Friday, January 31, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

If you have some time this weekend you should read Denise Richard's declaration about Charlie Sheen. 17 pages of jaw droppers.
Eva Longoria picked up a paycheck with
Melanie Griffith down in Mexico.
Eric Stonestreet and his mom.
Gerard Butler getting his usual gingerbread latte with extra gingerbread men.
Ginnifer Goodwin filming Once Upon A Time.
Angie Harmon making a radio appearance with
Sarah Hyland there a short time later.
Anne Hathaway after vocal lessons.


  1. So, post the link where this document is located....

  2. Ditto! I want the link pls....

  3. Is that Mike Meyers standing behind Ginnifer Goodwin reaching for her hair?

    "She's a MAN, baby!!!"

  4. goody the ppl who dont like sports will have something to read and get back to the rest of us about on Monday.

  5. I would like a link as well. Sounds like a juicy read.

  6. I can't find it on Google?

  7. Looks like Enty missed the Kristen Bell/Dax Shepard memo about using pap shots of children:

    I agree with them. The kids didn't choose their parents. They were assigned them at birth

  8. Melanie Griffith looks good for Melanie Griffith.


    There's a link to the document in the article.

  10. Thanks mngoddess!!

    The baby is napping, I should be cleaning but this link seems much more enticing than mopping and dusting !

  11. thanks mngoddess!! Looks my Friday at work just got a little more unproductive ;)

  12. Mother effer. Can someone post the link from the link? :/

    smokinggun is blocked at work.

  13. Though I guess if the link is an image redirect from smokinggun, that'll be blocked, too. nevermind.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I found it here, and downloaded... all I have to say is ....DAYUM!

  16. What's this with the what now?? Sarah Hyland looks like her boobs are all in, so wasn't her in the blind the other day?

  17. Hookers, porn, drugs, threats, underage girls and guys. Doesn't sound like anything new with Sheen. The Judge might not know about all of this though so it needs to be presented. Sheen shouldn't be around kids unsupervised, even his own.

    Butler needs to clean his shoes ... and I'm no style icon but I really hate cargo pants

  18. Geezus, I just read the 17 pg doc-what an incredible asshole!

  19. Sarah for the radio blind?

  20. document & Smoking Gun article from 2006, not that that makes them anything but older

  21. Also, LOVE Eric Stonestreet!

  22. I have so much respect for Denise Richards, what a nightmare. No wonder the woman is so thin, she must spend her days in a constant state of nervous agitation. Charlie Sheen is one seriously ill man.

  23. Charlie's a world-class scumbag. Denise made that declaration seven or eight years ago and she's been very tight with Charlie for much of the time since then. That covers what we need to know about her.

    Eric Stonestreet is fabulous. It's still hard to believe he's straight.

  24. I thought Eric Stonestreet was Dan Ackroyd
    Then I thought Sarah Hyland was Miranda Kerr
    Isn't AnnE pregnant, or did I hallucinate that??

  25. Why didn't they ever look into his possible underage internet activities?

  26. Found it on google. Sheen is totally nuts and should be committed. Denise is amazing to deal with this man.

  27. Melanie is looking a lot like Joan Rivers these days...

  28. re: Denise/Charlie 'winning' might be old on the internet, but it was new to me. Those poor kids.

  29. Yes the document is old news. Wonder why Entern wants us to reread it?

  30. Forget Fifty Shades of Grey. That was Seventeen Pages of Hot Mess! Write a book Denise and I'm buying.

  31. Gerry: I still would.

    Sheen: Never would. Never wood.

    @ecua, I haven't heard any AnnE pg rumours - popular guess on this site is her husband is a "friend of Dorothy" (not sure why, but I know nothing about him).

    @Alicia, I love Celebitchy's tag line when avoiding domestic chores: "Escapism can be smart." :D

  32. i have said this many times in the various comment sections regarding Denise Richards. She is a saint and she has kept her children safe. She has tried to safely co-parent the children, and when that was not possible, she did not run to the press but kept her kids as safe as she could. Sadly, this is behavior that happens in every family court across the united states. what is sad is that the children will be able to read this and be traumatized again. Denise has done an amazing job with her kids, the child she adopted and those twins who are so young and so damaged. I have asked this before and ask it again: where are his parents and why have they not attempted to save their own son from his tragic need to destroy himself.

  33. Denise doesn't look so great in this picture, very gaunt.

  34. @kj...Charlie is an adult. They have had many many many years of his antics and tragic need to destroy himself. When he was young, they did step in, but at some point in time they had to have realized that he is never going to change...and have most likely stepped away. He isn't about to turn to them for help or suggestions on how to live his life, and they are most likely just plain old fed up. It happens.

  35. Honestly, I thought Denise had it alright since Charlie pays her quite a bit, but she seriously looks like she should be taken in for a blood and magnesium infusion.
    Is she okay????

  36. @audrey. charlie is a drug addict with mental health issues. his money has insulated him from any responsibility. if he were poor he would have been incarcerated. i feel bad for him that he has lost his family and his way and all the money in the world won't ever fix that
