Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Random Photos Part Three- Winter Whites Gala

Taylor Swift wonders how much it would cost to buy a house next door to Prince William.
This is Taylor's version of twerking but can't get Jon Bon Jovi to notice.
Colin Firth and his wife were there.
James Blunt and his benefactor/girlfriend.
Jon Bon Jovi's daughter looks great. No signs of her heroin overdose.
Michelle Dockery
Eliza Doolittle
When you are the future King you can tell the worst jokes ever and people will still laugh like crazy.


  1. Colin Firth!! In an awkward pose with his wife! Thank you for adding fuel to the speculation fire, Enty. I shall warm my hands on it

    An actual person irl'name is Eliza Doolittle?

    Taylor Swift is so talented.

  2. Who the f is is Eliza Doolittle?

  3. Kate Middleton would kneecap Swiftie.

    Blunt doesn't need a benefactor, he's still reaping the royalties from the muzak version of Beautiful.

    Whatever, Eliza Caird.

    I <3 Colin & Michelle!

  4. @TalksTooMuch... I thought the same. That dress is... well, 'not the ugliest she's worn' is about the nicest thing I can say, I guess. Saucer of cream, table two!

  5. She may be cray but TSwift is perfection

  6. E. Doolittle, apart from being someone called as my fair lady, is a (physically hot) British singer whose latest 'hit' (meaning this sometimes played in radios and TV) is 'big when I was little'. She is in a swimsuit in the video and the tune is kinda catchy albeit crappy.

  7. Ooh, Snapdragon, we should see if we can find that kind of compliment for everyone!

    Ie: Wow, Bon Jovi, that's awesome that you didn't feel like you had to dress up just because there is a prince next to you onstage!

    And: hey, lookit the knee on Eliza! It's all attached and everything!

    Your turn!

  8. Swifty is total perfection.

  9. Alicia and Reno, my sentiments exactly! Taylor always looks polished and put together and girl know how to conduct herself out in public while keeping the crazy behind doors (rumours).

  10. No sign of her heroin overdose. No sign of Ritchie Samboro either...

  11. I really very strongly dislike Taylor, but I must agree with you guys. She is a really good role model for young girls and is very aware that thousands upon millions of them idolize her, so she doesn't fuck up. Or even do anything remotely scandalous, even with all the bf's she has had I have never really gotten the impression that they bump uglies and that is not just because I am a gossip whore.

    James Blunt's gf looks very very familiar. Almost like a healthy, prettier Taylor Armstrong/Stacy Kiebler hybrid. I also realized that I have never actually seen James Blunt before this moment.

    1. Once again, with alllll the feelings: CELEBRITIES ARE NOT ROLE MODELS!!NEITHER SHOULD THUGGY DRUGGY BALL PLAYERS, OR MUSICIANS, REALITY STARS OR ANY OTHER NOT SPECIFICALLY MENTIONED. This whole "role model" idea was invented by Disney Corp to raise appeal of their stable of kiddos to the religious Right, hence, no drugs, purity rings, blah, blah that was used to make billions in merch sales. Find scientist, doctor,mathematician scout leader, or just plain ol' you, PLEASE parents! I've seen a few glimpses into that studio, the sausage making there, a little bit at Nick, and have a few longtime friends who scattered throughout that biz. You don't want any of their true selves involved w forming your kids. If this ultra perfect girl fake persona thing is ok w parents, what does that say to your kids? Its ok to screw a John Mayer at 19, when he's in his 30s, as long as you dress and act like the perfect 14 yr old? Sorry so long and ranty but this is a huge pet peeve of mine, as it can be a real disservice to kids with well meaning parents.

  12. Eliza Doolittle is the daughter of the original Les Miz Eponine both in London and Broadwat plus the director of the show, a theater royalty in England. She's got talent galore if she inherited anything from both parents.

  13. Blunt's gf looks like Angie Dickinson back in the 70's/80's.

  14. I don't think Taylor Swift gives a fuck whether Jon Bon Jovi notices her 'twerking'. The only two people who she wanted to notice are named William and Harry.

    Not that a British royal would throw it all away by running off with an American socialite...

  15. Exactly...thought it was an old photo of Angie Dickinson.

    Ita with Di butler...I unabashedly love Miley and people say she's a horrible role model for girls. I say if as a parent it's your job to be a role model and teach your kids how to behave. So they see Miley, Taylor, etc. as entertainers, not someone to emulate.

  16. I just love how Taylor Swift out-thinned Waity, as well as out-classed her. I can just see her seething at her parent's home! Also, I thought Waity was supposed to be 5'10-5'11? She is much shorter than that in heels on a daily basis compared to Swifty.

  17. The Queen would get rid of Taylor quick smart. Or Kate would do her thing with a hockey stick.

  18. Anonymous7:12 AM

    No sign of a heroin OD? Like lying on the floor? Enty, you're silly. Haven't you seen Pulp Fiction?
