Wednesday, January 08, 2014

Your Turn

What was your most recent binge watching of television? A series you finished or caught up with in a few days or weeks.


  1. Breaking Bad all the way!


  2. Anonymous10:01 AM

    Just finished the office. I think i had something in my eye.

  3. Sons of Anarchy and Scandal. Could not stop.

  4. I haven't watched TV for years, my choice, but I'm moving soon and have been told that there are TVs all over the place.

    What to watch, what to watch... :)

  5. Game of Thrones and Boardwalk Empire.

    1. I need to get back on with Boardwalk, loved that show. Sesame Street does a spoof that is hilarious, the main character is a chicken named Clucky. They do the intro and everything.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Mob Wives on the advice of VIP.

    Got through 3/4 of Season 1 before I started having nightmares about 5 middle age broads coming to kick my ass like botoxed jackals on a downed zebra.

    I'm sticking with SVU marathons. Much less disturbing.

    1. @Kristin You have to get to season 2. That's when Big Ang makes her debut :)

    2. @VIP i love Big Ang. She is everything.

    3. Big Ang has a true heart of gold.

    4. @VIP @LOTTA I dunno... She kinda looks like something that crawls out of the bogs of Long Island and steals children at night. Is it safe?

      ...oh the stomach cramps are starting again...

    5. VIP, I hate to talk dirty , but you give good link .

  8. The first season of Twin Peaks was on a few weeks ago where I lived. I watched it for the first time but lost interest after the first season.

  9. Great British bake off and Gogglebox. Best UK telly ever. Complete binge watching when off work and children at school.

  10. Last binge: Orange is the New Black. Currently on Downton Abbey binge.

  11. Downton Abbey. Just finished season 2.

  12. Real Husbands of Hollywood. I watched all of Season 2 but I only watched four epis of Season 1. I keep stalking BET hoping they will re-air that shit.

    I know you hate Robin Thicke, but he's really funny on the show.

    I watched Downton Abbey last year in marathon form. It was exhausting. But I'm hooked.

  13. Sopranos. Holidays are time for family stories.

  14. America's Got Talent. Seriously, I love it. Like Howie Mandel says, it's like watching Ed Sullivan when I was small. I have a million other shows and series downloaded. Prior to that, my marathons were SVU and BBT. I can't watch anything on TV anymore-too many interruptions.

  15. Homeland, Seasons 2 and 3.

    Ooh @OneEye I love Fringe!

  16. haha, Meanie!
    such a silly ghoul <3

    i seriously can't get enuff of Squidbillies.
    "hold my hat while i fuck yo' wife."

  17. Watching the original Melrose Place with my daughter on Netflix. She's amazed at seeing Laura Leighton so young as opposed to her on PLL these days, which is one my daughters' favourite shows.

  18. Miami Vice; I'm taking a break in Season 4 and watching The Rockford Files now.

  19. The Americans! So good...

  20. Seasons 1-4 of The League. So. Damn. Funny.

  21. Dexter.
    Netflix just put all 8 seasons out on streaming.
    Next up?
    Then I've got to do American Horror Story, seasons 1 & 2...if they're anywhere near season 3, I'm one happy camper.

    1. I've had AHS recommended to me and it looks good, but they also advised to skip season 2. Apparently not worth it, but s3 is back to form

    2. I just finished seasons 7 & 8 of Dexter. The last episode made me cry more than once. Is it wrong that I think a serial killer is so sexy?

  22. the killing. netflix. amazing

  23. Pretty little liars. Guilty pleasure. Sue me.

  24. Ooh ANC just remembered I binge watched seasons 1 to 3 of The IT Crowd on Netflix last month. Seriously one of the best UK comedies if you get a chance.

  25. Doc Martin and A Touch of Frost. Both on Netflix and highly recommended. I am currently on a binge with Endeavour.

  26. Binge watched Top of the Lake and The Fall back to back. Really enjoyed it except for Elizabeth Moss' accent

    1. That's how I felt about Gillian Anderson's accent. It took me a while to get used to it.

  27. Love Doc Martin and The IT Crowd!

    The new Sherlock is out and I'm binge watching all the old ones to catch up again. Before that it was Entourage. I think the next one will be Breaking Bad, everyone keeps telling me awesome it is.

    What is up with Blogger and conflicting edits all the time?

    1. Breaking Bad is TIGHT!

    2. Breaking Bad is excellent. My better half and I have cracked out on it the last couple of weeks - season 5 now ... Can't stop won't stop!

  28. The pretender. And two follow up TV movies

  29. Will and Grace marathons on weekends are a guilty pleasure.Not for Grace,, For everyone else.

    1. I want to be Karen Walker when I grow up

    2. Times infinity ;-)

  30. Will and Grace marathons on weekends are a guilty pleasure.Not for Grace,, For everyone else.

  31. House of Cards and Suits

  32. Will and Grace marathons on weekends are a guilty pleasure.Not for Grace,, For everyone else.

  33. Broadchurch, lead actress was excellent.

  34. Ghost Adventures. I am drawn to Zak's poor choice in hair style and clothing.

    1. Even Zak's name spelling is douchetastic. Love it!

  35. Anonymous10:43 AM

    Flash Forward. It was incredible.

  36. SOA. Hard core binged to get seasons 1-4 watched in 2 weeks. Quite honestly, I don't care much for it. They're a p*ssy club who apologize too much. The Sopranos did it first and did it better.

  37. @violet - I love gogglebox. The posh pair and the two women in Brixton are my faves

    1. Posh pair - Steph and Dom - are amazing!

    2. Are they ever sober?!

  38. House of Cards and Shameless. Turns out politicians are more fucked up than a a family of poor, horny drunks.

    1. @JBE, LOVE House Of Cards! Can't wait for season 2.

  39. Game of Thrones. It's a repeat for me, but I keep watching.

  40. Orphan Black S1.......amazing show

  41. Orange is the New Black and House of Cards. Spacey is amazing but I'm pretty sure I hate his character already.

  42. Misfits & Chuck though I'm only on s3

    PS if any of you can access 4od (in the uk) please watch Secrets of the Dolls - it's an eye opener!

  43. I need to find something to binge watch on my flight to Hawaii. It needs to be something I can download and not stream … what do y'all recommend? I've already seen American Horror Story, Breaking Bad, Game of Thrones, Walking Dead ….

    I'm watching Sons of Anarchy at the moment (Season 1) and I'm not all that impressed. It's totally Dukes of Hazzard … the bumbling, dorky cop always trying to bust them, Uncle Jesse-type Clay, DukeBoy-esque Jax, all the racing around except on motorcycles instead of muscle cars. And everything is neatly wrapped up at the end of the episode.

  44. I was using up my vacation time, and I had some recent snow-days, so I have binge-watched a lot. I did Sherlock, Community (although I didn't pay much attention to the last season), A Moody Christmas, Spy, The Wrong Mans, Doctor Who, and the first season of Shameless (UK version). I am sure there are others, too.

  45. Shameless! I am going to start on House of Lies, Mad Men (I KNOW...I am probably the last person on Earth who hasn't seen it!), and Weeds. All are on my instant stream queue except for HOL. I also have Doctor Who, Downtown Abbey and Arrow on Arrow worth it?

    @Ninna Zanette...Top of the Lake and The Fall were SO GOOD!! Loved those two shows.

    1. @MissInfo, I loved Top of the Lake, too! I was surprised that the lead male is playing a bad guy in another show!

      I've caught an episode or two of Arrow while visiting the family. I wasn't really paying attention, just listening, and it sounds so cheesy. They also watched "Immortal Instruments" and that sounded like an episode of Arrow to me.

  46. If you have Netflix, you all should watch the original House of Cards from Great Britain. It is superb.

  47. The newest season of
    Walking dead still have the finale left. It's hard watching shows like that with small kids around

  48. Episodes -- I know, but it's really funny and I'm glad it's back on Sunday!

  49. Will & Grace bingeathon Saturdays.

  50. Covert Affairs.
    I was seriously pissed off by the Henry Wilcox plotline. He never would have been allowed back into the CIA after what he had done before.

  51. Doctor Who and Upstairs,Downstairs.

  52. Well since I've been snowed in this week in the Midwest, I'm watching a lot of tv.
    Right now I'm mainlining Lost Girl and Revolution.

  53. The Returned (Les Revenants) in French with subtitles. So flippin good.

  54. House of Cards. Next up...I don't know!

  55. old episodes of Degrassi and Degrassi Jr. High---the 80s ones

    1. I saw this and had to make sure I didn't write it in my sleep. Surely, there cannot be two people on earth at the same time who are binge watching degrassi junior high. Stephanie Kaye is trashier than I remember!

  56. Hemlock Grove, Bill Skarsgard is hot. Show could use some improvements though.

  57. Happy Endings. I am so sad they cancelled that show, despite Elisha's personal dramas.

  58. Seasons 1 And 2 Of Downto AbbEy In Order To Get My Mom Caught Up. I Was Seeing Them For Maybe The 10Th Time.

  59. Seasons 1 And 2 Of Downto AbbEy In Order To Get My Mom Caught Up. I Was Seeing Them For Maybe The 10Th Time.

  60. Portlandia - you can watch it in one day!

  61. I recorded and watched Archer to get ready for Monday night.

  62. Orange is the New black. I read the book on vacation, so am researching the series. Totally, totally different

  63. Havent tried this fad yet. But i wld if it wasnt so much trouble to get netflex and then program it. Im tired just thinking about it!!!!!

  64. Watched the entire series of Dexter before the end of the series. Was very disappointed with how the show ended, but the first 7 seasons were awesome!

  65. Recently had a long break and am somewhat embarrassed to say that I re-watched season 6 of Sex and the City.

  66. My four year-old is obsessed with Call of the Wildman. It makes sense, cause that guy's on about a four year-old level. I saw an episode the other day where a client paid him $22 and a basket of potatoes. I just can't. Now I just laugh uncontrollably whenever it is on.

    1. Omg my son loves it too.. And my husband does that silly call.. BUT I do love that he will work for ten bucks and a pie!

  67. I'm posting before I read the comments, but I re watched Sex and the City AGAIN during Christmas break. I miss those gals.

  68. @Merlin @Nosy @Jacq

    I was hoping to tell this soon and perfect timing! School started back today and one of my professors told us that she is Michael C Hall's cousin. They spent the holidays together and everything. She was saying how proud they are of him and I kept wanting to ask about Julia Stiles, hehe.

  69. Last Binge: Continuum (S1-S2, waiting for S3)
    Current Binge: The Fall
    Other good ones: Luther, Sherlock, House of Cards (US & UK are good), Winter's Bone and Ab-Fab.

  70. Forgot to add The Politican's Wife

  71. "The Fugitive" - that 1960's show. Got into it because they show it on Sunday nights, downloaded the series, and finally watched them all. Last episode was a bit goofy in how they wrapped it all up, but still a great show.

  72. Chuck, almost 5 seasons in 3 weeks

  73. Workaholics. When it started it looked so stupid to me. Now I have the new season set to record. Hurry up Jan 22nd!!!!!!

  74. @Derek I can't believe you said Degrassi!!!! I pray to GAWD that you are talking Zit Attack! Joey and Caitlin 4-eva

  75. Veronica Mars! Orange is the New Black. My girlfriends keep telling me I need to watch Shahs of Sunset but...

  76. House of Cards, Sex and the City and Friends

  77. Recently, Top of the Lake
    Last thing, Rectify
    Currently, Boardwalk Empire
    Next up, Borgen

  78. Peaky Blinders.

  79. Love It or List It. I have no idea why. My 14 year old son is hooked now too.

  80. House of Lies - it's coming back on soon and I'm trying to get caught up before it does!

  81. Ohhh yeah, House of Cards! Love it. I'm also big on ID on Netflix i.e. Nightmare Nextdoor, Who the B%#^*@ did I Marry?!, Behind Mansion Walls, Disappeared. I can't stop! I wish they would put Dateline and 48Hours on Netflix, god I would never leave the house.

    No shame in the PLL game ladies. Rosewood is addicting!

    I totally knew that Ezra was naughty! He did something around this time last year that immediately pinged my naughty boy radar, but I can't for the life of me remember what it was. I don't think this is another Toby situation, I think Ezra is bad bad bad aaallll the way.
    ***SPOILER OVER***

    1. If you go on YouTube there are TONS of dateline full episodes. I have the YouTube on our wii so I watch toooons of them. It's great.

  82. The entire season of GCB in a day!

  83. Sons of anarchy. Love it, can't wait for next season. I read that it's loosely based on Hamlet which means 7th and final season will be good (and bloody)

    I love Charlie now, and wish he was still going to be on Fifty Shades:(

    Also like Its Always Sunny in Philedephia

  84. @JSierra I freaking love Sins & Secrets on ID. Oh, sign me up for some Dateline. Keith Morrison is a true pimp! Dateline, anytime.

  85. "in the Heat of the Night"
    Love that show!

  86. "in the Heat of the Night"
    Love that show!

  87. Being Human - US version.

    Sam Witwer (Vampire Aidan) is teh hotness. Sizzling hot. Can't get enough.

    New season starts 1/13 - mmmyeah.

  88. Ray Donovan, Always Sunny in Philadelphia, and Trailer Park Boys.

  89. Scandal, loving it!!!

  90. The United States of Tara(Toni Collette is awesome as a multiple personality and her family.sweet show, Leverage ( crooks conning crooks, )Tim Hutton looks like his daddy ( my firstest crush, Mr Ellery Queen Jim Hutton) , Black Butler 1and 2 ( anime with great story and graphics)
    Seems like a lot but I have a tendency to obsess and try to see as many as possible. My addictive behavior coming out.
    More Is Better! :-D

  91. Grimm! And so happy I did - I love it!

  92. Wire in the Blood (UK)

    Veronica Mars (rewatched in preparation for March!)

  93. Law & Order the Lenny years. RIP Jerry Orbach

  94. Law & Order the Lenny years. RIP Jerry Orbach

  95. Breaking Bad. Now, rewatching 24.

  96. I'm watching way too much fucking television these days. I have a fussy baby who doesn't allow me to sit and read often so tv or music is always on.. I've watched about 5 seasons of breaking bad in the last couple of weeks - We also watched an entire season of Under the Dome - I read the book and I am still confused on why the shows varies so far from the original source. I caught up on the UK Shameless. My hubby and I are watching Falling Skies now and that's pretty good so far. I cracked out on this seasons Boarwalk Empire as well and got on the Mob Wives train too .. Jesus I'm throwing this tv out the window after this baby turns 2!! I feel my brain melting!!

  97. This comment has been removed by the author.

  98. I've seen just about everything good that's recent so started Sons of Anarchy recently

  99. Ally McBeal...also have all the seasons of the Facts of LIfe to watch.
