Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blind Item #2

This B list mostly television actress who really struggles with getting good acting roles despite showing up in the tabloids on what seems like a weekly basis because of personal issues has made the producers on her new show ticked off. The actress has been sending bills for her daily hair and makeup to the producers for payment even when she is not shooting. She has also been sending them bills she considers remotely related to the show. None are being paid but the producers keep getting asked for payment.


  1. Replies
    1. Sorry - didn't see 'new' show.

  2. Well, it's worth a shot, I suppose. Can't blame a gal for trying!

  3. Keri Russell? I know The Americans started it's second season, but it is still new.

  4. Keri Russell is a great guess!

  5. Replies
    1. Count, love your new avi. I think Vagfax (and let's not forget Coxfax™) is a brilliant idea we should all get behind. (pun may or may not have been intended). It must be a mobile app, of course, so one can easily find out if their intended partner's parts have ever been in a serious accident, required extensive repairs, or are not OEM. Love it!

  6. Minka Kelly on Almost Human - she seems to be in tabloids a lot.

  7. SMG has a new show right? Always in pap photos.

  8. I wonder if she writes the receipts in crayon

  9. I dont see Keri doing this, just not like her. She can ask all she wants, all they have to say is no. lol

  10. I am sooo in the wrong business! LOL

  11. Derek, she may be A list RIGHT NOW as a writer/producer, but not as an actress. As an actress, she is most definitely B list. And I'm not just saying this because I want my glory as being the first AND right guess (wink wink)!! LOL!! Seriously, though…A list ACTRESSES on TV = Kaley Cuoco, Sofia Vergara.

  12. Damn! How did this ^^ comment end up here? I thought I was commenting on the Lena Dunham one! Sorry, folks! Need more coffee, I guess.

  13. Thanks Lowkey. If creating an app I would be interested in stds and menu items, in addition to milage on the engine and aftermarket parts.

  14. Kirstie Alley for her new show on TV Land.

  15. OMG Jerkula, the VagFax is a perfect avi for you. :)

  16. New show and in the tabs every week these days for personal issues?

    Keri Russell and SMG are both good guesses. I'll go with SMG just because of her rep as an incredibly demanding and entitled bitch.
