Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 25, 2013

This A list celebrity/singer/former tweener and sometime B- list actress was at an event this week. She made it very very clear that she would walk out from the event if anyone tried to speak to her other than the two people designated by the event to do so. She also said she would not be signing anything and if any of her fans touched her she would also walk out the door. She also said someone needed to walk behind her at all times with a water bottle and to have it refreshed after it fell below 3/4 full. Yeah. Well, she learned attitude from the best.

Selena Gomez


  1. Where's our divo?? Charlie - here's your challenge! Are you up for it tomorrow?? Don't they know who you are??

  2. Don't forget to throw the water back at them the first time and ask for Fiji!

  3. Girl needs a serious reality check. She's not that special, nor talented to make those kind of demands.

  4. What a little twat.

  5. it's weird because there are many reports on twitter and facebook how she's nice with fans and peoples usually (Taylor Swift and her are the best reputation with kids,fans...)

  6. She will be begging people to pay attention in two years...if it takes that long. I'm predicting leaked photos in her near future.

  7. WTH is her problem? She is NOT all that.

  8. Sounds ridiculous. Grow up Selena.

  9. If Farrah can demand and Get key lime water then Selina's demands were going to be met. Too bad so many in Hellwood act like spoiled brats. ( cue Twilight Zone theme aaaand enter Billy Mumy.....):-\

  10. ot for those of you who like this sorta thing hmmmm has visited us today!

  11. didnt she just get finished breaking up with the d/bag right around then? Maybe she didn't want 1)questions 2)his tweens cursing her out to her face

  12. If I could demand that a 3/4 full water bottle be near me at all times, you bet your little cookies I would do it. I hate being thirsty!

  13. I don't buy this one. My morning show I listen to sent someone to interview her and he said she's really sweet.

  14. I've also heard she's one of the best with her fans... So maybe she was sick or something

  15. I don't buy it either the weekend in question was her 21st birthday and she threw her own party

  16. Justin treats me like shit so I will pay it forward!

  17. Girrrrrrl you are NOT even on that level yet... actually no one has the right to act like that. Im just saying she lacks the talent and longevity that usually goes along with attitudes like that.

  18. On what planet is Selena Gomez an A list anything? It can't be the one I'm on. She's boring as fuck and dresses like a 45 year old divorcee. She won't even be a blip on the radar in the next 2 years. Bye, Selena.

  19. That kookiness is something Cher, Madonna or Mariah can demand. Selena Gomez isn't anywhere near as iconic. Nuts.

  20. Not buying it. Shes very down to earth and very good to fans.

  21. Don't buy it at Allan's it's out of line with some of entys other reveals about her

  22. "Out of line with" is what I meant to say, damn autocorrect.

    I hate how often blind reveals seem contradictory lately

  23. You know, I always thought she looked remarkably hydrated.

  24. She's not that talented. Honestly, she's pretty and that's about it. I don't see her being around much longer unless she works the casting couch really well.

  25. More proof she needs a weekend of attitude adjustment with me. At the very least, if she takes the skills I teach her to the casting couch, she will work steady for years.

  26. Anonymous7:55 PM

    There's always been something about her that's a bit 'off' ... maybe her and Bieber WERE well suited ...

  27. I hope she has saved and invested well because her crash is fast approaching.

  28. She has a disproportionately small head.
