Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Your Turn

Kourtney Kardashian complained that some people on her recent flight from Mexico wanted her kids to be quiet and told her kids to be quiet. Is it right to tell other people's children to be quiet on a plane or do you go through the parent?


  1. Before you reply to this. Please check out this link. Truth exposed about the site.

    1. Great find @ia d!

    2. Christ on a bike, that moron can't even tell the difference between the New York Post and the New York Daily News - he quotes the news, and then links to an article in the Post. Now THAT'S credibility.

    3. Yeah, you're about two years too late.

    4. Kind of curious about enty reviewing comments. Yesterday they did and removed and item about a deathpool but if they do why not delete this comment?

    5. Touchè, Texas!

  2. You tell the flight sttendent to tell the mom to do something aboot the kids(s)

  3. Definitely not to the kids. I would say something to the flight attendant if it was that bad. I would never confront a parent or kid like that on a plane.

  4. I dont think its right to try and tell others how to parent. I dont mind letting my kids be kids! And nobody better try to tell my kids to shut up! I dont stand for that!!

  5. At least she didn't tell them you're in my country now bitch.

  6. First attempt is through the parents. If the parent sits there and does nothing to control the kids, then it's OK to address the kids directly. I disagree that you pull a flight attendant into it unless you absolutely have no choice. They have enough to deal with.

  7. I always think you should go through the parent, but many parents nowadays let their kids do whatever they want without regard to anyone else. Seen parents in restaurants let their kids run around, be loud or crying and make a mess, They don't say a thing to them about it. They are too busy talking to other adults in their party. I can see how other would get frustrated and say something to the kid.

    Parents should teach their children how to behave in public. Then again, some parents don't know how to behave in public either.

    I could go on and on.....

  8. thats the reason headphones were invented

  9. As a parent, you should be aware that your children are being annoying to other people. Kids can be kids, but in a plane or common area where people are trying to enjoy silence, you as the parent should monitor and supervise your kids. Kourtney's just pissed because by scolding the child directly, was an insult to her parenting skills. If the parent is TRYING to keep their kids occupied but can't, or the child is uncontrollably crying is one thing. To be completely oblivious to your child is another.

  10. Too right. Tell the little b*****ers to keep it down. I'd have no problems with people telling my children off if they were misbehaving. Although clearly my children are so well brought up we have never had to face such a situation.

  11. Depends on the age of the kids. Small children you speak with the parent.

    If the child is old enough to know/do better, I see no harm in directly asking the child to "please stop kicking my seat, thank you" or "please, lower your voice, thank you".

    1. Yep. I glared at the mom who continued to read her book and ignore me. That's fine. Now I'm gonna tell your 12 year old in a bitchyb voice to stop flinging her scarf around NOW... Oh mom what now you wanna look? Bring it

  12. Here we go again with someone "exposing the site". Please by all means post on every story because we're obviously all gullible idiots.

    Parents first then the kids if they are over a certain age. Scolding a 3 year old can make them cry more if they don't know you.

  13. Of course you tell the shit-asses to shut up! How else do they learn?!

    :) I kid.

  14. I will wait and see what the parent does. Usually it's obvious if the parent is ignoring the behavior or trying to stop it. If nothing is being done, I will gently let the child know they are bothering others. If that doesn't work, I'll talk to the parent. I wouldn't ask the flight attendant to handle it unless it was dangerous behavior. If the parent doesn't care I would ask to change seats if possible.

  15. Like any parent WANTS their kids to scream bloody murder, much less on a plane. Depending on how old the kids are, there is no reasoning with them, no matter how many attendants you send over or how many dirty looks we get. Really, sometimes you have to suck it up.

    Playing Harry the Bunny singing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star works for my son, by after the 27th replay the ppl may prefer his screams.

  16. I thought they told the kid to cover their mouth when they coughed, thats kinda different


  17. Sherry

    You obviously are if you think all the sources I've provided are false.

  18. I depends. If kids are running around, causing a great disturbance, yes. If they are making normal kid noise, then fuck off.



  20. Wow. I'm....crushed. None of this is real? :/

  21. I heard something on the radio this morning about a teacher who was suspended for throwing her shoe at a kid who wouldn't shut up.
    Seems he was in the back of the class and just kept talking and talking, so she nailed the wall right beside his head. Didn't hit him but scared the sh*t out of him (and shut him up). So now some parents are team teacher and others want her fired.

    Agree with talking to the flight attendants.

    Or bring an extra shoe.

  22. I don't think it's ever ok to reprimand other people's children. Besides, kids will be kids and that's why I bring earplugs with me.

  23. 1. "It takes a village" isn't that the mantra?
    2. If the parents are so oblivious to others peoples rights, damn straight it's ok.

  24. None of the site is real. I'll go now, but I made the people who were unaware alert. I think it's fair they know it's all fiction.

    1. Does that mean none of us are real too?

    2. I love the deep sadness of BG with regard to CDAN. Like that site is any more real. Never did see that Beyoncé baby x 2 as promised last year amongst the many other reliable stories.

    3. Theres a glitch in the Matrix.

    4. Do you even read this site? If you did, then you'd already know what a lot of us think.

      Thanks for the warning, though! Toodle-oo!

    5. What is the Matrix? Its the question that drives us.

    6. If this isn't real... Is anything real? Am I real? confused...

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. I agree with DH - headphones people. If you don't bring them on a flight it's your own fault for not preparing.

  27. Why didn't she call Kanye? He would've taken care of that situation in a red hot minute!

  28. Sugar you have to be realz becuz I think I saw a real picture of you being attacked by spear chucking guys in masks!

    1. Oh yeah, Sandy! I AM real!
      What a relief.

  29. If you're a parent, there's bound to be an instance when your kid has misbehaved. I need to know more specifics of the case to weigh in.

    Parents are so "not my innocent child" in this day and age, whereas, I was raised with the expectation of, "if you are out in public on a plane, in a restaurant, at the mall, this is a privilege and you are not to whine, cry or act a fool or shit will get real when we get home." And, I parent in the same way.

  30. I get the earplug thing but how about on a plane when the little kid behind you kicks the back of your seat over and over. You ask the mom to have him stop and the kid does it anyway. That's just a case of parent who finds it too much trouble to keep their kid in check.

  31. Since they are KrapTRASHian offspring... Tell them to SHUT THE FUCK UP!

  32. I do my level best to keep the kiddos quiet on planes, but there they are, trapped in a small space with pressure differences and grouchy people that forgot they were once kids, sometimes it's hot and miss. My kids are so young that I would always expect you to talk to me first, unless you want to discuss quiet time with an almost-two-year-old. It's a lot of fun! I recommend flash cards!

    That being said, I have no problem telling preteens to hush. It between kids, really, if the kids are being obnoxious, odds are their parents aren't going to care anyway.

  33. are people really busting out an article from April 2012 to discredit Enty? who gives a shit, this site is hilarious

    and Kourtney, parent isn't just a noun, you tool

  34. You can teach your kids to behave in public, but that doesn't guarantee that they will.

  35. So I guess I am one of the clueless. I knew some of them made up but didn't know they were all made up. Not sure how enty gets away with this. Publicists excuses for not pursuing seems kinda weak.

  36. we aren't real......

  37. OTOH Sugar I may be fake taint no pictures of me to be found

  38. Ooooh, someone said t'aint! And it wasn't even me this time! Oh. Except there where I did.

  39. It's the parents job to try. If my kids won't shut up I expect people to be mad, but it's kids on a motherfucking plane, with no escape hatch. Kids have as much right to travel as adults. and trust me, it's much harder on the parents of the misbehaving kid (if they're trying to stop the behavior) than the annoyed adult who can watch a movie & tune it out.

  40. Yeah you are a bad girl and need a spanking TTM

  41. Parents first. My kids learned early on that I had no problem embarrassing them if they acted up. Now, at 14, 12 and 10, everyone raves about them. They aren't perfect or little robots, but acting like hellions in public was never tolerated.

  42. What's this with the what now?? You started it! Going back to my gin closet with the ladies

  43. I exist therefore I yam! Thx Sugar!
    Save some fo' me TTM (although I'm not much for tonic water)

  44. omg, enty is fake????


    If a kid is doing something directly do me, like kicking my chair or putting his hands on my head, I ask him to stop. Otherwise, I'll complain to a flight attendent.

  45. Christ he just told them to shush - get over yourself Kourtney.

  46. All we need now is for someone to walk ia d through Amber Tamblyn and the radio show and we'll all be up to date!

  47. Anonymous11:35 AM

    kids are the worst

  48. I would say, in a loud obnoxious voice, to no one in particular, "If I couldn't control my kids, I wouldn't take them out in public."

    If I was traveling with someone who would get pissed/embarrassed by me doing that, I would call the flight attendant and tell her to do something about it. They get paid to do that shit.

    It is all moot for me though, because if I am getting on an airplane, I'm smoking a bunch of pot on the drive to the airport. If the fucking thing goes down, I wanna die in my sleep.

    1. And that's why I can't quit you, count. You went and used "moot" in a sentence

  49. If the parents are good parents, you won't need to say anything to the kids. The parents will already be automatically respectful to the people around them by telling their kids to shut the F up. If the parents don't say anything to their own children, the people have every right to tell the parents, control your little beasts.

  50. If the parents are good parents, you won't need to say anything to the kids. The parents will already be automatically respectful to the people around them by telling their kids to shut the F up. If the parents don't say anything to their own children, the people have every right to tell the parents, control your little beasts.

  51. I kid you not, we took a flight from Dublin to Chicago and this one year old child was SCREAMING the whole 8 hours. I thought we were gonna die, but I had to sympathize a bit, because the kid was probably sick, or in pain from the cabin pressure. I have a child, and luckily he never had an issue. However, the Parents kept apologizing. You could tell they wanted to die. Now, if the kid is being an asshole...

    I have a successful passive/aggressive method of dealing with crap Parents on airplanes...its called "crop-dusting". (Pack this emergergency kit before boarding)
    Eat cruciferous vegetables in largesse, add some hummus for good measure, and stand up near the offender(s) (whilst stretching)and let it rip. Then walk away. They get the blame for any collateral damage. Lather, rinse, repeat.

  52. Actually, once I was on a plane sitting next to a 5- or 6-year-old boy who was flying by himself. I had the window seat and the flight attendant asked if I would switch with him because he wanted to look out the window. Of course I swapped. For the next three hours, I had the best time chatting with this boy and hearing about his dog and friends, and looking at the books he'd brought with him. When we landed, he politely said goodbye, grabbed the wings the pilot had given him, and was escorted to the door by the flight attendant to meet whoever it was that was meeting him.

    That is called AWESOME PARENTING! (Obviously, he wasn't a Kardashian.)

  53. Wanting kids to be "quiet" is a huge gray area. Some people want kids to be "silent", which is just unreasonable. Some people just want kids to "not be loud". That one, I can understand.

    That said, "some people" implies more than one person thought her kids were too loud. I'm inclined to think that if this wasn't just one grump, then maybe she should spend less time taking offense and more time demonstrating to her children how to behave on a flight.

    If the kids were crying from air pressure, though, they get a pass from me. You cannot hate on a little kid for that. It sucks but c'mon, have some empathy. On a recent flight I was on, there was a baby crying b/c her ears hurt for the first hour or so. I wanted to go hug her parents. No one wants to hear their baby wailing in pain and unable to do a damn thing about it. I think she either finally nursed or fell asleep. Thank God. Poor kid.

  54. I'm so glad to learn I'm not real. Someone please alert the bill collectors.

  55. @NomNom83-
    Couldn't agree more.

  56. @NomNom83-
    Couldn't agree more.

  57. That story about the parents who let their kid climb onto a statue in the Tate? Yeah, those parents needed a talking to. That kid just looked tired.

    Otherwise, it would totally depend on the situation whether I spoke with parents, kids, or none of the above.

  58. @TTM: My words are like crack for betches. Much as they may hate em, once they get the taste, they can't help but want more.


  59. That's why god invented noise canceling headphones and Xanax!! And gin!!!!

  60. Everyones tolerance level is different. I would address the issue with a flight attendant. Even if its an older child/teen, and their parent(s) aren't aware of there behavior I would still let the attendants address it. Unfortunately, its always a crap shoot when you fly commercially.

  61. I agree, this is subjective. Kids being kids is fine. If they crying from pain what can you do besides feel sorry for them? If kids wild and doing something dangerous, then i would speak up, as parents in same area as me and dont mind kids flirting with death. Two stories: at yankee stadium, kid kicking the back of my husbands seat ad nauseum. He finally said please stop kicking the back of my seat. Thats all. Did the father say yeah, cmon knock it off. He did not. He said in loud sarcastic voice," oh yes, dont kick the sensitive man's seat." And he kept bringing it up- " remember, dont kick sensitive mans seat." He's lucky we didnt kick his sensitive seat out of the stadium. Now what is he teaching his kid? Complete disregard for anyone around him, thats what. Second story-I was in ymca locker room, and two little kids -like 3 and 4-were playing by closing doors on each other while in the lockers. Mother was away aways, so I said, " thats not the best idea in the workd. You may get locked in ." And the idiot mother, instead of saying, thats true, says," are you having fun playing in the lockers?" Ignoring me completely. Yes, its all fun and games until one gets locked in, has no air and dies. Anyway, just 2 examples of what you may think of as common sense, while parents dont think you shld mar their kids little world with manners or safety.

  62. Kids being kids is no excuse. Control your offspring or don't subject them to other people in a closed environment. Take a road trip.

  63. Sure kids have a right to fly. They have no right to disturb anyone. This isn't a $2 bus ticket. If they can't be quiet they should be on a bus. If they're in pain their parents should be arrested for abuse. Breeding does not entitle anyone to inconvenience others. I tell the brats to calm TF down since their idiot parents are incapable. They always calm down. Always.

    1. @equation...What?!?! What the what?!?! Have you priced bus tickets? Do.

  64. Let's keep in mind the kids are four and a year and a half, so it's not exactly a cake walk keeping then entertained and quiet at ant time, let alone on an airplane. Some adults don't even shut the Fuck upand behave, so why do we expect an infant or a toddler to do any better?
    If some stranger tries to parent my young child they better watch out because that is not okay. Young kids ate still learning, still figuring out right and wrong and still developing a semblance of morality. Older kids are just being assholes, so yeah you can tell my eleven year to stop being a Dick.

    As for alternative means of transportation, if my kid gets restless on a flight there is no fucking way in this world that I will decide to take a bus instead. Are you kidding me? That is one of the dumbest ideas I have ever heard.

    Just don't be an asshole. If you are on a flight and see an infant or toddler don't get pissy because they can't sit perfectly still and silent for a prolonged period of time. That's unrealistic and just plain impossible unless you drug your kids.

  65. This comment has been removed by the author.

  66. Love the lazy, huffy puffy parent who wouldn't stand for anyone telling her kids to be quiet. If you're going to have kids ...then be a parent.Period. Nobody expects a child to be a little adult… But when you allow them to disturb everyone else while you have a little "me time" you're being lazy and negligent ... And… I won't stand for lazy-ass parents not doing the job they signed up for.

  67. There's a HUGE difference between expecting silence and perfect behavior from a child and expecting decently socialized, well brought up behavior from a child and active, constant supervision from parents.

    If a child is a brat and a parent is oblivious, I recommend the Paul Lynde method.

    1. Hey ninotchka :-D I worked as a waitress, so many times I saw the power plays small children play with their parent(s). Locked in their own reality, the kid(s) are all about asserting their autonomy, I would break it up.
      Hey kid, cut it out ( or words to that effect) and distract them.
      I had ONE complaint in 15 years. ONE.

  68. I've got no problem telling other people's kids how to behave, and equally I have no problem with other people telling mine how to behave (like they should ever need reminding!) We're all in this together. If you don't want ME dictating policy to your kids, then YOU had better get to them before I do!

  69. They had to be pretty bad for a long time for more than one person to say something directly to the kids. Once you're deemed an incompetent parent people don't bother going through you anymore.

  70. Anonymous7:16 PM

    I tell the little shites to shut up - the last thing you want when you're travelling business class is to have it ruined by noisy little buggers who should fly in economy with the nanny (I'm - sort of - joking with that last comment but it makes sense, non?).

    Problem is, sometimes if you go to the parents they're real asses about it and turn it around to make it seem like you are the problem.

    I told a kid off at the supermarket this morning for fingering the lolly mix - she looked like she was going to burst into tears but that's not my problem. Where was this kid's mother? And who wants to buy lollies that some snotty little kid has touched?

    I don't have kids but I do have dogs, cats and horses. I would not take too kindly to someone telling my hounds off at the dog park (not that they ever need telling off because their manners are impeccable).

  71. As a parent that travels a lot with kids (it January and we've flown 7 times this year already) sometime you can't make them happy. My kids are 6 and 2. They fly all the time like champs, but every now and then there is an off day.

    I have never said anything to another child nor has anyone ever said anything to my kids.

    I do want to punch the haters who make snide comments under their breath about "oh great sitting next to kids." Listen up hater, those kids have gold status and have for several years, that means they fly a lot, most likely more than you. You are more likely to cause a scene than them.

  72. If your kids aren't well behaved leave them at home, most people don't want to deal with other bad parents rotten kids. If something was said to the kids they were being ignored or neglected, and Kourtney likes to play the good mother but I have a feeling she's one of those mom's who is emailing or texting the entire time she's with her kids, and they get bored and act out. They are at that age, she got mad because she was embarrassed, getting caught being a inbred idiot not paying attention to her own kids. She probably beat the nanny down in the parking structure after the poor woman carried all the luggage to to the car for not keeping the kids entertained on the flight.
