Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Khloe Kardashian Is A Soap Opera

If you miss soaps as much as I do, then here is a plot line that will make you seem right at home. Lamar Odom and Khloe Kardashian are still married. The only reason the marriage stayed together this long is because of the show which needed a story line in the worst way since Kan-Ye was not willing to appear. So, you have Lamar cheating on Khloe with hookers and strippers and presumably doing every kind of drug on the planet and bragging about it while Khloe pretended to suffer. Actually though Khloe was hooking up with The Game under the guise of working out with her brother who has his own issues. Khloe had to keep the relationship secret with The Game because it conflicted with what was being filmed for the show.

Enter Matt Kemp. The highly paid, oft injured outfielder for the Los Angeles Dodgers who formerly used to have sex with Rihanna on a regular basis wants to stay in LA. he is desperate to stay in LA and one of the reasons is he wants to be a star off the field too. It is one of the reasons Rihanna dumped him. She called him a star f**ker. Khloe, already married and pretending her marriage is s-l-o-w-l-y falling apart so the show can film her destruction is having sex with The Game but now she meets Matt and she likes Matt. She likes athletes with guaranteed contracts. Plus Matt wants to be on television. So, what do you do? You start dating him and start doing a little filming and file for divorce and start talking about doing a new show where Khloe starts dating again and goes through a couple of guys before finding her true love Matt Kemp and wouldn't you know it there is already footage of them having their first date. If this scenario sounds familiar it is because Kim did the same thing after the Reggie Bush drama.


  1. She's a soap opera? Damn. All this time I thought she was a wookie.

  2. Charlie Sheen drama is more entertaining to read.
    Just FYI

  3. A young Charlie Sheen (think Platoon) killing a wookie is a movie I would buy.
    Just FYI

  4. Anonymous6:15 AM

    she's calculating. ((Shrugs))

  5. FY

    I can't see a wookie killing off soap opera happening, then again..Finding Bigfoot. Selling their seasons for Christmas.
    Berringer,Sheen..unhinged going after the Yeti..GAME ON. No CALLSIES IF THERE IS A CAR

    1. Hey, what's going on you two? This is a family gossip site. Keep the flirtation down.

  6. Well, well, well, what do you know? Here it is Wednesday already! And just one week before Christmas. Is everyone ready or have you all fallen into an alcohol induced coma just to avoid the fuss?

  7. I would watch Charlie Sheen and Matt Kemp dating show before any bullshit Kookfest.

  8. Under the guise of working out with her brother? I think we can all agree that given Rob's current zeppelin status that that's probably one of the weakest affair cover ups EVER.

  9. I refuse to care about these people. I'm gonna say something that almost sounds like a compliment. PMK should just be a show runner and stop making everyone watch her nasty as family.

  10. @ sherry your right love her or hate her she is the evil genius behind the K push. The crazy bitch could
    Probably make anything work, look at how "popular" they are.

  11. Oh who gives a shit?

    1. And as long as she trolls for rappers and athletes, who dont have the best time being faithful, it wont work. I think shes having delayed adolescence.

  12. Stop. Just STOP.

  13. --A young Charlie Sheen (think Platoon) killing a wookie is a movie I would buy.
    Just FYI--

    Is "killing a wookie" a euphemism for something? If so, I'm in.

  14. maybe Bruce can get some advice from her on how to really pass-off as a natural woman when you looka like a man

  15. Hmmm. Way off base about her and The Game. They were never an item. Still investigating (waiting to hear a story from someone close to matt) the matt kemp thing. I'm hearing things, but they don't quite match up with this rambling acct, enty has here.

  16. she looking for some change

  17. Well, the reason Rihanna dumps anyone is that she's a psycho, but his starfucking must have been an enhancing factor.

  18. Lol Vera, if it isn't an euphemism it should be.

    What sad little lives this family leads.

  19. audrey, I am organised but would like to be in an alcoholic stupor so I can endure the horror of Christmas Day with my husband's family. He doesn't want to go either. Apart from that, time off & catching up with friends - awesome!

  20. @FSP oh my goodness, classic! I am dying laughing...wookie

  21. Popped in just to ask, "Who in the f*ck cares about this person?" If her family does, fine, but she in no way imaginable deserves fame or even celebrity. That goes for a lot of people, though. My theory is that Americans are just bored out of their f*cking minds, so they let this happen.

  22. So what...sounds like good tv to me.

    Did anyone get killed in the making of this reality show?

  23. It's sad, Matt Kemp is a known woman beater. Khloe is going to end up middle aged and married a bunch of times all for the sake of a show and end up with no family of her own. She'll have money but she'll be that crazy aunt in a few years if she's not careful. I dislike her the least, and yes Rob's really mentally ill, thanks to his mother. He's got some real serious problems
