Friday, November 15, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Jean Claude Van Damme is about 100. He wins top spot immortality for this.
Ashley Benson in Cancun.
Alec Baldwin looking to bottom for an African American man.
Celine Dion is in Paris selling a book about her.
Another actor doing an impressive bit of work. Cameron Diaz jumping rope in
five inch heels.
Claire Danes loves red. From head to toe. Not sure about in between.
Courtney Stodden says she does not read or write. Has no interest in doing porn. Umm, escorting?
Channing Tatum filming the newest Jump Street movie which only requires him to go without his shirt for 46 minutes.


  1. Replies
    1. @Vip You Like to sing into my mic because my mike is Magic. Im mad how catching that song is.

      Damn you Korean Jesus!

  2. Uh

    WTF with the Alec Baldwin comment?

    1. Thank you, Bacon! Holy crap, wtf, indeed?!

    2. Anonymous11:40 PM

      Bacon Ranch & Meanie : Enty was trying to say Alec would be a bottom (the catcher, the passive, the bun waiting for the hot dog) in said relationship/exchange. It was a strange thing to say. I think Kermit wrote that one.

  3. Is Alec Baldwin supposed to be going for some kind of racial slur trifecta?

    I feel so sad looking at Courtney Stodden.

    Atta girl Cameron! Atta boy Jean Claude! You may have absolutely no torso, but you do a hell of a split.

    I finally saw Spring Breakers with Ashley Benson, now I kinda wish I'd waited a bit longer. Like forever kinda longer. Dang you, Netflix, with your free movies! Dang you to heck!

  4. Yay Cameron. Everything is better in heels

  5. Oh VAN DAYYUM can get it.

  6. Courtney is SO DUMB. Yeah, brag about not reading or writing. Very impressive.

  7. Is that JCVD pic for real? I mean, I know he can spread his legs that much, but what I find hard to believe is the way he got up there because the two lorries starting together and separating slowly is too dangerous and there is a gap of about one metre from the top to his feet. And I won't ask about the way he went back to normal ground.
    Photoshop or not, I'm happy to see him.

  8. Van Damme, I once went through 10 solid hours if a Law & Order: SVU marathon without a bathroom break. Like a good American does.

  9. I didn't think the first Jump Street was gonna be worth anything, but it was damn funny!

  10. Jeebus, who's the snotnose writing this stuff today? JCVD is only 53. I bet Jack Lalanne is spinning in his grave between push-ups.

  11. The Alec Baldwin comment is borderline homophobic. Baldwin being a homophobic ass doesn't give u the right to be one

  12. Ack! I read that as Alec Baldwin looking "top TO bottom", not just to bottom. Um, what????? Wasn't there a reveal or blind that Alec was guessed for about an actor that is homophobic but gets afternoon rent boys then gets violent?

  13. For all of JCVD's flaws, as long as that HIV rumor isn't true, I still would.

  14. I liked Courtney's hair better when Doug was doing it.

    Alec is a lot of things but he's not a homophobic homophobe.

    1. Hehe @Jessie. I think Doug was very particular about doing leave-in treatments a couple times a week.

  15. I think pity is the word for Stodden.

    Go Cameron!

  16. What Entern writes the captions now?
    They absolutely suck.

  17. I always liked when Jean-Claude would play a french Canadian in movies in the 80s.

    Claire Danes is my celebrity look-alike, when I go blonde.

    I agree that it's sad that someone is (proudly?) admitting that they don't read or write. Plenty of young girls in the world who wish they could do either.

  18. Ive seen the JCVD commercial for this and it doesn't look fake although his legs most likely are strapped into something we don't see.

  19. Yeah wtf on the Alec comment. And I agree, bragging about not reading or writing is nothing to brag about. Still doing the duck face though.
    JCVD is just perched there. It's not like those busses are moving.

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM


      The buses were close, but slowly started driving apart. I saw it on Access Hollywood. It's a foreign commercial, I think. I was half in/half out.

      So there's that. Lol

  20. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Ashley Benson is in Cancun, but what we really need to know is who's that young man with the barely contained pubes.

    Sorry to come off like a dirty old lady, but I haven't laid on a washboard that spectacular in many years.

    ....Neither has my man. So there's that.

  21. @fancy - What I really want to know is who is the woman in the big ass chest tattoo and why is she wearing his nipple as a pendant?

  22. JCVD commercial is real. How it was done: ... commercial

  23. Is Courtney Stodden saying she can't read or write or that she chooses to do neither?

  24. One day Courtney is going to wake up and realize she isn't sexy and may have to have a back up plan. I just hope that day is sooner rather than later.

  25. Saw on the news last night they're saying it's real. He did have harnesses in case of fall though.
