Friday, January 10, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 16, 2013

This A+ list model is also a reality star. She is also a pain. A big pain. One of her favorite tricks is to try and get things for free by telling staff she is borrowing something and never returning what she borrows. It gets the staff in trouble and causes a huge drop in the bottom line and our model does not care at all. She is like that though. Not too long ago she walked into a store that an A list designer runs. It has a couture section  where you can try on the one off dresses and get them made to measure. Which costs a fortune. Some of the dresses cost well over $100K.

There is a small team in the store who are used to dealing with celebrities and the rich and the angry, but were still flustered when this A list model walked through the door. She went straight up to one of the staff and demanded that she gave her the dress in the window (a one off couture piece). She said that the designer had called her and said that she should come in and pick it up. No one had told the sales assistant who started to get nervous. Our model was completely awful to her calling her stupid and started raising her voice saying that this was ridiculous and that the designer would be furious that our model had been standing there for five minutes without getting what she came for.

The sales assistant decided to call the designer. As soon as she got through to someone our model started to laugh and said "Oh darling I was just kidding!!" and then she promptly left.

Naomi Campbell


  1. Hey at least she gave it the old college try!

  2. I hope she is so mean and violent to people because her tricks regularly beat her into a puddle of her own blood and piss.

  3. I can't believe Nelson Mandela associated his good name with her. She is stunning though...

  4. I don't understand how people are selected as models (Cindy,Iman,Elle..obvious) but I've just never seen it with Naomi.
    Maybe it's because her nastiness has worked its way to the outside.

    Mean thing to do, probably would have cost the assistant their job, not to mention having to reimburse the cost of what was probably a fugly dress

  5. Someone doesn't watch Oprah. Should be in the employee training manual.

  6. She needs to be deported for good.

  7. Naomi was truly gorgeous in her day. But, as Bacon says, she hasn't aged well. As with Madonna, her bad karma is showing on her face.

  8. Did she throw her phone at her? Is she still A+? Maybe A+ in yacht girl world.

  9. Did she throw her phone at her? Is she still A+? Maybe A+ in yacht girl world.

  10. The Bitch is only worth 50+ million

  11. Agree she was ah-mazing. Now a bit above meh.

  12. ugh she is horrible...

  13. Shifty bitch. Beautiful but shifty.

  14. There is almost no claim about Campbell so terrible that I would not believe it. Too much has turned out to be true (not even taking into account BI reveals). If she is someday found to have skeletons chained to the walls in her basement, I think we would all look at each other and be like, "In retrospect, all the signs *were* there..."

    @Derek: The whole Mandela thing always stumped me, too.

  15. Mandela was a serious man - he didn't know jack about Naomi, other than she was a famous model.

    Oh Naomi, still cunty after all these years.

  16. My take on Naomi is either she was born a narcissist - can't decided if she is a sociopath or a psychopath by definition or something happened early in life that she treats everything life as a battle and that she has to be ruthless to win, even things no one else sees as worth fighting for and at the end of the day she can't be a happy person if she has to play games like this to amuse herself to prove herself worthy or whatever.

    As a model, she has always been dead gorgeous and she has a catwalk walk that can't be beat - she sells the clothes or did but then becoming famous just fed the narcissism. Love to meet her mother, I have a theory.

    Or it is all bravado to hide a very insecure person. Or maybe there is a human side to NC no one has seen yet because it sure did not come out on her reality show.

  17. The shell is nice, the insides are rotten.

  18. @Tina Mallette - now i am so curious! what is your theory about her mother? I know I am commenting way too late and you won't prolly read my message, but, if you do, oh pray tell!!

  19. Anonymous9:40 PM

    She's a bit like my former Alfa Romeo Giulietta - conjured up a jaw-dropping 'wow' and admiring glances but on the inside it was a broken piece of shit not worth spending all those $$$$ on trying to fix.

    I'm sure her heritage ties back to the Ming Dynasty ... I heard that somewhere. Probably why, despite her constant dramas, she still lands work.

    For a girl who was allegedly 'discovered' working in a store when she was in her teens (and not from an affluent family), I would expect her to be grateful for her blesssings. You never, ever, hear anything nice about her.

  20. I wish karma would get her ass.

  21. I was hoping this wasn't Naomi but....

  22. Naomi was a witness in the international war crimes trial of Charles Taylor over some blood diamonds that he gave her. A war lord with a disgusting human rights record. And this beyotch still gets work and men. Gross
