Friday, January 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 16, 2013

This A list mostly movie actor is telling friends he is in love and found the love of his life and he has known the woman about three days. He has been non-stop texting her and calling her and has even blown off call times on the set of his movie just so he can talk to her. Every second he has not been on set he has been with her and the thing is, she has a boyfriend. She is just enjoying all this movie star attention. This is not going to turn out well, especially considering how much he has been drinking.

Owen Wilson


  1. Oh Owen....get it together honey.

  2. Oh Dear....I think somebody should call his family.

  3. he is so not on my radar---A-list? I know he did a couple of decent Wes Anderson films but could not name anything else he has been in...

    1. He was in Wedding Crashers too as welk as the other ones that the girls mentioned

  4. The personal trainer he knocked up?

    1. Nah, this one will probably be baby #4!

  5. The best Owen Wilson movie EVER is Starsky and Hutch. No question about it.

    1. Anonymous9:14 AM

      Zoolander is the best OW movie ever. If u disagree, well then I guess we'll have to have a "walk off". I must warn u though, my BLUE STEEL is lethal. ;^) j/k

    2. Anonymous9:19 AM

      @fancyscreenname I LOVE Zoolander! Probably one of the only non-Steve Martin movies that makes me chuckle time after time ...

    3. Fancy, I give fierceface so look out!

    4. I totes agree about Starsky and Hutch. Underrated.

    5. Zoolander all the way

  6. Anonymous9:09 AM

    Poor guy - he strikes me as an incredibly sensitive wee thing

  7. He was cute in that movie where he moved in with his best friend. Kate Hudson was in it. Even she couldn't ruin that movie.

    As you can tell, I liked it so much I forgot the name.

    1. Anonymous9:18 AM

      @Bacon Ranch - You, Me and Dupree ... that was a cute movie :-)

  8. Well lets see here--he knocked up his personal trainer in June and when her husband found out he divorced her and Owen is happy to be a father again but doesn't wanna marry her, but will supply full financial support because ge isn't settling down. A great catch for anyone!

  9. Hey, I bet he at least knows the last name of this one! Progress, Owen!

  10. I need my man to have a nice round head---his is oddly shaped...

  11. dude has serious issues-he's done this before

    he gets attached very easily

    def won't end well

  12. Poor thing. He has some diagnosed mental illness but doesn't seem to be taking his meds. :(

  13. If Owen wants to dote on someone, he can dote on me. I'm single and I need some loving attention.

  14. I really liked Owen when he first came out - actually made an effort to go to all of his films.

    But he never developed. He has Hugh Grant syndrome, playing one character in every single film where he appears. It got old quickly.

  15. So what happened?? Didn't hear about him breaking down again. Are they still together?

  16. Fave Owen Wilson movie is the one with Jackie Chan. Highbrow tastes!

  17. Wedding Crashers is still my favorite of his.

    I just want to give this guy a hug :(

  18. @cece - Has he been officially diagnosed with MI? I was thinking that he sounds textbook SOMETHING -- my somewhat-professional opinion swings towards some kind of mood disorder situation complicated by self-medicating with alcohol/drugs -- but I wasn't sure if he'd actually seen doctors at any point.

    Ugh. At any rate, I feel his pain. Many of us go off our meds not because we're being stubborn or because they're not working or even because of the cost, but because of the GD side effects. I just got put on lithium/lamictal and I'm supposed to start them tonight and I'm terrified. They're nice and cheap and they may just work, but I don't want to get fat again, I don't want to be thirsty all the time, I don't want to limit my caffeine, I don't want to get constant blood draws, etc. I also want to be able to drink; I'm not saying drinking into oblivion a la "self-medication," as it seems that Owen does, but just a glass of wine with a steak. One of the few pleasures I still have in life, and it's been taken away. Fucking bipolar being a fucking bitch.

  19. That lady is smart to keep her boyfriend!

  20. There is something very likeable to me about Owen, like the goofy friend of your brother's who makes you laugh but thank god he's not your brother or boyfriend, but he does seems like a lost soul

    Zoolander rules! And I love Wedding Crashers.

    Didn't he try to commit suicide after he broke up with Kate Hudson.

  21. @ Tina Malette- I heard that she broke his heart & yes, he did deliberately overdose on something & was hospitalized.

  22. I liked Own in The Darging Limited. That was a fun and quirky movie for sure.

    It sounds like Owen is a manic-depressive who is not on his meds.

  23. owen sounds emotionally like me. what a miserable way to live :(
