Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Today's Blind Items - The Nurse

A nurse at a doctor's office is willing to quit her job if the price is high enough to go on the record with a tabloid. The job? She is a nurse at a plastic surgeon's office and knows who got what and when and specifically has lots of information about that A list reality star who gave birth not that long ago and a list of procedures the star has had done over the years including nose jobs, two breast lifts (including one after birth), an augmentation, two tummy tucks (including one after birth) several instances of lipo including at least two since the birth of the child. It seems that one almost member of the family had a little help in the lower extremities to make him slightly bigger. Nice.

The nurse also has information on this former B list mostly television actress who has not had much work since her hit network show went off the air. That actress had multiple breast augmentations including going up a full size because her boyfriend at the time wanted her to look "more like a porn star." That relationship lasted about three months. There is not a month that has gone by in the past five years that the actress has not come in for some procedure.

There is the married celebrity mom who has an A+ list offspring. The mom, who is married to a celebrity came in to get butt implants and a breast augmentation and lift. What makes it juicy is that the mom was accompanied by a man to the procedure by someone who is not her husband but who she was making out with before the surgery and who picked her up after and brought her in for the followup.

There is the former Tween star at Disney. Well, multiple ones really. The one who got naked before has had a breast augmentation. The one who has been hooked on drugs has had lipo.


  1. Kim K for Part 1, obvi

    1. If #1 is KimK, a breast lift, a tummy tuck, and two lipo procedures in less than 6 months - that's stamina.

    2. It makes sense tho. That's why her ass is sooo gross looking now. My sister got lipo and then gained weight back it goes to wierd places. So maybe that's why it went from being a good
      Looking butt to the weirdness it is
      Now. and her face is very very cat like to me

  2. Kim K
    Teri Hatcher
    Miley and Demi

  3. KimK - A-list reality star

    Kanye or Disick - almost member of the family

    PMK - married celebrity mom

    Miley and Demi - Disney Tweeners

    1. scratch PMK as married celebrity mom

  4. i think
    1. kim m
    2. blake lively
    4. miley & demi. noy sure about miley though

  5. I guess HIPPA doesn't apply in Hollyweird?

    My guesses: All of them, Every single fucking one of them.

    There. No need for guessing. You're welcome. ;)

  6. Not Teri Hatcher - they're real and they're spectacular.

  7. Disney tweeners Vanessa Hudgens and Demi Lovato..?

  8. 1. Betheny
    3. celeb mom: Miley's mom
    4 Tween one Vanessa hudgens.
    Tween two Demi Lovato

  9. Naked Disney tweener - Vanessa Hudgens

  10. Disney stars-
    Lilo for the Disney star hooked on drugs

    Naked before Hutchens when those pics of her naked "leaked"

  11. Kardashian, Terri Snatcher, Bieber's mom, Vanessa Hudgens-tits, Demi-lipo

  12. PamMo - ah but that was a long time ago, I'm sure they've sagged since then. :)

  13. HIPPA invalidates this blind. How does an attorney not know that.

  14. Yeah, really, no matter how weird your medical procedures may seem, you have the expectation of privacy. There are amazing things i know about people and i never never say a word. Its private. And im not even a drs office. Things ive known for years. If she exposes thus, she shkd be proscecuted. Its just wrong and goes. against my grain. And i happen to think most people think like me.

  15. Miley had a boob job, really? she should sue!

  16. I mean really, what's even the point of this blind? Hasn't everyone in Hollywood had some sort of plastic surgery and it's the people who haven't who are the odd ones out?

    And yes, Auntliddy - I would imagine most normal, sane people would agree with you.

  17. I thought #2 was Eva Longoria.

  18. Miley's mom with Bret Michaels I'm guessing.

  19. HIPPA means the nurse is in trouble, probably danger of losing her license, if she actually reveals the information with actual names of the patients.

    The first sentence of the blind is that she's willing to quit her job if she gets paid enough for her information.

    In short, she's factoring in the HIPPA violation as a cost of doing business. It's stupid and unethical as hell, but that should hardly give a moment's pause to the readers here, who daily read of rapists and child molesters being protected by big-money corporations in search of a few more bucks.

  20. @JAS, a HIPPA violation isn't just a fine. Violation of HIPPA "for personal gain or malicious reasons" is tier 2 and prosecuted as a criminal violation with up to ten years in jail. The doctor's office could face tier 1 monetary penalties and then slap a civil suit on her, not to mention clients revealed. However much she would think she's going to get wouldn't cover all of that, especially if PMK comes after her.

  21. I'd go Lohan and Demi for the last one.

  22. +1 @seven of eleven. and let's not forget injunctions--a lawyer would have to be brain dead to sign off on paying any money for this stuff since an injunction could make it unpublishable in a heartbeat.

  23. 1. Heidi Klum
    3 ?
    4. Demi Lovato

  24. V-Huds boobs are way small ( especially for her body type ) to be fake. No way those are implants.

    Or they're the subtlest implants in the history of boob jobs.

  25. HIPPA is Federal law. Violations are Federal offenses. It's much more than losing your job.

    And my guess for 1 and 3 are the K-trashes

  26. Do we know anyone prosecuted for HIPPA violations? Prosecuted beyond a slap on the wrist? Absolutely nothing is really private any more unless you and only you have the information.

    And really, about this, who cares. Finally there is speculation Kimmode also had the smile surgery that uplifts corners of the mouth.

  27. Not to be a nerd, but it's HIPAA, not HIPPA.

  28. @E, I was just about to post that I keep typing HIPPA and HIPAA! For some reason, I keep typing it phonetically.

    @math, Nurse Prosecuted over HIPAA Breach

    The US Attorney in that state said: Long gone are the days when medical employees were able to snoop around the office files for ‘juicy’ information to share outside the office. We are committed to providing real meaning to HIPAA.

  29. I'm just glad it was "TWO breast lifts" rather than the one. Would've looked awkward. Though I can't speak to "two tummy tucks"...

  30. There was a former scandal involving a person in the medical field in California (a nurse, I think) who sold information to the tabloids. She didn't worry about HIPAA because she was dying. She wanted money to make her remaining days more comfortable. Who knows, maybe this nurse is in the same position. Still unethical and illegal, but that might explain why she's willing to talk for a good price, despite the obvious legal issues.

  31. I'm going to go with Efron for #4 (lipo) because it makes me giggle.

  32. @Squeezbox, it could also be the that the nurse is not an American citizen, and plans to take the tabloid cash and live large in a country that does not have an extradition treaty with the U.S. China, Russia, many African countries...lots to choose from, and lots of nurses that come from these countries. If they can't bring home Eddie Snowden, I doubt the Feds could manage to extradite a chatty health-care professional.

  33. Even if the nurse doesn't get prosecuted and/or sued, she's never gonna get another nursing job. And if she did, she'd lose it as soon as anyone googles her name. Hope they pay her enough to where she never has to work again.

  34. Keep your day job, honey. She likely had to sign an NDA. Besides, 1. I think we all know the answers to these, and 2. Nobody cares!

  35. It's been pretty blatant KK had surgery to "lose" that baby weight and I agree Seven of Eleven what stamina indeed. Bit ironic isn't it that Kanye's mother died from surgerical complications during plastic surgery.

    The nurse is stupid she and the receptionist should have made a deal.

  36. If it were real medical issues I'd be appalled, but I already think plastic surgery violates the Hippocratic Oath so I don't much care about the HIPAA violation. Anyway, I work in the medical industry and this is just the tip of the iceberg (no pun intended) for ethical violations.

  37. Kim k is the mom.

  38. Would it be that big a tabloid score? Most of the people she'd reveal, it's pretty obvious they've had work done. There's this funny thing called the Internet, and before and after photos.

  39. Well I much Mula are they going to give her? She dummy if she does

  40. Hello, slight outright privacy violation there, Nurse.

  41. Breakin the law
    Breakin the law

  42. Who gives a fucking shit

  43. Disgusting would people will tell for money.

  44. It definitely wasn't Miley for the breast enhancement, she has pretty small natural breasts. Definitely Vanessa Hudgens, whose nudes got out early and who definitely has bigger (faker looking) boobs.

  45. Whatever. Bitch ain't telling us stuff we already know.

  46. What heath care insurers cover cosmetic plastic surgery like this? I'd bet not many.

    Most of these transactions are out-of-pocket expenses from the client directly to the clinic, so many of the privacy rules enacted through HIPAA are not valid since the billing is handled in-house (i.e. discreetly) without insurance claims. HIPAA is aimed at "health care clearinghouses, employer sponsored health plans, health insurers, and medical service providers that engage in certain transactions". Unless that specific clinic is under the claim of "engag(ing) in certain transactions", HIPAA is not the issue.

    What will be enforced is that most of these elite cosmetic surgeons will have tight confidentiality clauses in the work agreements for all employees, but that is a civil case and not criminal. Nor is it a felony.

    1. Chewbacca, I'm not super up on law but I think others Herr have refuted your statement. It is not a tied to insurance used but medical practice in and of itself.

      And there is a special spot in hell for people who do this sort of vile shit. As much as I don't care for the KTrash mob they are still entitled to their privacy.

    2. I agree, except about the last part where the Ks are entitled to their privacy. Why? They're famous bc they like oversharing and shoving their faces (and butts, literally) onto any media outlet they can find. I mean, on one show they actually had a test where they smelled each others privates. Are those the type of people who really deserve privacy (yes, I just admitted to watching an episode of that trash *hangs head in shame*)

  47. I just assume everyone working in hwood has had multiple procedures. I really don't care about the specifics! Would a mag really pay five figs for that?

  48. Mrs Smith has to be 3? Married mom

  49. Kim K is in there every month, I'm sure. She's a dumb bunny.

  50. #1 is Kim K because I want it to be. #2 is don't care, you could name any and every tv actress and it wouldn't suprise me. #3 I'm going for Miley's mom. #4 Vanessa Hudgens for the boobs and Demi Lovato for the suck and tuck.

  51. There's a pic of Bieber's mom and her new remodeled body in the Daily Mail.

  52. The former Disney star with the boobjob is probably Christy Romano. Showed her tits in Mirrors 2 and they were bad, uneven fakers.
