Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 23, 2013

This former A list reality star turned B- list celebrity turned B+ reality star got bodyguard envy this week. despite no one recognizing her where she is, and not one person asking for a photo or coming up to her for an autograph, and only the very rare pap even bothering, our reality star decided she needed bodyguards. So, she now has two shadowing her for the rest of her vacation. She also wanted to fit in with the other celebrities she saw who had them.

Nicole Richie


  1. Maybe she's afraid ppl will mistake her for Biebs and beat the crap out of her

  2. You need a shadow in order to be shadowed.
    Plump up Nicole!

  3. You know the thirst is real when I was taking 20 minutes break to the bathroom at my job just to see a damn reveal lol

    they might think I have bladder problem.

  4. Wasn't this already revealed?

  5. I could see the whole have-two-big-dudes carry my shopping bags thing!

  6. And on this rather underwhelming blind note I bow out.
    Sleep and a 4.45 wake up call for work are beckoning. It's been a ( sort of) blast.

  7. Poor little Nicole. A legend in her own mind.

  8. Maybe because she looks like a wino...
    Where is Lionel?

  9. Maybe someone would mistake her for the roasted chicken they ordered.

  10. Their main job would be to pick her up when she passes out from not eating.

  11. Somebody get Bacon Ranch a side of fries,cause BR is on a snark of the day. :p
