Thursday, January 02, 2014

Fantasia's Friends Put Her On Suicide Watch

This week in the National Enquirer their big story is about Fantasia's friends being afraid Fantasia will kill herself. Fantasia has made some really bad choices since winning Idol and there was the suicide attempt a few years ago but I don't think she is going to kill herself. If you see all of the stuff she has made it through then I think there is a pretty good chance she makes it through anything. Now, that is not to say there couldn't possible be some kind of accidental drug and alcohol overdose because she does love her pills and her booze.

The article focuses on Fantasia's boyfriend/baby daddy going back to his wife and how Fantasia is devastated. Does anyone think this whole affair was a scam? The guy leaves his wife for Fantasia. The wife sues Fantasia and wins a lot of money. The guy gets Fantasia pregnant so has a steady stream of child support guaranteed forever since she makes more money and now he goes back to his wife. Money grab? It wouldn't shock me.


  1. The dangers of screwing around with a married person....its always messy.

  2. Poor Fanny :-( she's a stupid girl but I really like her... hope she gets help because she really needs it. She's had a tough life.

  3. Oh, that's sad. :/ Especially when there are wee ones in the picture.

  4. Morning Meanie. Sleep well, dear?

    1. G'morn OneEye...I slept okay, woke up to yowling cats. How about yourself?

  5. Considering she had two children, that would be incredibly selfish of her.

  6. Poor thing is messed up.

  7. I thought he made her abort her first pregnancy by him. It was documented in her reality show.

    1. @henriette, she did abort one from him but got pregnant a few months later and kept the son.

  8. Back at work again. That 5:00 AM alarm was too early

  9. The word you're looking for is "Federline" as in "damn it Fantasia, you've just been Federlined!"

  10. Enty calling it! Poor Tasia

  11. Anonymous8:16 AM

    Well if it looks like a scam and sounds like a scam, then it probably is ... certainly smells like one to me.

    How awful for her :-( It must be hard to adjust to reality after coming off a show like Idol ... yes, I know her stint on it was some time ago, but she's well remembered from her time on it.

  12. I thought it was a scam too. But I thought the wife didnt get anything when she sued, unless Fannie made a deal with her or something.

  13. No child support for him unless he's the custodial parent.

  14. No child support for him unless he's the custodial parent.

  15. what I was going to say SueRH

  16. Since she's in NC, the wife sued for alienation of affection.

  17. Freya, I just love that my home state has a "home wrecker" clause. I have seen some newscasters sued in such a way a long time ago.

    I read that Antwaun and nis wife filed for separation in 2009 and then the wife claimed it was 2010. Inconclusive if the suit has been settled or not. She offered to pay $100K and the ex-wife declined.

  18. Tsk tsk...don't ever say anyone who is or has been suicidal won't do it.
    I've lost a few people from suicide...some of whom nobody thought would. This could be the breaking point.

    And yes, it's very selfish.

  19. Does Fantasia really have enough money that it would be worth scamming her like this? I don't recall her having much success after AI and it was ages ago that she won.

  20. I'm more shocked that you can sue the other woman! Does this apply to men who "lure" away married women as well? Does the spouse who cheated get punished in some way? Wow

  21. Anonymous2:51 PM

    didn't she almost lose her house a couple of times? I think simon bailed her out. I don't think there's much money there

  22. She has burned her bridges with the Big O by being a problem on Broadway, so where is her dough coming from?

  23. Harlow17: Yeah, her house got foreclosed on last spring or summer. No idea if she was able to stop it or otherwise get it back. I hope she did... I really like her, and I really hate banks!

  24. Okay, from everything I've ever read about this young woman, she is not right in the head. Whether it's mental illness or a personality disorder, she is suffering from something. I think she'd do well to sort herself out and avoid all men and relationships until she's done that.
