Thursday, January 30, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 9, 2013

This A list mostly movie actor who flirts with A+list yelled at a man on the street who called the actor gay. The actor went nuts. The actor was telling the story at a bar and one of the women with him said, "You are gay though right?"

James Franco (he told the woman at the bar he isn't gay)


  1. Oh, Franco. I neither know nor care what team this pretentious douche bats for, but MichaelK's "Batmilk" piece will live forever on his resume.

    1. @Seven - his nsfw birthday cake also doesn't help.

    2. I want a corner piece with anal beads! What happened to sugar roses? Oh, the good old days...

  2. Seven! yucccck stop that lol ---or else...Dont ruin Franco for me : (

    and regardless who hollers at people about being gay on the street? Trashy people do and then the chick asks as well---people are lame

    1. Forget Franco! Lotta' slink almost ruined CAKE for me!

  3. @Derek, I have to agree with you about that - yelling "are you gay?" at someone on the street is lameness personified. Asking it in a bar, well, it is good to know if the person you're flirting with is of the proper orientation for your flirtatious needs, if you will, but there are better ways to suss that information out.

    As for ruining Professor Franco for you... I didn't put Cetaphil on his Batman mask. :b

  4. he is an ARTISTE lolll

  5. and it is hard to exfoliate and moisturize properly with a mask on!

  6. Or prove hes NOT gay by screwing Lena Dunham :(

  7. All screwing Lena Dunham would prove sandy is that he is a heavy drinker.

  8. I cannot believe that is Bruce Jenner, I get chills everytime you comment.

  9. Yes Kels it was a picture taken of him when he left the clinic after his Adams apple surgery. All over the Internet yesterday.

  10. Haha Harry I would have to be totally obliterated to even look at that betch!

  11. Can't stand him….

  12. Perception is reality

  13. I love him for his work (ha) on General Hospital. I just think it's kinda cool that somebody of his acting caliber gave a soap his time. But his stint as Oscars host will always take him down about 100 notches for me.

  14. LOL that is so grody @7! Wth was he thinking posting that??

  15. Why the hell would he be offended when he's done everything possible--including sucking a cock on camera--to convince the public he's gay?

  16. If someone is using "gay" as a pejorative and it offends the other person, I can't say I entirely blame them for going nuts. He should have kept his cool, but I'm just saying it's not like this is necessarily a "doth protest too much" scenario.

    Funny that the chick was so vapid as to be like, "but you ARE gay, right?" The point, she's missing it.

  17. @Dexamyl it was a prosthetic ding-dong apparently...

  18. Yeah real pretentious this one with his soap opera gig, role in Pineapple Express and mocking himself in This Is The End.

  19. @Wendy are you being sarcastic?

  20. I'd hit that! He'd probably talk about himself the whole time though so I'd have to be pretty drunk. And I'd want him to be dressed as Saul.

    1. I getcha, Uhhhh... I'd kill every person in this room to sex Legolas good and proper, but wouldn't touch Orlando Bloom with Harry's willy.

  21. And then she said "Prove it!"

  22. @Wendy haha kk---Then I totally agree thats why I love him. He has been in some pretty bad art-house movies but at least he takes risks--not many actors willing to do that these days---and agree he has a great sense of humor about himself etc

  23. Love it @Harry: "All screwing Lena Dunham would do is prove that he's a heavy drinker." You got that right!

  24. I think James Franco is hot. I'd do him!
