Monday, December 30, 2013

Your Turn

Do you have an annoying Facebook friend? The one you cringe showing up in your timeline but can't unfriend?


  1. No, because I know how to "unfollow" without unfriending.

  2. Yeah they have all these doohickeys in their settings that you should learn to use Enty.

  3. Yes, quite a few. My FB is funny, half liberal, half conservative.

  4. Left FB behind years ago due to constant security changes, and so glad I did.

    1. And now with ads it's even worse. I only keep it for friends out of the country who use it. I stopped posting years ago, when they started all the meaningless changes.

  5. I'm as useless as Enty then. Tell me how?
    'Friend' of family who is beyond irritating and talks of nothing but her totally amazing child - needs to go but would feel bad about defriending.

  6. out of everyone i kno, i'm the only one w/o a FB.
    just never got into it.

    1. @WareCat -Same here. I've no interest in Facebook.

    2. Me to. Ice thought about it just so I can sign in to some places tho. Some places now you can only get in with a twitter or Facebook and I just have no interest in either.

  7. Replies
    1. Ha! I ignored my mother's friend request for this very reason.

  8. @Violet go to your friends fb page clicky the friends button and choose what notifications you want to see from them.

  9. I have a friend whom I am trying to phase out of my life. I'm not on Facebook, but apparently she is on 24/7. She comments on every post that everyone makes, including the extended family members of friends. They all find it very creepy, as do I. It would freak me out to think she is stalking the pages of my cousin's daughter's friends, or her friend's daughter's cousins.

  10. @Violet, on your Newsfeed when one of her posts shows up there should be a down arrow in the upper righthand (your right) corner of her post. Click on it. A menu will appear and one of the options will be "Unfollow Annoying Friend." Click on that. You should be good. :)

  11. My aunt is exceedingly republican/conservative (not that there is anything inherently wrong with that) and I absolutely know it every day. Or at least I did until I hid her from my feed so I don't have to read her crazy political rantings on the daily.

    HI TTM! I hope you had a rockin' birthday!!!!!
    If you have more room for cake here is one especially for you!

    1. Thanks, sugar! There's ALWAYS room for more...cake

  12. yes--a couple of people who like to post their dramatic/depressing lives. I unfriended one cause on top of that she kept on bitching about Phil Robertsons freedom of speech, like 20 posts...

  13. lol! Derek.
    we get it, u dn't like Phil.
    get over it!
    geez. =p

  14. F facebook. Aint nobody got time for that!

  15. Oooh, I missed all the Duck Dynasty kerfuffle! I hope it wasn't too bloody for ya, Derek. I have a friend that does a bunch of that type of posting and I keep wanting to remind her: you know you have gay friends,right??

  16. I have that friend who complains....ALLLLLLL THE TIME...

  17. I do have one friend who emails me stupid forwarded shit. Got 15 Christmas emails. Enough!

  18. my ex-sister in law who I keep because of my nieces and nephew.

  19. yes my sister... but i hid her years ago!

  20. YES! I have a few that I love dearly but, I don't like to get their left or right wing opinions shoved in my face every time I check the news feed. I know that everyone has a right to their political beliefs but you aren't the only 1 who has the correct answers to this nations problems. It's like- we are right about everything and if you aren't on our side you are obviously wrong about everything. Give me a break. I personally think the majority of politicians from the left and right are in it for their own benefits ($), not to make this nation any better.

    I also have a few FB friends who are passive aggressive. They will post some crazy rant addressed to no one then hours later they will delete it from their timeline like no one ever saw it. PSHYCO!

  21. Oh and what about those that post everything that they are doing? I mean posting boring, everyday things like, "I've been laying around with my lazy dogs all day and my husband brought home some soup for dinner! Life is good". Ug.
    Another example, Well, in case you were wondering, I had a great weekend! Saw some friends, did some work, ate some food and spent the day playing video games. Life is good. UG.

    Shit like that annoys me.

    1. Anyone who ends a fb post with "Life is good" is dead to me, as are those whose feel the need to post photos of their fugly bare feet. Gah!

  22. MY COUSIN! Queen of the same angle selfie and she posts more than one a day. God, it's nauseating.

  23. imagine if u got a message from Scabbard.

  24. Super ultra religious friend who drives me nuts!

  25. Super ultra religious friend who drives me nuts!

  26. hahaha!!
    like top porn star!

  27. There are a few, but like Karen I have them hidden. One in particular annoys the shite outta me. An armchair activist, he has solutions for the crisis in the middle East. They arent anything I want to see, so I hid him. Other than that he's great.

  28. Facebook wants to own ( then sell ) your soul

  29. No, I have found that social media can be more trouble than it's worth..

  30. yeah FB can be a little depressing too when you see people off doing all these exciting things. But then I must remind myself that I do exciting things sometimes I just savoir the moment as oppose to always having to pull my camera out every 5 minutes to prove it happened. Also I have a few friends that I talk to and see almost everyday and can look at their posts and realize that it just seems like they have fantastic fun all the time but they are just as boring as I....

  31. a co-worker I regret ever adding her to my friends list.

  32. Yes. Uncle in looove with Obama and cannot go a day without giving everyone updates about his boyfriend, our prezzie. It's the love that dare not stop talking about itself. Like, this Obamacare thing is really hitting him hard, we've all let him down, it must be so difficult. Etc. Can't "unfriend" without blowback but you can hide Facebook posts.

  33. You know what really chaps my ass.. those who post all of these religious posts, and we all know damn well, they will be booted from the 'getting into heaven' line!

    And I have never friended the MIL.. who needs a stalker in their lives?!

  34. Yes! A former coworker...she's in her mid-30s, is a wife and mother, yet her fb posts are like a depressed teenage girl (why didn't I get invited to this or that, feeling soooo left out, can't believe someone could be so mean, now I know who my REAL friends are) all passive aggressive, multiple posts a day, all being for attention/validation. I knew I should just unfriend her, but lately people have started calling her out on all her bs, and I get a sick, twisted pleasure in reading their responses;) There's my dirty little secret for the day.

    1. Haha Colleen. I hear that!
      I have another fb friend that complains about everything and it's so fun to see people calling him out occasionally. It sure beats reading all those comments agreeing with him. He once complained about seeing a guy taking down a camera they installed at a traffic light. He was all mad at the dude and someone commented asking him if he was mad at the guy for taking DOWN the cameras or for just doing his job? It was ridiculous! Facebook sucks. I keep my posts random, light and I don't post a lot. I'm absolutely perfect.

  35. I do not have a facebook account! Holla!

  36. My sadly my hands are tied. Couldn't ignore her friend request and certainly can't unfriend her. That would make the holidays awkward. But I have set my privacy settings so that passive agressive, one tonne, psycho bride of satan can't see what I post!

  37. I get on Facebok once a week. There are people on there from school & we can keep up with each other's lives.
    I defriended the friend of a friend who had been a whiny, self-obsessed drama queen because she stalks people on Facebook & wants to know why no-one invites her to anything. I stopped seeing her entirely when she tried to make my brother's death about her.

  38. I have a "humble boasting" FB friend. THAT drives me nutz - the people that post/boast they are the shitnitz, then "humble" themselves by either saying "God is good!" or "I'm so lucky to blah blah blah" or "I'm just a normal person doing my job"

    Ummm...get over yourself. I really don't need to hear you pat yourself on the back umpteen times per day, then try and shrug it off as "fate", or "God" or some other metaphysical phenom.

    However, the worst are my friends who post crazy sh*t, and actually believe it without checking the facts first. Some of the stuff is so blatantly untrue, I just shake my head...Oh excuse me, I have to go make sure there are no white Telemonia spiders hiding under my toilet seat while I click on the pic of some poor kid on a vent-- cos if I click on the pic 50,000 times, he'll get a free heart transplant. Then when I go to the store, I have to make sure that I stay away from any elderly ladies who may need help in the parking lot, cos you know...rapists are using old ladies to lure me to their vans where they will yank me in and rape me when I walk up with the old lady (yes, a friend actually posted that - "WARNING") smh....

  39. I am the annoying friend, therefore I can afford the other's assholeness/assholity/whatever.

  40. OMG - Facebook friend problems! They're universal!

  41. Chris is exactly right: I was just considering deleting my FB account just this morning. It occurred to me that I was happier when I didn't have to acknowledge just how stupid, gullible, and willfully ignorant people are; at least not on a daily basis.

    I could log in less often, I suppose. FB = So. Much. Dumb.

  42. The people who irritate or make me laugh, depending on my mood are the ones who rave about their fabulous families and the great times they had over holidays or whatever. I know their families, and they're not having a great time because most of them are batshit crazy.!! Stop the bs already!

  43. I've deactivated twice, for about a year each time, because inlaws kept wanting to friend. Like, you're fine, I'll drink your booze and all, but get.outta.the.facebook.

  44. @Violet share this website with her :)

    1. @CanadianMiss, I was going to post that one - freaking hysterical. But I would suggest @Violet share the SanctiMommy's posts with stfuparentsblog instead XD

      And @Chris, I think the 'literally unbelievable' tumblr is for you - I think most people have seen that one by now, but if not, and if you love your humerus bone, Google it.

  45. I have friends on both political spectrums and they all annoy me at one time or another. I also have either sober/clean friends who preach that or the big partier types who only post pictures about their booze (and most of these people are in their 40's). They all get old sometimes, but there is one chick that is just so uneducated and white trash that every time I think about deleting her I just can't because when she posts it makes me feel better about myself. I know that's bad, but her grammar is so bad that sometimes you have to re-read it a half dozen times out loud to someone else to try and figure out what she's saying. We've started making a game of it so now I can't unfriend her.

  46. Facebook sucks.

  47. I have a "friend" who is obsessed with her weight, dieting, and always posts things so people will give her compliments. After about 3 months of endless selfies, Marilyn Monroe inspired full figure pics with inspirational shit, and the constant pictures of her food and how many calories it was showing up on my feed and also my Pinterest I got passive aggressive. I started posting super fattening recipes, pinning photos stating shut up and eat your lettuce, and so forth. The bitch is dillusional and doesn't realize every time she does it I post something counteractive.
    It's juvenile I know but others have caught on and laugh.

  48. I stopped getting up dates from one friend in particular. She wants a boyfriend--and whines about the lack of one in her life continually. She is also against animal abuse...and posted the most grossest pictures ever of abused and hurt animals. Don't get me wrong--I don't like people hurting animals either, but at 5:30 in the morning as I am waking up I don't need to be up to my eyebrows in nasty ass pictures. She sometimes whined she wanted a man who loved animals...I think that was when I said enough. She unfriended me at some point...I didn't even notice until someone we have as a mutual friend pointed it out.

  49. This comment has been removed by the author.


  50. I just replied what they want to hear

    FB Friend :I'm getting fat( bitch is like a size 4)
    Me: Now you notice.I didnt want to tell you the other day when your double chin was hanging on my plate.

    FB Friend: I hate my mother(Just because she didnt buy her a shirt)
    Me: I'm sure it's mutual.

    I hate Dramatic people
    5:33 PM

  51. Yes! I felt I couldn't unfriend him because we occasionally socialize and have several mutual friends, so I just blocked his comments. This person thinks everyone in the world is a horrible parent and everything they do is child abuse. The last straw was when he started ranting about how abusive it is to lie to kids about Santa Claus being real. That's abusive - really? It's a bit of fantasy and magic, and though I'm sure it's shocking when they discover that Santa isn't real, is that really abusive?

  52. Make them go away, and they won't ever know!

    1: Hover mouse over friend's name. A little window will pop up.
    2: Hover over FRIENDS button. A menu comes up.
    3: Uncheck SHOW IN NEWS FEED.

    You're still friends, without the misery!

    Or if you just want to avoid some of their stuff...

    - Do steps 1 & 2
    - Click SETTINGS.
    - You can turn off Photos, Games, Comments & Likes, Music, Other Activity, Life Events, and Status Updates

    This has saved me from a deluge of hyper-contrast hamburger photos and "Bob bought a hoe in Mafia Ville."

  53. Alita, we all good, honey?

    1. Hey TTM, of course lovely, we're good, I'm sorry I picked the wrong 'funny' thing. Today's NYE here, so we've been out socialising! On NYE I like to be back in the 'Ville by evening, and after that just stay local. Stay cool ,)

  54. Chris - I had to double-check that you're not me, as your Facebook sounds exactly like mine.

    Friend One: "I'm so thankful for long walks on the beach, snuggling by a warm fire, and (insert shit a Playboy bunny would say in the 1980's.)" every day.

    Friend Two posts everything that happens every day. Going to work. Going to dinner. Going to the gym. Going to bed. And at least 10 posts during the game.

    I wouldn't mind that stuff, just not over and over again.

    There's a good Facebook page from Hoax-Slayer for debunking stuff. It's good for when friends post nonsense, or to ask if you see something outrageous. (It's not my page, I just dig it.)

  55. I hate "Facebook blackmail," when someone posts on their page and can tell who their REAL friends are by how many people are willing to re-post the post; I've had status updates as mundane as one describing the termites in the mulch in front of the laundromat someone was using--really?

  56. Some family members. UGH! Wish I could just never lay eyes on their posts again!

  57. An acquaintance from a drinking league sport thing in one city was visiting city I now live in...he was tagged being at an even I was also at. A few days later, I messaged, "heard you were in town", "do u visit often" "that would have been cool to randomly run into one another"...he proceeded to answer just assholey..."maybe yes" " possibly" "would it?"...this is a guy id see out all the time, has dated a few friends, ive made friends with a few in his crowd...always been pleasent interactions but felt that he was rude and boring in this I said..."im going to block this nonsense"...his response wss to dare I our convo was still linked he spent next 45 minutes ranting about how dare I BLOCK him?! Finally one of his fb friends said..."cause you are a dick". Conversation deleted.

  58. Robert - "Those Facebook blackmail" posts are just awful.

    For anyone unaware, those "LIKE AND SHARE!!!!" posts are what's called Like-phishing.

    A Facebook page with 10k or whatever Likes is valuable; it can be sold for a few hundred dollars to advertisers and/or scammers. These page creators will do anything for those Likes -- that's why we see garbage like "Like this and this baby will get life-saving surgery" or "If you don't share this, you love Satan."
