Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Random Photos Part Five

Julie Andrews and Dick Van Dyke together again gets the top spot.
Julie then does the fake love with Emma Thompson while
Tom Hanks asks why Dick keeps calling him every night.
Also at the premiere was Colin Farrell who looked great.
Also looking great was Jason Schwartzman.
Bethenny Frankel does a photo with her daughter after taking a one month break.
Hello Britney Spears.
Bruce Willis takes his youngest daughter out in the cold.
Speaking of cold. It was a little cold yesterday for Courtney Stodden to do this whole topless thing on the beach.
David Beckham and his daughter win the photo of the day.
Do you think January Jones ever really smiles?


  1. Everything Mary Poppins should make people smile.

  2. January is smiling with her eyes.

  3. Julie Andrews looks fantastic

    And I'm stealing Harper for myself, she's too adorable

  4. Love Julie Andrews and DVD!

    Why do people insist on photoshopping Britney so much? We all know her calves are enormous and stumpy.

  5. I don't mind Britney's been photoshopped into oblivion.


  6. I love January, even if she is a pouty puss

  7. That is such an awesome pic of the Beckham bebeh. Colin Farrell DOES look amazing. I used to love me some DVD but now I'm conflicted. Too mnay rumours

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Why, yes! Enti du jour! JJ does smile! Yesterday another enti posted a picture of her doing so holding her son and Santa with them.

  10. I'm surprised at the difference in height in the picture of Tom Hanks and Dick Van Dyke. Hanks looks to be half a foot taller. Maybe something going on with the camera angle and also with Dick slouching a little. They are both 6 footers so it just looks odd.

    Bethenny Frankel along with all of the other Real Housewives needs to fuck off and die.

  11. @harry, remember people shrink as they age

    1. You're right about that Runs, but geez, half a foot?

  12. That Harper is one beautiful kid.

  13. There's nothing sexier than a man who loves his kids.

    1. Anonymous11:42 AM

      @madlyb: AND vacuums!

  14. If Dick Van Dyke shrink that much after being fucking huge, I'm gonna be a really tiny old lady. 4'6 or some shit. Ugh.

    I'm not one to say awwww, I'm an eye roller usually but David and Harper...AWWWWWWW

  15. Wasn't there a blind about Angelina really wanting Colin but settling for Brad? Or did I dream that

    1. @GatorGirl I think we have all dreamt that.

  16. Dick looks like he's kind of hunched laughing.

    Harper and Becks are so adorable! And oh my, yes, Mr Farrell cleans up nicely. I have a soft spot in my heart for him because of "In Bruges".

  17. @paris CONGRATS on another caption this victory!! i meant to make mention of it the last time i noticed (couple months back i think) but forgot.. i love my cdan, but i NEED my micahel k!!

  18. Also notice how much taller Colin Farrell is that Jason by where they stand in the Hanks poster behind them. Colin does look gorgeous there. And yes, I can see Angie wanting that bad boy.

  19. That pic of Beckham and Harper just made my heart melt. Awwww. JJ DOES always look bitchy and depressed. I think she's purposely pouting to show Sudeikis how cruel he was to leave her alone and miserable. Just my little pet theory. My feeling is, Enough already with the pouting. If that IS the situation, I think she needs to move on, get some antidepressants and/or therapy and try to be happy, or at least content, something other than the "Debbie Downer" mopey face she always has on. I don't understand how she can look so flat and emotionless every single GD day! It's starting to get on my nerves. Maybe she's just that way in public, but somehow I don't think so. It can't be healthy for her Son to have such an emotionless mother. Just saying...

  20. just remembered that happy pic from yesterday, so maybe she is sometimes happy...

  21. Thx again Enty for not publishing the Hoda Kotb bikini pics (however she looks better in hers than Stodden does here.) Keep up the good work!

  22. la pendeja- thank you!!! Just a runner up this time.... :)

  23. Anonymous5:26 PM

    Maybe January Jones has a scheme to never smile in a paparazzi picture, thinking maybe they will finally lose interest?

    Colin Farrell looks so...clean here. Yum.

    And Beckham and his daughter - that is an amazing picture. Love it so much.

  24. Love Julie Andrews and DVD... I am actually watching the REAL Sound of Music Right now.. Enjoying this infinitely more than last week's debacle. And I love DB and Harper7 , that is the most adorable photo yet, but I bet they top it. Made me smile.

  25. Wow that photo of Harper looks just like my Isla. Except Isla has her hair in a little bob at the moment … I cut it so it would all be one length and got those frizzy little baby ends off.

  26. I love January Jones and think that maybe she just finds the whole paparazzi thing around her gorgeous boy very intrusive. She's just awkward.

    Love Julie Andrews. Always feel badly that she can no longer sing.

    Colin Farrell cleans up real nice.

    Why are Courtney Stodden and Bethenny Frankel famous?!?

    I wish I was a Beckham. That little girl is going to have access to the fiercest momma's closet EVER.

  27. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Perhaps JJ is a protective mum & doesn't enjoy her little guy bring exposed to flashes and yelling and crowds of paps FFS
