Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Random Photos Part Eight - All Reader Photos Part Five

Reader Photo #1
Reader Photo #2
Reader Photo #3
Reader Photo #4
Reader Photo #5
Reader Photo #6
Reader Photo #7
Reader Photo #8
Reader Photo #9
Reader Photo #10


  1. There are a lot of hot ginger readers.

  2. congrats #7 and Mona Lisa and Wonder Woman showed up too! All beauties

  3. Another lovely group AGAIN!

  4. Gorgeous woman, number 7. You look like Kate , prince Williams wife and you're a blessed woman. You have a Demi Moore pregnancy.. a big belly and nothing else. Congrats to you, girly.

  5. Anonymous1:57 PM

    I am 8. But who is the hot number 2 mmmm lol

    1. Laura you look like Laura Linney.

  6. Yay, Laura Ramona. Lovely shot.

  7. Beautiful readers!

  8. yes Laura is beeyoutiful

  9. Hi Readers! Congrats #7 and #9, your kiddos are such cutie pies!!

  10. Lovelies all. Congratulations on the pretty bebes,even the Bebe belly :-)

  11. Gah! Why did I send in my picture. I feel like the lump of coal in a pile of diamonds. Damn you all to hell. Can I say you're friends so people will want to hang out with me too? LOL!

  12. I'm #6! Long time lurker, needing to be a more frequent poster. Love the commenters... You guys keep me laughing! Currently in the hospital for emergency gall bladder surgery and you all help pass the time!

    1. You're lovely! Sorry about the surgery. Been there, done that... :(

  13. @onenicemonster, I hope that you are feeling better and get well soon :)

  14. @onenicemonster Hit that pain med dispenser like it's a clicker for Jeopardy. "I'll take federally regulated narcotics for $1000 please, Alex"

    Also, if you end up high as a kite and need someone to confess your deepest, darkest fantasies to.... I'm here for ya. I'm damn good at keeping secrets.

    Nice pic, BTW.

  15. Thank you, good sir! I plan to Vicodin it up when I get home later, and if I wake up and have some kind of delicious, dastardly thoughts to share, you'll be first on my list to divulge to. ;)

    Also, I'd like to add you are one of my absolute favorite commenters, so keep up the jolly good work!

  16. Happy New Year from me...aka #5 : )

  17. I don't get why so many women feel the need to have to strike the 'Am I f@ckable?' pose and make the 'I'm cute, right?' face, when presenting themselves to strangers...

    I don't get why they feel they have to look sexy to be accepted by a community (here: CDAN fandom)

    I feel sooo sorry for their lack of self-confidence.

  18. @LoMo They don't HAVE to look sexy to be appreciated here. I just enjoy connecting a face to a screen identity. On the other hand, what's so wrong with wanting other people to find you attractive?

    I'm glad that you're secure enough with your lot in life to not give 2 fucks about it, but some of us actually enjoy the fact that relative strangers think we might possibly be good looking or even, dare I say, sexually desirable. I don't consider it shallow.

    Feel free to post your SAT/ACT scores, or a brief essay on anything of your choosing. I'd be happy to compliment you on your raw intellect or searing insight on the topic. Just don't assume that we're a bunch of vapid twits struggling with our insecurities.

    Happy New Years


  19. Charlie, I cannot like your comment enough! Wtf with people ragging on reader photos? It's one of my favorite times here.

    Happy New Year!

  20. I'm #1 with my son. Don't know why I'm posting as Unknown my usual name is Lucky. Oh well, beautiful readers as always!

  21. charlie ,you come a long way from ''i have to ask my wife '' .you to funny.keepit up.
