Sunday, February 23, 2014

Blind Item #2

After a relapse this B list mostly movie actor who used to be an A list tweener has been getting treatment at a rehab center outside of California. It is the same place that one of America's favorite rehab darlings went once.



  2. I hate my computer--ZAC

  3. So Zacquisha is at Cirque Lodge in Utah? Hope you're right Enty.

  4. They should have sent him to that rehab in Arizona, the one that's damn near impossible to escape from, even though RDJ managed to escape somehow.

    1. As far as I know, Zach is not under any sort of probation, so they can't send him to one of those kinds of facilities. Even those tend to be minimum security. If this is him, he is there by choice (or pressure) so good for him.

      I'm still struggling to rebuild my relationship with my little brother after I had to coordinate an intervention for his poly drug abuse that had gotten to the point that I knew he would die if I did nothing. It was and still is incredibly tough. I wish we could just send addicts to those kinds of places but we can't, and even if we could, it wouldn't work because they need to want sobriety

  5. is this item based of sightings of zac in utah?

  6. Sounds like he must be having a hard time staying sober. This gives me the sads...hope Zac gets and stays clean this time.

  7. Zac is a great example of the horrors of the closet.

  8. Okay, setting up for book club.

    Sorry to hear about your little brother, Lady H. I hope he's able to pull out of that. It reminds me of how we treat mental illness here, say schizophrenia. The patient has to right to check themselves out and not take their meds and subsequently go right off the rails, because you can't force them to be hospitalized unless you can prove them an immediate danger to themselves.

  9. And I have cookies. Ginger molasses with dark chocolate chips. Hi, TTM.

  10. Yay!! Charlie's here! Have you read the book? The Quiet Game, by Greg Iles?

  11. I actually make a cookie just like that!

  12. Le Cirque in Utah?

  13. TTM do you announce the next book at the end of this BC? I'd like to join in next time :)

  14. I brought wine, Corona, and plenty of sarcasm!!

  15. Hey Becky! For sure, someone will suggest one and we'll all vote! Join any time, the more the merrier

  16. So TTM, how did ya like The Quiet Game?

  17. Yay!! Hammer Girl made it!! how you doing, dirty bird?? Still working crazy hours?

  18. I liked it, hammer! I liked it a lot. I can see how you compare his style to Dennis Lehane, maybe with less cynicism. I was saying I couldn't believe that the book was set in modern times with the way race relations are portrayed

    1. He really pushes the envelope with his books. The first book of his I ever read was Blood Memory. It dealt with rape and child molestation, it really pushed the limit. However it was a good book.

  19. Ugh yes:( I don't know what the hell I was thinking accepting more responsibilities. I miss being able to be irresponsible. Now I'm the one calling people to the carpet, mwahahaha!!!

  20. Yay for abusable power, mwahhahaha! I picture you rubbing your fingertips together a la Mr. Burns, just so you know

  21. Is that part of the same series? I downloaded a schwack of his books but it doesn't look like that's one of them.

    I'm just happy to have a new author's back catalogue to read

    Do you read any Jonathan Kellerman? He deals with those type of subjects in most of his books

    1. Blood Memory is a stand alone. I've read all of his books except Spandaux Pheonix and Black Cross, mainly because they deal more with war and that's not my cup of tea. There are 3-4 Penn Cage books I believe

  22. Oh there are times I do;) if only I had some hot young stud employees to give a good lashing

  23. Instruction, hammer! You mean instruction!!

    1. Of course, of course. That was not HR appropriate.

  24. So it may be just us...what are you drinking?? Corona and what kind of wine?

  25. I believe I have a Jonathan Kellerman book here somewhere, I'm obsessed with going to book fairs and flea markets to bargain hunt for books and pick up a new author every now and then.

  26. I have sangria and also a soft red. I can't drink too much wine or I will have a hell of a headache the next day.

  27. Flea markets and second hand bookstores were where I got most of my books from; also pawn shops. They never have any idea how much to sell books for, so they practically give them away. I kind of miss flea markets. That was an awesome way to spend a Saturday morning: some truly interesting people out there gathered in one area

  28. I love the flea markets for books. I found a Philip Margolin 1st edition signed for $2 there. It was also his very first book ever published. He's not very popular but he's fairly established.

  29. I think I've read a couple of his...Capitol Murder and Gone But Not Forgotten?

    1. Yes!! I have a ton of his books but haven't read them all unfortunately.

  30. I also found a Clive Barker 1st edition, and it even had a bunch of marijuana leaves in it!

  31. Bwawha, you should save that all together! Are you strictly a mystery / thriller buff then?

  32. One of my favourites is Lawrence Block, have you read him?

  33. Oh no, I read across the board. I love Jim Butcher's Dresden Files. I tell myself if I get a dog I'm gonna name it mouse like in his books. I also read a lot of the vampire porn ala Laurell K Hamilton, J R Ward, Anne Rice. I'm not much for romance though. I have been told I should have been born with a penis.
    What kind of books do you like? Are you strictly thriller/mystery?

    1. Dresden Files rocked, Hammer Girl! Total agreement.

  34. I haven't heard of Block before. What type of books does he write? I have got to expand my circle. I've read all of Iles, Connelly, and Lehane's books to date.

  35. No, I like pretty much everything. I haven't read Lauren K Hamilton or the Twilight series, because I already have the awesomest vampire / supernatural writer: Kelley Armstrong. She's awesome. Funny, really smart. Some of her latest books are not so bueno, but I love her earlier stuff. AND she's a Canucklehead. Give her a shot!

    Lawrence Block writes mystery / thriller, a few series actually. My favourite of his is the Matthew Scudder series, about a recovering / struggling alcoholic PI. Almost like Sam Spade / Dashiell Hammet stuff, so well written.

  36. I meant to say, there is a three-movie deal to film some of the Matthew Scudder books, starting with "A Walk Amongst the Tombstones" starring Mr. Giant Junk himself, Liam Neeson

  37. No F-ing way, I love Kelley Armstrong!! I haven't read any of her recent stuff but I loved Bitten, and I've even been watchen the TV show on Syfy.
    Have you ever read Kim Harrison? She is more witches and demons, but she has werewolves and tons of snark thrown in.
    I have heard of Matthew Scudder before, I will definitely check Block out.

  38. I have NOT read Kim Harrison, but will check her out!

    Block is awesome. He does a lot of different types of writing: he does a funny burglar one that I can't really get into, another one like Nero wolfe and some borderline erotica. Ooh, and then there's the HitMan chronicles, which I also like. He's a stamp collector

  39. Oh wow! Well I hate to say it but my phone is about to die:(
    What book would you like to select for next time or do you want to wait until next weekend to announce what it will be?

  40. Well, how about the Lawrence Block book "Sins of The Fathers"? That's the first of the series and we could get all googly-eyed about GiantJunk there.

    Or how about i'll put it up for a vote? For anyone that doesn't want to do another mystery?

    It seems like things have settled down with the trolls, so I will mention it tomorrow somewhere conspicuous, see what people wanna do

    Thanks for yakkin!

  41. Either way sounds good to me. I'll drop in and find out what the decision is.
    Right back at ya girlie>3

  42. Do we have a month to read? I like the sound of the Block book, I don't read a lot of this genre either.

  43. You two are too fucking adorable. That is all

  44. I'm kinda offended that TTM and Charley aren't sharing their cookies.

    1. Lucas, you can have some of my cookies! Charlie, got any to spare?

  45. Zac's at Lindsay's old stomping grounds? Ugh. I had hopes that was the last of his troubles. :( Such a cute dude, so young. These stories depress me.

  46. Here's a tidbit, Gomez has been parting it up, all weekend. Dammit. I feel like renting a bus and bringing all home w me. I went thru this shit, still fight it.

  47. I'm a bad wench, I've been cheating with Quiet Game because the download is on hold but Jodi Picoult's "The StoryTeller" came through. Picoult audiobooks are the best.

    @Hammer & @Alita - you Dresden ladies! <3 <3

    If you like audiobooks, James Marsters (Spike from Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel) is the narrator for all but one of the books, and he captures the characters very well (sexy man with a sexy voice, oh yeah).

    I also adore Christopher Moore. A Dirty Job, You Suck, Bloodsucking Fiends - seriously, if you love Dresden Files, you'll love Christopher Moore.

    I like Dennis Lehane, too - I've read all of his books. (I think some of us might be a little dark, LOL)

  48. High Five, @7! I'm more into reading than listening to audio books, but we have the audio books and I've listened to Spike doing them, he's brilliant! He should do more audio books, but Dresden are the only ones we have of his.

    Interestingly we rate the (British) guy that does the American Harry Potter far higher - like he's the best audio book guy ever - than Stephen Fry's British Harry Potter versions.

    Last one - Margurite Gavin does a bunch of urban fantasy books including Southern Vampire Mysteries and Otherworld, and does a really good job. Love Otherworld - brilliant, if you don't know them, definitely check them out - given we seem to consistently like almost all the same stuff I bet you'll love them just as much :)

    We're absolutely checking out Christopher Moore - thanks, Seven!

  49. I downloaded The Quiet Game from the library but didn't get it started. I'll definitely be up for the next book clubs. I have listened to a couple of other Greg Iles books, and really enjoyed them. I'm up for any type of fiction.

  50. Greg Iles fact for the day, his latest book has been shelved due to a car accident he was involved in. Dude almost died and lost part of his leg. He also used to be in a band with Stephen King and a few other authors. Yeah I have no life, therefore I know these things.

  51. @Hammer_Girl

    Oh no! I had no idea! Poor guy. I recently found out about the band. Those would definitely have been interesting performances - I believe I saw Amy Tan in a short black miniskirt and leather biker cap.

  52. That's brutal, Hammer! It's probably wrong, but I'm wondering if it is a walkable part of his leg. Poor guy, I hope he heals well. I put this on the other thread, but I'm just gonna ask anyone/everyone interested to just shoot me an email. It's on my profile (no laughing, it's an oldie!) I will send out a mass one to ever peeps.

  53. Ah shizz @TTM, I just read that Lehane and Connelly are teaming up. So expect a short story featuring Kenzie and Bosch. Woot woot!!

  54. Yay, Hammer! Lehane was threatening to not write Kenzie again for a while, I'm so glad he changed his mind

    Hey, I took the advice of a very smart cookie and set up a blog for the book club so we aren't taking over a gossip thread (even a lame one) or running into lame trolling (not the Ks) It's on my profile, or the address is

    and it would be awesome if everyone wanted to come do posts there, we could all own it! Anyway, check it oot
