Saturday, December 21, 2013

Blind Items Revealed

July 3, 2013

This almost A list mostly movie actress from a former hit franchise is trying to show how tough and punk she is. It is pretty hard to look tough though when you are screaming at a waiter in English which he does not understand about how he is going to lose his job if he is passing over non-vintage champagne instead of vintage.

Kristen Stewart


  1. if it looks like a see ya next tuesday and acts like a see ya next tuesday its a see ya next tuesday not a "punk".

  2. She always looks like she's in a bad mood to me.

  3. Yeah that ain't punk but It's got some of the same letters. And honestly can she really tell the dif between vintage and non?

  4. Like milk from 2012, she's past her expiration and pull date.

    Only the Twiturds care. But not enough to pay good money to see their "favorites" in their latest unsinkable floater.

    Enty, please make 2014 a Twiturd free year.


  5. haha I hate her with a passion. She makes Avril Levigne look like Patti Smith

  6. Shes just a bitch who doesn't really appreciate she has probably gotten farther in life than she probably deserves.

  7. Damn Lulu doesn't even know which finger to shoot up. Id respect her more if she wasn't saying shes #1

  8. I agree with all the above statements, Kristen is a spoiled
    little snit. I especially agree with

  9. I don't like people who treat those in the service industry poorly. It speaks volumes as to how he/she really is.

  10. I kind if get why you want aged wine, but wouldn't old champagne mean less bubbles? Isn't it all about the bubbles???

  11. She's on the verge of becoming a full-fledge alcoholic.

  12. She must have wanted the cold duck!! How dare they!!

  13. I still feel like Kstew being a movie star is some Hollywood exec playing a cruel joke on us all.

  14. Look who is here. The Sultan of Snark, the Maple Leaf Gary Sinise... Welcome Back, TTM.

  15. Ha! My Puppy Training comment from the original post, was one of my favorite drives into work ever. It also kinda got me hot on the idea of puppy training a broad.

    I think that ad would get pulled from Craigslist pretty quickly though. Probably also isn't worth the $50/month to have an ad on

  16. Punk my ass!!! I'd mosh pit her into tomorrow if I heard her speak to someone like that!
    Anyone, for that matter.
    Manners, and patience, cost nothing.

  17. Everybody is ragging on KStew, but I like her. A lot. She's really pretty, and ........ probably some other good things too. The thing is, after that truly idiotic fake cheating scandal with Rupert Sanders she has become a target of jealous Hollywooders. False gossip and blinds. This blind is most likely another one. There are assholes that behave badly to wait staff of course, but not KStew. She lives quietly and is polite to people and I know in my heart that I can make her love my dick.

  18. The ONLY reason that this brat keeps working is because her parents work in the business and are super connected. Her dad produces tv. I forget what her mom does. But they have been around Hollywood for ages. Their connections are the only reason she has gotten this far.

  19. Another juicy tidbit from H'wd Dime. I lurve you!

  20. She was the popular guess for this I remember.

  21. @harry knuckles i like her too. But i haaaaaaaaaaaate she wont come out as the lesbian she is. I mean my gaydar screams n stomps it feet when i see pics of her, and shes always with "a friend" who is obvs a futch. Just come out girl the weathers beautiful

  22. futch=femme butch, looks masc but still is a lil girly and is usually a bottom (2 steal a gay mans term lol, u get my drift)

  23. lesbian, thanks for explaining "futch". I was all set to head over to Google when I saw your second post. Now, you say that a futch is usually a "bottom". I didn't know that lesbians have the same sort of position considerations that gay guys do. My understanding of lesbian sex is that it is mostly mutual soft touching and caressing that can be both administered and received while lying beside each other. Am I to take it then that there is more to it then that? To get right to the point, why is there a need for a "bottom"? We can talk about this in email rather then on the blog if you prefer.

  24. Thanks Hollywood Dime! Now it all makes sense.

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  28. lol I just come here to read absurd comments/theories

  29. Well, Kstew is much better than Miley or LiLo or Amanda Bynes.

  30. Boring, stupid, untalented girl. I look forward to the day (coming soon!) when I forget that I ever knew her name.

    I saw a picture of her as a blonde recently. She looks prettier and less grungy/sullen with lighter hair.

  31. this was when she was trying to land chanel campaign,,

  32. People don't seem to get KStew's sense of humour.. (if true) this is probably one of those times. Kristen appears to be a perfectly reasonable human being to me.

    This is an oldie, but a cutie:
