Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Random Photos Part Five

Harry Connick Jr and Keith Urban do their own version of twerking.
Jennifer Lopez wasn't impressed.
Hey it's Diana DeGarmo and Ace Young.
How far apart can two people get sitting next to each other?
Jonah Hill put on a new shirt for a date with his girlfriend.
Jenny McCarthy shows off Ciara's baby bump.
Keira Knightley walking the streets with her husband.
Kylie Minogue taking a photo to post.
Keri Russell and her co-star/boyfriend laugh it up at an event yesterday.


  1. Good lord, when Jennifer Lopez is the best looking out of the bunch, clearly nothing is going on!

  2. Is Keith a wee sized man? Or his Harry just really tall? Or both?
    Holy shit what happened to Diana?

    1. @Reno, I had the same exact question about Diana. She didn't look like that on Y&R.

  3. Anonymous12:58 PM

    I hope all these talent shows end within the next two or so years - there are so many of them now and they're all a bit boring and predictable ... not to mention a lot of the judges try to make it more about them than the actual talent auditioning.

    Jenny looks prettier with short hair.

    Ciara is glowing.

    Kylie is teeny tiny!

  4. There are some pretty untalented musicians in big time show business. Harry Connick Jr and Keith Urban aren't two of them.

    Can't see a paunch on JLo in this picture. I retract my previous comment.

    Jonah Hill needs to do a little better in the footwear department.

  5. Sorry but Jennifer the 80s called and they want the dress back....

  6. Anonymous1:53 PM

    That is a super flattering picture of Jenny M!

  7. I cannot believe there is yet ANOTHER season on American Idol. That show was so done about 5 years ago.

  8. J Lo is gorgeous. I think she's the best looking one of the bunch most of the time.

  9. Harry Connick has the face of an angel. I've never watched AI but may this season.

  10. JLo - white shoes - tacky.

    Do JLo and Seacrest hate each other? I wouldn't be surprised, I just didn't know that.

    I haven't given Kiera Knightley a thought in a long, long time. I look forward to not giving her a thought for another long time now.

  11. Does anyone watch The Americans with Keri Russell and Kevin from Brothers & Sisters. Can't think of his name.

    I watched the pilot and it was OK but a bit boring. Just wondering if it gets better or picks up.

  12. The only reason for me to watch American Idol is Keith Urban and Harry Connick Jr.

  13. How much you wanna bet that Keira Knightly is wearing those stupid overalls under that coat?

  14. I love The Americans and I'm thrilled it was renewed. Never found it boring.

  15. I thought Jonah Hill was Kim Jung Un until I read the caption.

    I have nothing to say about JLo except she is 40+…

  16. Keith Urban must be super tiny because Harry Conick Jr is rather short too...

  17. Keith Urban must be super tiny because Harry Conick Jr is rather short too...

  18. Rose, I watch The Americans and really like it.

    WTF happened to Diana DeGarmo?

  19. Diana DeGarmo looks permanently surprised.

    I keep forgetting it's winter and seeing Keira and her husband all bundled up is bringing me back to reality. (I am in Hawaii right now. I may never leave.)

  20. White shoes are never cool JBlow.

  21. @portlandjewel -- Wow, your avi totally supports your name! Did you take the pic?

  22. That's some interesting body language in that Seacrest/Lopez picture - they could not be farther away from each other and still be in those seats.
