Thursday, November 14, 2013

Your Turn

Submitted by a reader, I thought this one was interesting. Should there be speed limits on the highways? Some states have gone without speed limits in certain areas but there would always be some Scott Disick wannabe who would start going 150 and cause some accident and ruin it for everyone.


  1. I live in Montana, where we experimented briefly with eliminating speed limits. It makes sense here due to our relative lack of traffic compared with more urban areas and 99.9% of people respected the intent of the law and drove safely, but the 0.1% of idiots who decided to turn our highways into their personal racetracks ruined it for everyone.

    Plus, I don't want Justin Bieber and his sports cars anywhere near my state.

  2. I live in Atlanta and enjoy the HOV lane. I feel like I drive pretty fast but I'm cautious because some dipshit in the regular lane will always hop over unexpectedly. But the guy behind me doesn't care and is always on my ass. Go around! So no, I need speed limits

  3. Police should not be allowed to issue speeding tickets in rural areas unless the driver is causing saftey issues to other drivers.

  4. Instead, I vote for speed MINIMUMS on highways. Get off the road if you want to do 40, you're not welcome here. Take a side street.

  5. While it sounds nice, Nevada has some wide open spaces to drive in...not until the car itself knows to turn on the turn signal, stay to the right unless passing, and maintain a safe distance between vehicles.
    Most lives in the desert are lost when a driver gets on the shoulder at speed, over corrects to bring it back and flips the vehicle out into the sagebrush. One straight stretch of road had over 35 crosses before I got too sad to count any more. So, yes set limits.

  6. Yes there should be. I live in south floria which has the worst drivers in the country after southern cali. Im from cali but I think florida may have the worst because everyone is from the east coast. You got your grannies who drive so slow and dangerous. Then you got your miami idiots who swerve across 3 lanes on the expressway doing over 100 an hour. Yes we need speed limits.

  7. Left lane campers give me road rage. Slower traffic stay right or as I yell out the window "get the hell over"

  8. I wish there was no speed limit on the highway on the way to Vegas, but we need speed limits. There are too many speed racers on the road, not to mention those under the influence.

  9. No speed limit in LA is the most frightening proposition I could imagine.

  10. Yep I agree. I'm from NY but have been in Germany a long time. No speed limit works here because people know and follow the rules of the road like no passing on the right etc

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. No! Speee limits out here are 70-80. Plenty of people go slower, in the slow lane. Or they allow and help others to pass. Normal speed is 75-90. On the east coast limits were 25 on main roads so cops could selectively persecute anyone. That's the main purpose of speed limits - giving cops a way to get money. Out here people move and that creates a flow of money which stimulates the economy. No speed limits.

  13. How about a separate speed limit for the fast lanes?

    I am sick of cops and their tickets.
