Thursday, January 02, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

August 1, 2013

This B+ list celebrity/singer is under a ton of pressure to marry his girlfriend. Lots. All she does is complain how she will get nothing if he dies and will leave her with nothing and that is not fair and that if they don't get married that he at least should change his will to leave her everything. She even had a will drawn up for him and has been begging him to sign it. All I can say to this guy is to hire someone to check your food before you eat it.

Randy Travis


  1. I'm gonna love you forever...Forever and ever AMEN

    1. If that song gets stuck in my head, I'm coming for you, Orvilla! :D

  2. Maybe this would explain his latest run ins w/ the law, one in which he was nekkid as a jay bird. And then mysterious 'heart condition'

  3. Anonymous8:46 AM

    Yikes - why's she even talking about that stuff anyway? If he's not the marrying kind and she is then maybe they're not compatible! But obviously she's only sticking around because she thinks there's something in it for her. Neediness, nagging and dependency are not attractive traits!

  4. And this may explain some of his present issues. That is sad man!

    Randy do not drink her coffee or any milkshakes she is making you. It's called a cup of Shut the Fuck Up and it's the southern girls secret weapon. Laced with a little rat poison over time and it makes it look like you die of a heart attack. VERY common!

  5. Some men find nagging and dependency very attractive.

    1. Tonight I'm sittin' alone...digging up bones...

  6. Isn't he in a coma? Or am I confusing him with another male country singer? In any case someone probably has his Power of Attorney and this BI is BS.

  7. What happened with the being Gay deal?

    1. Califblondy - probably another reason she wants to get it in writing.

  8. Yeah, i read he had couple of strokes and isnt 100%. Have some decency and back the f*ck off. No one owes you shit.

  9. Sandybrook, he had a major stroke during the Summer. Last I heard he was in a rehabilitation facility that specializes in strokes. I always liked him. He's had his demons but he seems like a nice guy at heart. I hope he ditches the money hungry skank.

  10. Doesn't make sense - she (Mary-thegf) divorced a wealthy dentist to be with Randy Travis. If she was purely a gold digger why leave the money you already have for the money you might get.

  11. Doesn't make sense - she (Mary-thegf) divorced a wealthy dentist to be with Randy Travis. If she was purely a gold digger why leave the money you already have for the money you might get.

  12. Knowing someone who died with his girlfriend in this position and the estate making $300M immediately after his death. Despite his wife still being married to him, the GF made life hell for everyone involved, despite a fairly short relationship. I suggest Mr. Travis get his affairs in order - he is on a very similar track (I suggest he dump her, we're still not sure if he died of his own stupidity or something else, and noone will probably ever know).

  13. He's still quite gay @califblondy.

    I hope he doesn't sign the will she drafted. He'd be signing his own death warrant.
