Thursday, January 09, 2014

Farrah Abraham Is An Idiot

Farrah Abraham went on record this week stating that she regrets doing porn. Well, she uses the words sex tape like it is still some stolen thing that somehow made its way out into the public. This is why you shouldn't ever believe a word that comes out of her mouth. Even though the entire world knows she financed the movie herself and paid for the actor and the camera she is still trying to convince you it was a stolen sex tape made with her boyfriend who just happened to be a porn star she dated for two whole days before agreeing to make a sex tape. Lots of people the first time they have sex with a new love interest film it. She tried to get a gig on Couple's Therapy two seasons ago but couldn't convince a guy to be her boyfriend. This season she lined up a guy to fake it but he backed it out but she wants us to believe he was really her boyfriend. You know, because she would never lie about that. She hates porn so much that she has already filmed another one and has a line of sex toys coming out and still appears at strip clubs and would have absolutely no career or money coming in except from her dates if she hadn't done the porn but she regrets it.


  1. That wasn't porn! That was a private moment with the premier porn actor of our time accidentally caught on tape when they went straight to anal. As one is wont to do

    1. Anonymous8:26 AM

      @TTM: I'm loving the empathy, however I feel it's misplaced.

  2. It's too early in the morning for Farrah Abraham pencil sketches.

  3. remember when enty pretended that Farrah only slept with heads of networks

  4. Anonymous7:35 AM

    The artwork should have been a camel with a wig ...

    1. Hahaha! Just picturing what you said made me spit out in laughter the goldfish graham s'mores.

  5. I have a serious question: I've never seen her, but is she mentally challenged? Such a string of bad, bad, bad choices she's made makes me wonder...

    1. Anonymous8:28 AM

      @Meanie: I think if she were assessed under a WAIS she'd be below 70. She can barely breathe and take it up the arse simultaneously

  6. I also remember Enty going on aboot Farrah being smart with all the dough she was making off of this. Sounds like someone covered their webcam

  7. farrah's scenes with her mother on that show she was on were some of the most disturbing things i've ever seen acted out on television.

    i think farrah's a truly damaged personality. she bugs big time, but i wish her well...

  8. words cannot describe how much I love that drawing.

  9. She has the ugliest butt-hole of any girl I've ever seen in person or in porn.

    It would be nice if she just went away.

  10. Anonymous7:55 AM

    She's just desperate for celebrity...she's one of the 1's that got preggers to get on the first "reality" show

  11. Officially the worst pic I've ever seen. Ugh. Bring back reader photos!

    1. Yes! Reader photos!! =)

    2. @Meanie yes! they're awesome all so awesome and interesting

  12. Backdoor Farrah Free From now on.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. All the whores hate being in porn until the next time rent is due. Big deal, I hate my job too, but nothing I want to do will pay me as much.

    1. Seriously. Why can't someone pay me to stay home and play on the internet, with the occasional side trip to the zoo or park with the kids? Is that too much to ask?

  15. I stumbled across The Test last week and saw her & her folks waiting for the test results of her maybe baby with the porn hustler, I guess it was a repeat. Obvi the test was a neg, what kept me watching was my fascination with her spinning of her " reality" - she was articulate, stood her ground against the hilarious show host - I felt terrible for her folks, you could tell they love her, but that they didn't know who'd she become.
    It's a great sketch, top artistic quality. I've had two cups of Java, so I'm prepared for anything.

  16. I really like the idea of pencil sketches so no pap is getting paid. Also, this one is just *perfection*.

  17. Where can I find this pencil sketch artist? I need to commission a portrait of myself.

  18. Sadly I'm thinking some "fan" did this sketch and sent it in.

    And she's the worst liar. I think she's actually below the 70IQ scale.

  19. Low IQ paired with a personality disorder is such a depressing combination...

  20. That sketch makes it look like her brain face is melting. Maybe she is doing a math equation?

    1. I second that. Like an "after" picture in a zombie fashion magazine after she had her jaw reattached and skin stapled back on.

  21. I feel so bad for her little girl. Farrah really is a terrible person.

  22. @ Sugar, I would say that this fine example of American Pencil free hand art was drawn by Napoleon Dynamite.

    1. Anonymous7:55 PM

      @Redd : applause for that comment - it's a liger.

  23. It took him forever to get the shading right on her upper lip
