Saturday, January 25, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 26, 2013

This Academy Award winning actress who is A list but thinks of her self as A++++++++++++ list and that she is above everyone else in the world says that she has never felt worse as a woman than when she was dating this A list mostly movie actor who is also an Academy Award winner. He treated her like crap and made her feel cheap she said.

Gwyneth Paltrow/Ben Affleck


  1. He said he never understood why they dated so long because he couldn't stand her…looks like they both felt the same way. Guessing the sex was good…but she always seems so sexless to me..

  2. Well, that explains THIS. Kudos to Goop for cashing in on a bad experience.

    1. @Seven Wow! 425 dollars for glorified ex-lax!

  3. No surprise. She has said this in a coupla different ways, and actually without whining and casting blame, so good for her.

  4. He seemed to work for JBlow.

  5. I'd love to have Ben Affleck treat me like a cheap whore!!!

    1. Anonymous10:08 AM


  6. She lives in her own world - remember this one when she almost got one of her kids hurt - gwyneth near miss

  7. He probably treated her like a normal woman instead of the worshipping she requires.

  8. I could see this.
    Him and JLo were hot together though. You could practically see the steam coming off the both of them.

  9. Considering how she treats other people.. No sympathy.

  10. Those extra + signs are going to make someone go mad.

    1. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++1

  11. Eh, we've all dated an asshole before. The sexy times are crazy good because of all the hate, but at some point you realize that you'll have to spend large chunks of time outside the bedroom with the dude if you stay together. So you break up, but still go back for some lovin' for a while.

  12. Didn't Brad Pitt once say that he kept trying to get rid of her and she wouldn't go away??

  13. I think she was outed as a grade A clinger in past blinds.

  14. I want to feel badly for her but, eh, just can't bring myself to care about her.

  15. But was the sex good? That's all we care. I believe Paltrow is Greek in the sheets.

  16. @surfer Stage 5 clinger. Yes, she's been outed as several things.

    Doesn't surprise me about Ben, though.

  17. Awww poor little FishStick. She wants people to feel sorry for her. Sorry but with the blinds I've read about her doubt I will ever feel sorry for a bitch like her.

  18. What happened? He made her drink $100 bottles of wine instead of $1000? The nerve!

  19. She always seems so vanilla pudding to me. Just bland and boring and so full of herself. I could see her thinking he should treat her like a queen rather than the clingy neurotic girl he doesn't quite know how to dump without an ugly scene happening.

  20. I never understood the appeal of GOOP in general, but the comments on the link posted by @Seven in very informative insight on who likes her. They're all exchanging juicing and enema tips in the comments.

  21. I think Goopy is a bitch too but I can see her coming back for more with Affleck just because he did treat her like crap. And I.can see JLo working her magic twat on him THEN being the princess. It's all how you go about it ladies. Amiright?

  22. I would like to know Goop's definition of being treated like crap, given her high and mighty lifestyle advice. Given her stuck-up web site, Ben might have bought her a less than perfect diamond and she considered it abuse.

  23. It doesn't look like her husband treats her all that well either. They look like they can barely stand each other.

  24. Affleck is a cheater and a gambler. That takes its toll. Supp straighted out his act but who knows? I dont hv to live with him, Jenn does.

  25. I don't think ANYONE will ever has a high opinion of Goop as she has of herself. She seems like she'd be such a pill to be around.

  26. Ben is very down to earth and laid back. I get the feeling she is above the crowd. I imagine he treated her like a princess. Unfortunately she wanted to be treated like a Queen.

  27. I'll bet he didn't treat her badly, probably just treated her like a regular woman, instead of the goddess she seems to think she is. Can you imagine the hoops Chris Martin has to jump through to keep the peace?

  28. Every time this comes up, I like Ben Affleck a little more although he has serious bitch-taste in women. Strippers and pros with hearts of gold aside, I don't think he's ever been linked to a nice girl. He's certainly not married to one.

    Anyway, fuck GoopStick - I'm glad that Martin is finally dumping her.

  29. Ben and JLo forever.

  30. How does one MAKE you feel cheap? Maybe Gwyneth resented the fact that Ben didn't buy all her insecurity driven overcompensating crap? Gwynnie is a fabricated snot elitist who is poorly educated and boring. I'd rather stick needles in my eyes than discuss denim labels and oolong brands with that overpaid consumerist twat superior.

  31. I've know a few women like Goop and not a one of them was worth a crap in bed. There had to be some other reason their relationship lasted more than a first date.

  32. "Ms Cool said...
    He probably treated her like a normal woman instead of the worshipping she requires."


  33. i really wonder what jennifer goes through in that house,guess she doesnt want a 2nd divorce so tries to put up with a lot

  34. From the way Ben talks about Jennifer I can see what she's talking about. Ben's kinda a cad

  35. I always thought Drew Peterson would be the perfect match for her.

  36. 'he treated me like crap and made me feel cheap' translation: he bought napkin rings from Target and not Williams-Sonoma
