Friday, January 24, 2014

Blind Item #8

This A list mostly movie actress who has flirted with A+ list in the past has been trying to reshape her history the past month or two. She is trying to make the world believe she has been this sober person all her life when in reality she has never gone more than a month without doing drugs.


  1. Well Goop talks about loving vices like wine and cigs, so not her. Hmmm. No idea.

  2. Oh hell Julia Roberts ?

  3. What about that chick that was in Cape Fear and that movie with Christian Slater? Juliette Lewis I think?

  4. Cameron Diaz- The Body Book is all about taking care of yourself and only putting healthy things in your system; not artificial ones (like drugs)

  5. Liking Molly's guess.

  6. Cameron Diaz and her full bush

  7. Cameron Diaz with her promotion for her body book?

  8. Cameron's always been a pothead, not sure if that counts as "drugs" but for a lot of people it does. I don't know if weed is particularly unhealthy though, I don't think it is.

  9. She seems to be the kind of person you want as your best friend. Is fun, outgoing, has great gossip, and always has good weed!

  10. she does a lot more than pot

  11. I'm all in for the Cameron Diaz guess.

  12. Diaz is woman who is 40 and has manged to keep her looks + without too much Botox etc, and continues to parrrrty, is a fine woman!
    I've admired her solo life. She never cries to the press about past boyfriends, being a jilted lover, wanting a baby by time x.
    Nobody believes that she's lived clean, beyond the detox and occasional starve diet.
    Weed is one of the more safer ways to unwind in my books, especially BC bud. It's the best.

  13. Pretty sure Cam said she thinks she bought weed from Snoop Dog in high school.

  14. Weed? Not that long ago, Cameron Diaz was a big heroin user. She's also been a big coke, pills, X and every other drug she could get her hands on user.

    I agree with Molly (and others) this is about her and that ridiculous book.

  15. Weed is believed by quite a few to be all natural, safer than big pharma, etc. If Cam has been known to smoke pot, that wouldn't rule out her claims of not putting unhealthy things in her body.

  16. A-Rod's dick is definitely unhealthy.

  17. Yeah I don't believe all that crap coming out of Cammie D's mouth lately either.....

    she has some not so private issues.....

  18. Plus if she gets her weed from dispensaries, everything you buy has been tested for pesticides, mold, etc. before being put on the shelf. All natural.

  19. Plus if she gets her weed from dispensaries, everything you buy has been tested for pesticides, mold, etc. before being put on the shelf. All natural.

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.

  21. Just to play devils advocate is cameron really a list now. Id put her in b list but you barely hear about her anymore in any top movies. With that said only person I can think of is Jennifer Anniston.

  22. Yep. Cameron with her love of Columbian coke.

  23. Cameron Diaz. She just released a body book that promotes healthy living...that's one way to make people believe she's sober.

  24. IF this is Ms. Diaz, then we can call of the contest because she has to win hypocrite of the year.

  25. @Tori-
    I hope you don't believe that.

  26. I remember a story I heard about her when she was in an Oliver Stone flick or maybe just having a fling with him at the time. They were at a bar and got into an argument, and Stone yelled in front of everyone there that she was one crazy beetch no matter how popular she was. Nothing was said about coke, but if she was hanging with Stone back in the day, I'd bet she took her turn at the straw. *waves* Hi. Long time lurker coming out of hiding. Be gentle ;)

  27. Welcome lauralee, I ddnt doubt your story. Oliver Stone calling someone else cray, it makes me laugh...

  28. Hey, @lauralee, welcome out of lurkdom!

    Totally agree, @steampunk. When Oliver Stone calls you crazy, you may look into celebrity rehab.
