Friday, February 07, 2014

Blind Item #10

This B- list mostly movie actress who stars in a new movie this month always told guys that she was in an open relationship. Her partner finally got tired of her saying this and cheating so he went and found someone else to hook up with and our actress freaked out and went crazy violent. The guy left her and she likes to play the woe is me card because of it.


  1. Completely off-topic and apropos of nothing, I read that Channing Tatum calls himself "fappy" these days (fat and happy). I thought, "Awww..." and then I thought of Count and what "fapping" means to him, and now I feel dirty. LOL

    1. Oh dear, Cee Kay, someone should let him know. For someone who sang a song called "Channing All Over Your Tatum", it would be a public service.

    2. @Cee kay Lmao

      @seven Good So I'll take that invitation. Channing, I wanna Fappy all over you tatum. I offer Waffles afterwards.

      lol okay I'll shut up

  2. Abbie and Ryan have been over for years…

  3. It does sound exactly like the relationship between Abbie and Ryan...but years ago.

    Who knows...maybe this is an old BV that Enty just brought out.

  4. Since when has fap, fapping, etc not been a noun? That existed last century. An excellent example of onomatopoeia.

    I blame this on celebrities not using the Internet lest it make them cry. Channing needs more web in his life.

  5. My guess is Elizabeth Olsen, and the boyfriend is Boyd Holbrook. She has a movie called "In Secret" coming out this month.

  6. they are still together Blogger101 they were just at a movie premiere.

  7. Why would Ryan Phillipe get tired of an open relationship? Seriously folks! Read the blind all the way through!

  8. Maybe Emily Blunt/Michael Buble?
