Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Jennifer Lopez And Casper Smart Are Done As Soon As She Finds Someone Else

It is that time for Jennifer Lopez. If she doesn't want to marry you then she is done with you. I have been saying for awhile that Jennifer Lopez and Casper Smart are done. The public photos together are way down and she can't handle what he did to her and is always one second away from embarrassing her. Jennifer likes to take things slowly when it comes to splits. There is the no more marriage talk followed by lots of solo  photos of her looking as hot as she can the leaked stories that things are on the rocks followed by some new project that is taking up her time (often with the person she is about to split with) and then the split. In her past, Jennifer has always alternated between celeb and non-celeb. It is now the turn of some rich actor or celebrity to start dating Jennifer. She prefers people with bigger fame than her who also have a huge wallet and know how to use it on her and also doesn't mind the bad luck jinx she brings to them. With the jinx in mind and the inevitable career downfall I was wondering who you would want that happen to them. Remember though, before their financial and career downfall there will be non-stop publicity of the couple and even a possible marriage.


  1. Anonymous7:07 AM

    I met Cris Judd (one of her former husbands) recently - lovely, lovely guy. Shame she couldn't have made it work with him.

    I don't think Jennifer will ever find anyone 'normal' to settle down with ... she seems to have such an inflated ego and warped perception of life.

    1. Anonymous10:17 AM

      Yes... Plus she's one of those gals that always has a boyfriend. Never dating, never single...there is literally no gap In between. She must be so insecure.

  2. I never could see how she could stand looking at that Casper dude. He's so gross and she's so hot.

  3. What the phuque is she wearing?!?!

    1. Lol I was thinking the same, and the facial expression doesn't help lol

  4. Well, no, most of her marriages have been to the poor, non-famous ones, unless Cris Judd blew up in some way when I wasn't looking. I think she's mercenary as hayall, but donkey-stupid when it comes to dudes

  5. Anonymous7:09 AM

    Oh - and my prediction ... if she can get his mother out of the picture, that is ... is Bradley Cooper.

  6. There she is...making that face. Squinty eyes, mouth open...pose.

    1. Anonymous10:18 AM

      Ugh she looks like she's had a lobotomy

  7. @Meanie, it looks like a tight Glad bag!

    She's gorgeous but really, just go back to Skeletor. The hot/ugly factor is strong with that pairing.

  8. Once you drop the slight beer gut Jenny on the Block Im here for you. Stop wearing those tight dresses while you do too.

  9. Her money will always enable her to find a man- making him love her is a whole other matter.

  10. Seriously, Uncle Sandy?? You are going to bag on Jennifer Lopez's smokin 40 plus year old body??

  11. what nobody came between Ben and Skeletor?

  12. There's paunch there @TTM shouldnt be seen in that tight dress. Otherwise she's just fine.

  13. Isn't her father a scientologist? so she should go for mr. cruise

    he has plenty of money to spend on her

    she would heat up his image

  14. right above the crease in her dress 5 lbs too much for that thing she's wearing.

  15. Pretty sure you're gonna be on the S/hit list today for that comment, @Sandy.

  16. oh well, I wont be hitting anyone if that's the case Rhysie.

  17. why oh why cant i wear a leather skirt. It squishes my booty down something horrible.
    jlo and puffy forever

  18. I hope she dates BCoop and they can both disintegrate. Maybe they will make an artsy film together and she will finally force him out of the closet, hating women except his mom forever. One can dream.

  19. Ok lawyer, you must be right on this? K

  20. Meanie Rhysie said "What the phuque is she wearing?!?!"

    Ahahaaha! About ten minutes ago, I just told someone how you used to use "ph" spelling back when your F-key stopped working!

  21. I dont think shes carrying extra weight; leather and lighting are unforgiving. Bad choice is all. Please, I'll switch with her anyday!! She usually picks ugly men; wonder why.

  22. There she goes again, making the exact face my cat Tidbit makes when she smells something stanky!

    A Lopez/Cruise pairing would be epic! OMG think of the stories, think of the photo ops, think of the eventual crash and burn of it!!!

    Only downfall of that relationship, would be dragging those twins through it.

  23. Thx for not slaughtering me while I was away.For sure it is inappropriate for her and at least it looks too tight for her (the wrinkled part) and may expose some flaws.

  24. If I could afford Caspar, I'd be on that too.

  25. Sandybrook is right, I'm seeing a bit of a paunch on JLo too.

    She's a 1st class bitch and for that reason she would be an awful lot of fun to date. Lots of fireworks, and I'm guessing pretty good sex. Not so much fun to actually be married to though.

    The idea of her and BCoop together puzzles me. It would be a bearding thing for him, but what would she get out of it? No sex, but then she's not having sex with the Friendly Ghost either. Maybe JLo doesn't like sex, or maybe she has some other guy nobody knows about to do things to her vulva and vagina and her anus and nipples and her mouth and her taint and other places on her body too and also maybe JLo likes to give as well as receive so maybe she also does things to the guy but I'm not the least bit interested in talking about male body parts.

  26. agree with sandy, that dress is not flattering... her body is good, but the dress does not show off the nice muscle tone.

    ill take bradley :)

  27. She should date Shia LeBoeuf.

  28. I just think it's hilarious, buncha dudes complaining about Jennifer Lopez's body. You expect that from Harry, just thought better of you, sandybrook

  29. This comment has been removed by the author.

  30. Jennifer Gardner is panicked right now. JLo and Ben forever.

  31. I like the idea of a Bradley Cooper/JLo couple

  32. I would love to see JLO geetig back with Ben Affleck I think he still has feeling for her

  33. Why are the comments here slowly being taken over by vile women hating chauvanist pigs? Bring back the armpit smelling woman and the old school! harry and sandy should go back to whatever porn site rock they crawled out of.

  34. seriously? internal organs + skintight leather catching the light = rounded belly. jlo is many things, but walking around w/ a "beer gut" is not one of them.

    jlo from the side, no paunch whatsoever.

    dress on the model; same belly effect.

  35. Justin Bieber...she would be doing the world a favour by dooming him with her dead career taint.

  36. JLo and Tammy - omg - it's a Scieno thrillah. She'd do it but I doubt he would. He likes them younger, less famous and career-dependent on him. Too bad, I'd like to see her finish his career off.

    BCoop seems to be emulating Clooney, for obvious reasons, but maybe he's ready to try a celeb-duo-relationship. This could work for both of them.

    I can't think of anyone else for her that would fit the bill and pay the bills.

  37. I like the JBlow/Cruise idea, but I would also love to see her with Dippy Depp. She's too old for him though and too old for BCoop. The older ones want them REALLY young.

  38. No Scientologist would date her, she's best friends with Leah Remini. I'm sure she's considered an SP.

  39. Too bad the GayFish is taken - those two totally deserve each other. What a battle of the egos that would be.
