Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Today's Blind Items - She Isn't A Saint

This reality star is A list. If she wasn't A list I probably wouldn't bother writing about her. She also has A list or higher name recognition. She also has a coke problem that is out of control. It's funny how you only ever hear about one side of the story. Apparently Adderall doesn't do anything for her except make her jumpy and unable to sleep. She was gaining weight and getting mocked so she started back down her coke road again. She gets it from one of the guys she used to cheat on her former significant other with. When you see them together you know a deal went down and she enjoyed some with him too. And by deal I mean he gives it to her. She never pays. Well, she pays in other ways. And pays and pays. She tried to kick the habit recently because there was so much press around her but she is hooked and went back for more and will keep going back for more until she hits rehab. Just like a lot of her life, the rest of her co-stars have no idea what she does away from the cameras.


  1. How the fuck wouldn't PMK know this she controls every aspect of these hos lives?

  2. I thought Adderall made you friendly. Or was that coke? So confused.

    1. In my experience, opiates make me friendly and adderall makes me act like a huge Wendy Davis, ifyaknowwhatimean.

  3. I read this as Xtina.

  4. Sort of sounds like SasKwatch. Hard to imagine PMK not knowing though. Or maybe she does and she's ok with it. But why would a rapper that can get all the pussy he wants waste good coke on this kolossus?

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. i cant think of any other person who fits this except for khloe.

  7. I read this as Kelly Osborne, mostly because of the "former significant other" bit and the fact that she looks like she's lost a lot of weight recently.

  8. So, that's the Game's work out plan? The serice industry has been using this system for ages.

  9. Actually Kelly O looks like she has put on some weight, watching the E! red carpet coverage and some recent Fashion Police shows and you know holidays they do that to you.

  10. Of course PMK is all right with a little coke exchange, she's a pimp

  11. I like the Khloe guess. Weight loss certainly is not from working out, no matter HOW many pictures there are of her "going to the gym". She has ZERO muscle tone. Kim doesn't have any either.

  12. IF this is Khloe, I'm really impressed with the part where, "...the rest of her co-stars have no idea what she does away from the cameras."

    Holy shit, girl! How do you pull that off?! It was my sense that they're ALL up in each others' business.

  13. I think Nene was being interviewed recently and called herself a saint even though everyone thinks she is a terror. And she has admitted to taking meds after that hospital visit. Plus I think she just got fired from Glee, is that right? 1st pic in random photos. Yeah... I smell smoked bacon.

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. I thought Khloe but after reading this I'm thinking Snooki?

  16. The amount of coke it would take to slim down Khloe would kill a horse. Nobody would fund that project no matter how good she is in bed.

  17. @AboutThatLife my first thought was Snookie as well.

  18. I'm hopeless with reality shows and I don't know their names. (I know the Kardashian names but it took years of pimping - that's about it.)

  19. "She also has a coke problem that is out of control. It's funny how you only ever hear about one side of the story."

    Khloe. One side of the story being Lamar and not her.

  20. I'm with the Kelly O. guess.
    She was looking heavier there for awhile and had a very recent break-up.

  21. Agree with the Khoe guesses. PMK probably dips her pinky nail in there as well.

  22. I'm the same way, Adderall makes me shaky and jumpy while coke makes me feel fabulous.

  23. Adderall is for college kids. Vyvance is where it's at...

  24. Necole Ritchie.

  25. Necole Ritchie.
