffle oil and sprinkled with feta and some green leaf for only $7. A big portion too, so idk who the heck convinced Oprah to A. spend $94 on popcorn and B. convince her followers to spend $94 on popcorn. She must have a fancy endorsement deal.

    Also, isn't this list more of a novelty versus an actual buyers guide?

  40. I get the O magazine, love it. Everyone has different tastes. We have friends with more money than us that would never spend the amount of money on clothes that we do & when they travel they only eat at fast food joints. Their health is not great, but they have cash.

  41. Somewhere, Goop is reading that magazine and thinking "it only costs $500? I'll wait for a better brand."

  42. Truffles are awesome, though. I'll eat pretty much anything with truffles or truffle oil on it. Mmmmmm. Anybody here want to start a collection for me so I can get some?

  43. Oprah is sooooo Martha Stewart ago, as evidenced by her ratings.

    So y'all come around once a year for the "who whored the most" fave items. Good for you.

    BTW, ya want good popcorn? Check out Quinn's. Micro sans bad stuff.

    Now, make her go away for another year, please.

  44. Trader Joes sells black truffle oil for about $6 a bottle. It's pretty good drizzled over mac and cheese.

  45. I like her mag, but never watched her show. She's always pushing expensive products in her mag, but I just ignore them. I think her mag is much better than all the other mags pushing weight loss and how to catch a man. I also read GQ and Esquire because they have actual articles.
