Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Blind Item #2

At an event this week, the female celebrity I hate more than anyone right now made it a condition to her appearance that any person who spoke to her be removed from the event. Several people were removed from the event for the infraction and our celebrity who really can no longer be called an actress also tried to have two people removed who looked at her because she said they looked at her "angrily." I bet the cameras don't show any of that though.


  1. Anonymous7:33 AM

    Ya know, sometimes you're just not in the mood for it. She agreed to do the appearance but that day just wanted to go trough the motions. Ill give her a pass.

    1. Anonymous7:37 AM


      ((Clears throat))


  2. If its Lili, is she really wirth trouble?? And they call Streisand a diva!! At least her fits are about sound quality, lighting and mics, not getting rid if people cos the bloody smiled at her!!! Ugh to whiever this is ! Idiot

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. @ Bacon
      16 year old me had a huge crush on him. Those blue eyes were hypnotic. Sad to hear that he too is a jerk :-/ Cross another childhood crush off the list.

  4. Sounds like Lindsay with O's people filming and tagging along.
    Please, just go to some far reach of the world and get your shit together Lindsay. You once had so much promise and now it seems your only desire is to be famous, no matter the cost.

  5. I don't care fancy, if you are agreeing to the appearance, you are agreeing to the payment. Thus being near normal folks comes into play.

    While I still can't believe people would pay Lindsay for anything, this sounds realistic.

  6. fancy, didn't mean to sound crass with that comment, btw :) Just mad when people being PAID are dicks, ya know?

    AJ I deleted because I forgot how to correctly spell his dad's true last name. Yeah. He's a dick

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. @ Bacon
      Ahhhh. That makes sense. Now we have our own little thread that no one else understands. Muhwahahaha ....

    3. Anonymous8:14 AM

      BACON. No offense taken. I Totally get where u are coming from.

    4. C'mon, tell who you're talking about!

  7. LILO probably. It's difficult for her without drugs and alcohol! Lol

  8. It's just so hard to believe someone with such a good rep for professionalism would pull a stunt like this! Oh, LiLo, I was one of the 4 ppl on the planet rooting for her useless ass, even though I knew better, I hate seeing young ppl destroy themselves.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Having a bad day? Tough titty! People paid to see you and possibly get to spend some time with you. Do the job you're being overly paid for and STFU. I can't stand divas like this. I really can't. I don't think even Whitney was this bad and we all know she was a mega diva.

    Sorry sweetie your poo stinks just as much as the rest of us peons. I'd really love for it to be legal to smack people like this.

    I'm on the Lohan train. She sounds like the type of person who would pull something like this. Too bad she doesn't have the talent to back it up.

    1. Tough titty!! Hahah. Somehow now all I can imagine is lilos saggy sideboob situation. I mean, I really hate judging women's bodies, but seriously, such a young girl
      Should not have such saggy bobbies!

  11. LINNOCENT! until PROVEN guilty folks ; )

  12. God, what a piece of work she is. She has obviously learned nothing from her past mistakes and never will.

  13. If this is about Lohan, what's the matter with these people who want her sooo badly they'll do anything she says, why? Talk about scraping the bottom of the barrel.

  14. Linnocent! LOL That should be her next tatt.

  15. I guess I'm the only one who read it as KK.

    1. the kardashians have never been actresses

    2. Well KK did that disastrous role in the Tyler Perry movie. I wouldn't call that acting, but it was better than the acting she does on her shows!

  16. With a celebrity like this, my dream would be that when they make their appearance everyone turns their back and lowers their head.
    How can they even appear/perform for such lowly creatures as the rest of us?

  17. I totally read this as the Goopster

  18. Well hell.. I am more interested in @Bacon's deleted post then the actual blind.. *pouts*

  19. The bigger question to me is why anyone would invite Lindsay Lohan to anything now, in the first place.

    If people are paid to appear for public events, you are being paid to mingle with the little people. So get out there monkey and dance.

  20. @fancyscreenname - if you're not in the mood for it, stay at home for Christ's sake. No excuse!

    This can't be anyone but Lilo.

  21. Anne Hathaway at the Oct. 19 Pink Party Gala in Santa Monica.

  22. Nobody is going to watch this show. Just like no one watched the special Oprah did with Lohan, Oprah isn't going to have a network if she keeps thinking someone drug addicted, alcoholic and mentally disordered, who hasn't really worked in a decade in anything that's been watched is appealing to the masses.

    No one cares about this loser anymore.
