Saturday, December 07, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

January 7, 2013

If you ask this former almost A list television actress and now permanent B list reality star about the life threatening illness she once said she had, she will tell you that it was all a huge publicity ploy at a time where people were calling her some not very nice names. She says that she is fully prepared to have it make a huge comeback if she ever needs it again. meanwhile though she is happy traveling from country to country earning big paychecks and meeting rich men.

Pamela Anderson


  1. Yeah Hep C is a great publicity ploy. Probably really helped her mani/pedicurist when she claimed to have gotten it from him. Yeah, it had nothing to do with all of her and Tommy's partners.

  2. I thought this was already revealed.

    1. That's because it was. I guess when there are 15 blinds a day and reveals every single weekend, there's gonna be some overlap.

    2. But you know even a very simple spread sheet - date of original blind and date of reveal - should stop this happening. I'm quite sure even my 7 year old would be able to cobble that together.

    3. AGC updates each reveal by day, but with all these "almost" reveals, it's really cluttered.

    4. I agree, it's sloppy.

  3. I think the reaveal was a different but very similar blind item.

  4. So... She just naturally has a yellow zombie glow? :-/

  5. This was definitely already revealed. At least it's one that can't be double revealed as someone else!

    I used to like Pam, back when she was writing a column for Jane magazine. Her columns were funny and pretty good. I found out later from a pretty reliable source that they were ghost written. ಠ_ಠ

  6. guys should insist on a certified health department screening, methinks.

  7. Really, Seven? I loved her columns in Jane! She came off as funny, bright, and quite normal. Ugh, figures it was a ghost writer.

  8. She said on Larry King Live that she got Hep C from Tommy.

    But I did have a liver biopsy. And a liver is rated from zero to four. Four is cirrhosis, cancer, you know, and liver transplant. My liver is -- and a healthy liver is zero. So I'm a one.

    And they said it's a miracle that my liver is as healthy as it is. And they said keep doing what you're doing, you're taking good care of yourself. And I'm vegetarian. I look after myself. I don't drink that much. And definitely now my doctor said, no drinking at all, as your doctor; but as your friend, you can have a glass of red wine every once in a while.

    KING: Do you know what caused it?

    ANDERSON: I do know what caused it. I know that when my doctor told me that when I was first married that we had a full physical -- Tommy and I had a physical when we came back from Cancun after we were married. And he had told Tommy that he has hepatitis C, and he has to disclose this to me. You know, it's the only thing he should do.

    KING: He never told you?

    ANDERSON: And he never told me, even though he told the doctor that he did tell me.

    Then the only thing I can think of is when we shared a needle getting a tattoo. And then when I came back from there, a while ago I talked to my doctor and my doctor said, well, you have this in your bloodwork, and you know how you got it.

    And I said, no. And he goes, well, your husband didn't tell you that he has hepatitis C? And I said, no, he didn't tell me that. And he said, well, he told me that he told you that. So he felt like he could talk to me about it. And I said, no, he never said it. So he never told me.

    So that's how he believed that I got hepatitis C.

  9. that isnt nice in several diff ways. shame on you, pam.

  10. My friends Mom is a nurse for the doctor whom was treating Pam's Hep C. She works for UCLA medical center and said Pam was the nicest celebrity she's ever given health care to, which was a lot.

    She truly has Hep C. This blind is BS

    1. I believe you. For some reason, I've always rooted for her. I think she means well, and I don't believe blinds like this or the ones that say she's a shitty mom. Now, being an escort? Possibly, but I say why not. They're all consenting adults who know the game they're playing.

  11. Sharing a needle getting a tattoo? What reputable tattoo artist would do that? Am I missing something because I've never gotten a tattoo but that seems like BS right there.

  12. She is lying about NOT having it. It's hard to get men to pay for sex with you when you have Hep C.

  13. Anonymous12:45 PM

    i thought she has said it basically went away, so maybe she is saying she would use it again if she needed to even though she is healthy?

  14. I really like Pamela Anderson, she's got an awesome personality in interviews. I could see this being something for a sympathy ploy, it isn't super easily transferrable.

  15. Ok, maybe superdumb question, but wouldn't she had gotten it from sex with him? Or is that not possible?
    Because everyone is talking about needles and stuff, while they had unprotected sex all the time.

  16. Shinobi...great nurse your friend's mom is. Did she forget about HIPAA?
    If she really does work for Pam's doctor she should be fired.

  17. Yeah, I'm with goes in circles. The nurse could be fired, fined, and UCLA sued.

    Hep C doesn't go away. Pam should.

  18. I just heard an NPR report on a new drug that CURES hep C in 80 percent of cases, so this story, even if it is true, might well be moot before long.

  19. @ Jenn & @goes in circles:

    Yeah, a woman with a thirty year career should be fired because she happened to tell her kid what a lovely patient and person Pam Anderson was (this was years ago, btw) and her kid told me and I'm snitching it out here.

    Ha! Yeah right!

    Get off your high horse and GTFO..
