Saturday, February 01, 2014

Blind Item #3

This B list mostly movie actress, who should be C based on talent but is A+ based on name told some friends the other day that her husband treats her like crap and verbally abuses her all the time but that she won't leave him because she doesn't believe in splitting up a family.


  1. Which housebound by decree is this supposed to be, enty?
    Blake or Biel?

  2. I think its Biel Steampunk because Blake is mostly Tv.

  3. Is this supposed to be Tori?

    1. Gah, never mind...not mostly movie.

  4. "Family" made me think someone with kids.

  5. Last line makes it appear there are kids so maybe not Biel or especially Blake.

  6. She needs to know her worth! People always act like they're doing more for you than you're doing for them. It's a bullshit game.

  7. Someone is forgetting to lock its caps. Know your troll.

  8. I thought the same thing (kids), hence the Alba guess. Cash strikes me as kind of a douche.

  9. Megan Fox maybe.

    First time guesser, too. :)

    1. I like this guess.

    2. Kristie - strong entrance into CDAN world! Way to come out swinging

  10. My first thought was the same as Seven of Eleven.

    Enty always refers to Jessica Alba as a C list talent, and always makes a point when mentioning her to make that kind of slap at her talent. Things I've seen her saying in interviews suggest she's got a pretty old-fashioned attitude toward marriage, and she does have two children.

    If it is her -- or, honestly, whoever it is -- I hope she gets out of that situation. Seeing their abused by their father will teach those two little girls a terrible lesson that will endanger them when they're grown up.

  11. I know what you mean, I got a kid(s) vibe too but the entyties ( see what I did? :-D ) just go on and on about these three like choosing to be a wife is terrible, or being a mother unfulfilling. Its frustrating that the emotional rewards are dismissed as unimportant.

  12. Since I'm guessing Alba doesn't have a prenup and Cash doesn't have any income he will clean her out.

  13. OK, Rant over. Now, make Him leave, maybe he doesn't have the same moral standard for marriage :-D .
    OK Cash and carry would clean her out but the she won't be able to recoup the money acting, the older she gets. Either leave or hire someone to kick this guys ass as she tells him to straighten up and be respectful.
    He only has the power if she gives it to him...

  14. Yay more names for the Enties good one Steampunk

    1. Thanks sandy, * hand over fist, waist bow* I am but a humble student of your ways...:-D

  15. LOL @ Cash and carry!

    Welcome, Kristie! Woot, another lurker out! :D

  16. Fox came to my mind also, Kristie, but I don't think she is allowed to have friends.

    I'll go with the Alba guess, and I'll also guess the "verbal abuse" sounds something like, "NO, I'm not getting the kids ready so you can prance them in front of the paps. Can't you grow the fuck up?"

  17. Ive got a few names for the Enties that would probably get me tossed off Blogger if I ever used them @Steam :)

  18. V@fontllover. I agree just because there are no bruises doesn't mean there is no abuse. I have been going through this & psychological crap for 20+ years, finally getting a divorce. Probably should have done it 10-15 years ago. The sad thing is that the kids think it ok/ normal to do the same thing.

  19. Anonymous1:32 PM

    there's nothing heroic about wasting your life with a jerk

  20. Sorry @ Skippy, the hardest lesson is that we teach without being aware of it. Its humbling. Thank god you saved up the strength to get out. Heal and teach by example again... Best of luck, I hope you find a good therapist who can help you ..:-)

  21. Atta girl, skippy. Takes a lot of strength. I hope you have a good support network

  22. Isn't J. Alba back to work because Cash went through her money?

  23. Was thinking Jennifer Gardner- but Ms. opportunist would NEVER leave Ben while things are going well for him.

  24. A.C. Good answer! Like! Gotten ask, does anyone else get a Flockhart vibe? Y'know, that grim "fugedaboudit cheater, I'll put a lock on your 'nads first"

  25. Jessica Alba, Cash look like he is an asshole. Remeber she use to hook up with 50cent and he is DEFINITELY an asshole!
