Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Random Photos Part Three - Lone Survivor Premiere

I am probably only going to say this once in Mark Wahlberg's lifetime but Lone Survivor is really good. Like Academy Award winning good. His wife looks great here too.
Maria Menounos went for the short tight look last night. Obviously feeling chaste.
Long time no see in the photos for Diana DeGarmo.
Emile Hirsch looking the same as he ever does.
Jerry Ferarra has managed to keep all that weight off for years.
A first time appearance for Sterling Jones.
Annette Bening was there. She never leaves the house.
Charlize Theron even showed up top tell mark how good the movie is.


  1. The book the movie is based on was intense, emotionally draining.

    Glad the movie doesn't disappoint.

  2. Anonymous12:27 PM

    Anette nevereaves the house, and yet here she is! Transference Enty! Go for a walk dude

  3. I saw Last Vegas this weekend, and no joke shouted out right in the middle : Turtle looks HOT!! My hubby pretended he wasn't with me

  4. I'm sure Annette leaves the house all the time but doesn't call the pals. Stupid comment.

  5. Jerry Ferrara was adorable when he was chunky, but he looks fab now!

  6. Mark Wahlberg Gave Up Half His 'Lone Survivor' Paycheck To Ensure Ben Foster Was In The Film
    Read more:

    Marky Mark deserves a good person award for being such a good friend. I don't care about Oscars anymore because a lot of awful actors/actresses have one or more, but MM has a place in my straight heart since I read this.

    1. Kermit, maybe good guy Wahlberg could also one day help out the guy that he blinded in one eye 25 years ago when he hit him on the side of the head with a stick when he was robbing him.

    2. Anonymous1:36 PM

      The Asian man maimed for life? Surely you jest

  7. Hey he was really good in the Departed, even if he was playing a nonfamous version of himself.

  8. Anonymous1:11 PM

    "What happens in the meadow at dusk?"

  9. Good lord, Menounous is a tasty morsel. I'd let HER put ME in basement chains for a week, as long as she abused me physically and sexually.

  10. Um, Harry, Mark Wahlberg did a whole interview about how he is totally over blinding the elderly Vietnamese gentleman that he was robbing. He's come to peace with it and everything! FOADIAF, Mr. Wahlberg!

    1. Anonymous1:38 PM

      Talks too much : yeah, and....? What did he do to put it right?
      I took a dump on my English teacher's windscreen. Just cos I talk about it, doesn't make it right (it was right. He was a skeevy nicotine stained perv)

    2. Yes, Rach, that's why I suggested he should F÷:& Off and Die in a Fire. Flames

    3. So that's what that means FOADIAF. Translation woman.

  11. Is Diana D still married to that hottie from American idol, Ace something or other?

  12. Jerry looks good. As long as he did it in a healthy way, that's what matters, right?

  13. Good for Jerry! And Diana looks way different then I remember.

  14. I want to fuck annette benign. And Maria.

  15. Mark Wahlberg burnt tommy girl for his words about being an actor is like being a soldier in war times ...

    So he s MY NEW HERO

  16. Maria is gorgeous always. I didn't hear what Marky said but it doesn't forgive his youthful indiscretions as far as beating people.

  17. Went to school with both Marcus (Lone Survivor) and his twin brother Morgan. Both outstanding stand-up guys. Marcus earned and deserves all of the attention and accolades he is receiving from both his book and the movie.
