Saturday, December 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

June 10, 2008

Word of advice to all actors, actresses, or just "everyday people" it is probably not a good idea to have an affair with someone who works for a cell phone provider. It would also behoove you to be smart enough to figure out this before you go through 4 cell phones.

An Academy Award winning actor who is married with child(ren) is aging, but not told. Perhaps he is going through a mid-life crisis, or perhaps he is trying to relive his glory days when women actually thought he was hot. For whatever reason, our actor decided to hit on the woman at the Verizon Wireless store. She was less than half his age which makes her legal, but barely. From what I understand she had no clue who he was even when he filled out the enrollment form. Someone told her later after he had left. Well, being the idiot that most guys are, our actor was back the next day because he couldn't get something to work on the phone. Now informed who our actor was, the salesperson hit on him hard. The actor was flattered and asked her to lunch. Lunch led to another lunch which led to knocking boots back at her place. Another note to those having affairs. Roommates do not keep secrets well.

Our actor enjoyed his time with the salesperson but thought it best to end things because he was, after all, married. Our salesperson had other plans and decided to call our actor...often. Our actor changed phone numbers. But he didn't change companies. So, it must have been a shock when he started receiving calls on his new number from our salesperson. This process repeated several more times until our actor finally figured out that perhaps he should change numbers and companies. Guess he didn't mind paying the early termination fee. So what should he do about the packages that keep arriving in the mail? Oh sure. The idiot put down his home address when he signed up for service. Good thing he doesn't work much so he can stay home to get those packages.

Kevin Costner


  1. He's a dog. Always has been.

  2. I read this as Ben Affleck but, yeah, Kevin Costner makes sense.

  3. He may be a dog, but she's a bunny boiler. He's not interested, lady. Move on.

  4. I agree Nutty----fire her ass!!!!!!!

  5. Costner is a tool. LOL! Dances with Dumbass.

  6. Why would she hitch her wagon to him? Bull Durham Kevin, I can see..but it sounds like when that cam out she wasn't even alive.
    Oh, or No Way Out Kevin.

    Nutty nailed it, she's crazy.

  7. I call shenanigans on this. Unauthorized access of a person's cell phone record is a federal offense. If this really happened to Kevin Costner, he could've called the cell phone provider's customer care number and that employee would've been fired and arrested.

    He wouldn't have even gone into details... all he would've had to say is "i'm a celebrity and one of your employees has been contacting me on my personal phone that she signed up for me and I don't think it's right" and there would've been some extreme legal action. This shit is taken very seriously at cell phone companies and any breach of customer data is reported to the FBI.

  8. *came out

    Also, what do people think when they do this? That the person will 'come to their senses' and say Oh hey stalker psycho, you were right. We belong together!

  9. AD he's a married cheater who can't even figure out his cell phone. Odds are he would think that involves disclosing a lot of details that would result in a divorce and lots of alimony.

  10. @AD, in the real world, if Costner had done that, this chick would have gone running to the tabloids. He was (poorly) trying to control the situation until she gave up.

  11. OT: Matthew Broderick walked into an acquaintance's mobile store and wanted to buy a phone so forth. No one recognized him and my acquaintance and her employee were up to their ears in requests. They politely told him it would be at least 20 minutes before they could get to him, and he could wait, or choose to go somewhere else. They apologized profusely for the inconvenience. Broderick did choose to go elsewhere, but not before thanking them for letting him know of the delay. A customer in the store told them who he was after they left.

  12. True... I guess I was just thinking from the corporate point of view lol

  13. AD I think that even if he had considered it that he still would not have complained because No. 1 He looks like an idiot and No. 2 If this chick is a bunny boiler there is a risk that if she gets fired, she will sell her story to a tabloid, if she hasn't already.

  14. I guess he didn't think she was so "neat" after all. ;)

  15. Him cheating is a matter for his wife, but this girl is a stalker and has no business continuously contacting him. He should get get fired.

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. fatal attraction's remake!

    it's weird to believe for me because the access to personal informations of the celebrity clients
    by the telecom's employees is very surveyed and controlled in France for example

  18. @AD Maybe it wasn't his cell phone "record" just his personal information to obtain the new number. Customer information is available to anyone who works for the company. It's the disclosing of personal information to outsiders that's the problem.

    Girl is def psycho tho'.

  19. Best laugh I've had in a long time. Thanks, Enty.

  20. I also find that one hard to believe. Don't celebrities have assistants for this? I really can't picture him just walking into a store to get a phone, and then just going to the girl's house to have sex.

  21. I'm with AD, this is a fireable offense but I do understand why he would be reluctant to say anything. The company could have been contacted and requested not to disclose who the person was that complained to protect his safety. I mean if she was stalking him before it could be even worse if she found out it was him that got her fired. The provider definitely could have handled it for him with limited exposure on his part.

  22. couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

  23. Anonymous12:37 PM

    what was she sending him?

  24. Great story! Although why would he go to the girl's house? I think Mr. Costner can still afford a hotel room.

  25. I had a friend who had an affair with him back in the 90s. He was very cold and extremely boring. I can see him being stupid enough to do this and stupid enough to not know how to correct the situation. I guess Alec isn't the only one with a determined stalker.

  26. I find Kevin Costner about as attractive as a dead, wet fish even before he opens his mouth, it just goes downhill from there. Somebody didn't know who he was then thought he was her main chance so jumped on it and won't let go? GROSS. Everybody involved is yuck

  27. I'm sure KC's wife is aware of his proclivities - after all, he had a history before she married him. That psycho Verizon chick, though. That's a lot of trouble to go through for a mediocre piece of ass. I would like to think that my sisters were better than that, but next thing you know, they're down on their knees servicing some D List celebrity for god only knows what reason. It's disheartening, is what it is.
