Friday, December 27, 2013

Blind Item #2

This former A+ list mostly movie actor who got his start in television has taken his career and walked away. The comic actor stays really quiet but this past week he went crazy with lust. The married actor who has never been known as a party guy was at two different gay clubs and had guys all over him and was making out with guys right and left and had his own private strip show in the VIP section of one of the clubs and was stuffing $20 bills wherever he could find room. At one point the actor even had some special attention from two of the men while the other three or four blocked the action from the rest of the club.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. mike myers was A+?????

  3. So I guess I'm not first with my Mike Myers guess.

  4. Mike Myers Is a cocksucking power bottom. He was sucking cock while getting fucked up the ass. Part of his daily faggot routine. He slso has anal herpes.

  5. Stuffing twenty dollar bills wherever there was room? My understanding of anatomy leaves me with only one guess, but -- really? Seriously?

  6. nancer, if Austin Powers put Liz Hurley on B+ list (as an actress), I would say he was at one time A+ in the Entern world. That along with Wayne's world.
    Also, Shrek

  7. Anonymous7:46 AM

    Mike Myers was on top of the world many moons ago, I would say he was def. former A+.

  8. Now i can't get the image of Shrek giggling like Austin powers while he stuffs cash into neon pink gstrings out of my head

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. .nut up and stop whining like a lil bitch, Massive. Some big boned fella musta thrown chowder dow yer gullet w/o paying the upsell for you to be so bittet you gotta tantrum again. Tell yer therapist to up yer dosage, kid.

  11. Get laid massive. You need pooooooooonnnn.

  12. Suck your boyfriend's dick, you punk assed bitch.

  13. Can we block users here?

    Listen, Roll tide roll if that will make me your friend, k?

  15. @ Nancer

    Yes, he was A+. If Enty defines A as having the name to open a movie on his or her own then successfully opening two back-to-back franchises is certainly A+.

  16. What's a "Obsmacare check?"

  17. Mike Meyers is not married. Also, he is no longer A and could not open a movie with a jaws of life machine.

  18. Myers is married. Got married a few years ago. And yes, Meyers was definitely A+ in the day, and just seemed to walk away from it, not counting voicework for Shrek.

  19. He's married Tru, her name is Kelly. I think that's the point, he walked away from his career.

  20. Fair enough Alabama, I'm more partial to Tennessee as it is :)

  21. I'm with love/hate - Jim Carrey.

  22. I don't believe Jim Carrey is married. Gotta agree with the Mike Meyers guess. After "The Love Guru" he was probably banned from H'wd. jk

  23. You misspelled Hawks.
    I'm sure you meant Ravens, dear.

  24. Nobody is guessing Travolta? I was imagining his "O" face the whole time I read this.

  25. Jim Carrey has been filming the Dumb and Dumber II, not him.

    Mike Meyers, but he walked away from his career or he just hasn't had a hit in a while? Two different things.

  26. Mike Myers is a good guess. His last couple of movies tanked but he was A list back in the days of Wayne's World, Austin Powers and Shrek. My guess is he's using the walked away line as a PR ploy. It beats saying 'no one would hire me'.

  27. I never understood why Mike Myers decided to stop acting...he always struck me as closeted and if this is him, I hope he and his wife have an understanding.

  28. I never understood why Mike Myers decided to stop acting...he always struck me as closeted and if this is him, I hope he and his wife have an understanding.

  29. Travolta started on welcome back Kotter, then moved into filims.

  30. I'm pretty sure this is meant to be Vinnie Barbarino aka Travolta.

  31. "Took his career and walked away" makes me think of Dave Chappelle

  32. It's totally Mike Myers. Think of how successful the Wayne's World, Austin Powers and Sherk movies were; definitely former A+ in the day. He has nothing interesting in his credits in the last decade, except Inglourious Bastards in 2009. AND he IS married now. He was married to Robin Ruzan from 93 to 07. He then married Kelly Tisdale in 2010, they had a baby in 2011 and in October of this year, they announced they're having another baby.

    Travolta never "walked away" from his career. Clearly meant BI to be Myers. Sad, if he cannot be true to who he really is...

  33. I wouldn't class travolta as a comedic actor, he's varied.

  34. Mike Myers always seems "done" then comes back with a huge franchise. First, Wayne's World, then Austin Powers, then Shrek. I wouldn't be surprised if he has another in his career. I don't think this is about him, just an observation. Travolta isn't really comedy (on purpose) and I thought Eddie Murphy at first, but don't know if he would be considered "quiet" (except maybe personal life?)

  35. Everything Veruca said. Myers was 100% A+ list, opened many movies, aside from being A+ list tv on SNL. He's mega rich from the profits of Shrek and has no reason to do much of Anything. Party On, Wayne.
