Thursday, January 23, 2014

Justin Bieber Arrested For DUI

Early this morning in Miami Justin Bieber was arrested for DUI when he was pulled over by police because he was drag racing. He probably thinks it is cool he was busted for DUI, and even cooler that he was drag racing while drunk. He would feel a whole lot differently if he killed someone while he was doing it. I'm sure that rehab will be the next step for Justin but I doubt he has reached rock bottom in his mind so it probably won't be a very long or successful trip to rehab. I'm sure that his management will try and kick everyone out of the house while he is in rehab but they will all come slowly back into his life. I want him to get help, but I just don't think it will stick yet. Here is some video of him getting pulled over.


  1. Age 19 + lots of money + access to lots of bimbos and drugs = disaster.

    It amazes me more when this doesn't happen than when it does.

  2. I think that solo artists are particularly vulnerable to this, because they have no one to share the stresses of being extremely famous.

    If you were one of the Beatles, there were 3 other guys who understood what you were going through, and could help you keep it all in perspective.

    Elvis, on the other hand, was on his own, surrounded by hangers-on and people trying to bleed him for cash. Everyone around him was blowing smoke up his ass.

    In life situation, if not in talent, Bieber is more like Elvis.

  3. Egging is one hell of a gateway drug.

  4. Lil Bib is lucky nobody was injured while he was out joyriding for street cred. I hope his pants were saggin' when he was brought in. I know it's just a rumor, but that would have been so appropriate.


  5. @Vicious Vivian, funny you say that. I just finished reading a book about George Michael, and how when he was with Andrew Ridgely in Wham, he was able to keep his life in balance.

    Even though Ridgely didn't write many songs or do much singing, he was there to keep George Michael company during long tours away from home, and to be a second focal point onstage and for the press.

    When Wham! split and George Michael went solo, he slowly began to fall apart. He couldn't handle the pressure on his own and fell in with some bad people.

    Ultimately, he developed a severe drug problem, has been arrested several times, and has largely wasted his talent for the past 15 years. Too bad.

    1. @Nutty - I'd love to know the name of the George Michael book. He's one of my forever celebrity crushes, and can do no wrong in my eyes (even though his whole life is a series of wrongs - call me, George!).

  6. @Kristin LOL.

    I'm waiting for his team to spin that Biebs was racing to the aid of some widows and orphans burned by a fire while making eggs. Drinking b/c he didn't want the fuzz to catch him with an open bottle of booze in the car.

  7. What a spectacular implosion. Wheres his idiot mother? Oh yeah, praying him well isiots, the pair if them.

    1. His mother is 2 months younger than me (she is 38 with an 19 year old) and she basically sold her son to Usher for fame. I can barely take care of myself let alone an out of control 19 year old billion asshole douche bag. I saw her on Ellen and she is Dina Lohan part two...actually she maybe worse in my opinion than Dina as she is a religious fanatic, which is a whole different kind of denial than Dina is in.

    2. Is he not estranged from his mother? Where's his father? He rarely gets a mention, yet they were together very recently.

    3. It is being reported that his dad was one of the people that helped block off the streets for him to be able to race

    4. Anonymous12:59 AM

      I remember a while back ... before he started Tweeting about his "retirement" ... he dropped hints about wanting to get out of the music business. A reporter asked Patti what she thought of that, and she looked annoyed before saying - very quickly - that it was the first she'd heard and that she'd be speaking with him about that. At that point I realised how little his happiness means to those close to him ... all they care about is the money he earns.

  8. OMG, OMG, oh MY GAWD, Ohhhhh My God. Enough already. This Canadian just jumped off the Bieber support train. Looks like Enty was right all along. Agree with the Elvis comparison and lol @Kristin.

  9. I just want him to go away. I don't care where he goes, as long as he goes away.

  10. @Lotta he actually makes a cute chick.

  11. lol@Kristin glad you're here always!

  12. @Anothergrayhare- I think the eyebrows are perfection.

  13. @Lotta, so true!

    BTW, PSA: I was expecting one of those police cam videos where we see the cop pulling him over. Nope, it's 13 seconds of some girls squealing, "OMG OMG it's him pulling over OMG OMG OMG" and a very brief glimpse of the yellow car. Nothing to see, moving along.

  14. @another i have always thought he would be a fabulous lady.

  15. but not as fabulous as Bruce Jenner will be @J

  16. Ha, thanks got threads up @Seven. I hardly ever watch the videos here but was wondering if it was a dash cam.

  17. he was just begging for it for months now. dude had to WANT to be arrested. he is losing it..

  18. Such an idiot. I understand he also got arrested for resisting arrest. Fingers crossed that Miami locks him up for a while.

  19. Unfortunately, nothing will happen to him and nothing will change. He will get a slap on the wrist. I also wouldn't be surprised if half of the police dept was trying to suck up to him to get photos or an autograph. For every one of us who are disgusted by this idiot punk, there are millions out who think he is just the cat's meow. I also think it's VERY TELLING that Miami cops were able to bust him after being in Miami for a couple of days...something the LA PD/Sheriff's dept just can't seem to do. Me thinks LAPD was paid significant amounts of cash by punk kid's team to somehow find a way to "not catch him," and/or "not press charges." As much as I would like to rejoice about this little butthead getting arrested....I'm pretty certain nothing substantial will come out of this.

  20. Bieber is like Elvis. Bite your tongue!!!! I totally see your point, it's just that Elvis had SO much talent. I wonder how Elvis would handle all of today's social media. I always say I could never be a teenager in this age of Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, etc. Would push me over the edge for sure.

    Please please please share the name of the book on George Michael. Super big thanks!

  21. Does Justin Bieber still make music? I couldn't even name one of his tunes.

    It seems like when Elvis was big, or even Michael Jackson or Madonna or Britney Spears, EVERYONE including old peeps knew their music. Justin Bieber does not have that going on, IMO.

  22. Holy Cow Lotta!!! Justin makes such a beautiful woman. He looks better as a girl than a guy.

  23. @Susan, the book on George Michael is his autobiography', written pre-coming out by Tony Parsons, with a follow-up of all the other articles Tony Parsons has written since about George Michael - like this one and this one.

    George Michael is supposedly working on another autobiography about the second half of his life. Interestingly, in the first one, whenever he refers to his love affairs he uses the neutral pronoun 'They', instead of 'She.'

    My favorite documentary about George Michael comes from the British spoof series, Star Stories. I've watched it dozens of times and it never seems to get old.

    1. Thanks @Nutty. I'm also interested. Adore him.

    2. @Nutty, I just watched the first part - that was hysterical!

  24. In 20 years we will be comparing him to Leif Garrett.

    1. @Writergirl:
      No, in 20 years, we'll be comparing him to Anissa Jones. He'll have died from an overdose.

  25. Sweet Baby Jezus, leave the kid alone, he only confessed to drinking, taking some pills, smoking some weed, driving with an expired license, and speeding.
    Totally normal kid stuff. Now he can boast about being tossed in the tinker. So bad.
    @nutty, I still freakin love GM, I'm gonna go read those links....sad the direction his career took by the mid 90s.

  26. I know it's wrong, but this headline made me smile. Annoying little shit needs to get slapped back to reality.

  27. What's the drinking age in Florida? It's 19 here in Ontario but I know it's 21 in most US States, not sure if it's all of them? Is that another charge they'll add on?

    1. @Anothergrayhare: The drinking age in the US is a uniform 21. But parents are allowed to serve alcohol to their children, within their own home as long as they stay home until the effects have worn off in most jurisdictions.
      It's also somewhat flexible on military bases, but that's kept very quiet.

    2. @Becca Parker-Other than U.S. drinking age being 21, that is the most absurd line of shit I've read all day. There is no special rule that lets underage kids drink at home. Da fuq you talkin about?!

    3. @Becca, when parents serve their children alcohol in their own home, it's called being a bad influence. It also happens to be very illegal.

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. His mug shot is out. He is lookin awful pretty for dem boys in Florida.

  30. What a twat. It's about time that punk finally got arrested. What TOOK so long?

  31. "No one under the age of 21 is allowed to purchase, consume or possess alcoholic beverages in the State of Florida. However, you can taste (not consume) an alcoholic beverage if it is required for a class in a postsecondary educational institution (college) but only if you are at least 18 years of age."

  32. So I guess Miss Biebs will go with the "I'm just trying to learn" defense.

  33. @WritergirlinLa I'm already comparing him to Leif. In fact, it's a more apt comparison than to Elvis. Leif was also a mediocre talent who was mainly known as a teen heartthrob whose fan base was almost exclusively young teen girls.

    Elvis was THE guy every guy wanted to be. I am pretty positive guys do not think that about Beiber.

    1. Exactly. Now Leif is in and out of rehab, he's a heroin addict and didn't one of his good buddies die or get paralyzed or something? Sad.

    2. Leif was driving a car with his friend and they were drunk. Leif clipped the back of another car and the accident paralyzed his friend. The guy sued Leif and won a ton of money. VH1 Behind The Music actually had a reunion between the two and it was really touching. There's no animosity there but yeah, you can tell Leif carries it.

  34. I honestly don't think this kid would give a damn if he killed someone while driving drunk.

  35. I don't agree with the "he's 19, he's a kid, let him be," mindset whatsoever. When I was 19 and in college, I was doing a ton of stupid shit, but I had about $200 in my checking account on a good day. When you have millions to your name & a lot more associated with your brand, you should come correct.

  36. Fuck this douche nozzle

    1. I noticed I gave some inspiration to Allison on her Dlisted story about Dean McDouchy today. Hmm cool

  37. This spoiled brat doesn't need "help." That's a lot of what's causing him to act like this---people babying him and feeling sorry for him. He needs some good time in a JAIL. I would also recommend spanking but it's too late for that (and I don't usually believe in spanking kids, but if the kid is spoiled and and conceited, that's different.) Also deport his ash back to the country that birthed him--thanks a f'ing lot Camada.
    To everyone who's feeling sorry for him and wants to "help" him--just look at his mug shot. He's grinning like he just got named prom king. He needs jail!

  38. TMZ is going to livestream his arraignment at 1pm EST.

  39. I think his latest escapades are a subconscious plea for help - allegedly too much strap on play with strippers and come guzzling and bottoming for members of his 'posse' have left him detached from normal society. Please world - stop ridiculing him and let's hope he can get some help or gender confusion therapy.

  40. ooh watching it live on fox news

    Okay the Mom in me, wants to feel something.. Like this could save this little shits life..

    The beauty lover in me, is wondering what hair products is he using? Dude still has some massive volume!

    1. What's going on JoElla? I'm on a train and can't watch. Does it look like he's been initiated into some jailhouse gang?

    2. And by jailhouse gang, I mean Pink Ladies.


  41. LOL @Kristin

    Not much, just a rundown of charges, I think they spent maybe 5 minutes on it. And that was including a commercial break.

    I am still stuck on the volume and staying power of his poofy hair!

  42. For the longest time I was convinced that you always heard about his preference for oral was because he was in fact a girl in drag.

  43. I've always said Bieber is Leif Garrett 2.0.

  44. If he was your average Joe, he'd have his working visa revoked and he'd be booted back to the Great White North, and the US would never allow him back in until he was pardoned. He'd have to keep his house clean for a year until his review. Wouldn't that be great, the Biebs would have to go back to Utube uploads of his music. Sweet karma.

  45. Well a few sites have the arrest report up. What's interesting is that the box where it says "citizenship," is says US, not Canadian. Hmmm, I wonder if that's an error, or if he actually got US citizenship.

    And yeah, apparently his father was there. I think his parents, who really are both so young, love the perks that come with his fame, so probably act more like friends, rather than parents. He'd probably cut them off otherwise.

  46. I thought he pushed his mom out of the circle once he turned 18?

    Way to go Dad.. you have now entered Dina Lohan mode of parenting.

  47. Justin Bieber's father is an asshole douchebag creep loser. He lived in our neighbourhood in Winnipeg when Justin first started in the music business. He's slimy and a user and gross.

    I read somewhere that one of the vehicles blocking the street so Idiot Boy could drag race was actually being driven by his father, you know why the kid is so dumb.

  48. Meh. I don't care if the little prick gets help or not. He mistreats people, mistreats animals, mistreats himself, why bother?

    He can drown in his own bullshit, I just hope he doesn't take anyone down with him.

  49. When commenting on George Michael's career, please note that he was in a dispute with his label for many years and that is a HUGE part of the reason that he did not release any music. He was still writing and performing, but he refused to give them an album or anything they could make money from.

    His new album is coming out in March. Yes, he should have been more 'productive' and yes, he should have made better decisions in many cases, but I cannot bring myself to call George Michael's life and career 'a waste'.

  50. thanks for the clarification @becca, and lol @lotta -- I agree with you, except 21 seem really lame, considering your kid can get married, fight for their country, etc. but can't drink alcohol. 18 here was the norm when I was a kid, but they raised it to 19 20 years or so ago.
