Saturday, February 22, 2014

Blind Item #4

This A+list celebrity was at lunch yesterday and had a meltdown. It started with her eating her food with her hands and then she started talking to herself and the next thing you know it was the shortest lunch on record and everyone got out of there.


  1. who ate lunch yesterday/


      Def Brit. She was running around Westlake yesterday looking a bit rough. People were happy to report how she had a new "firey" hair color and suggested she dyed her hair three times in recent weeks (hinting at mental illness relapse, especially considering the hair shaving incident)

    2. Brit was in the DM yesterday for running around Westlake AND she's back in there again today

      Sandy FTW!!!

    3. Now Brit and I have the same hair color.

  2. Is it still KFF? Guess I'll go for.......Paris.

  3. I ate lunch for dinner @Derek does that count as a meltdown (some of it I ate with my hands too)??

  4. I can't believe I'm the first with this one. CZJ.

    Then she went to a park bench, cried and passed off her kids to a stranger. (Sorry I couldn't help myself.)

  5. Britney has changed her hair twice in the last few days. Hair seems to be a symptom, change. Sad.

  6. As long as the DM reported it I know shes the right answer. Entys favorite source for BIs.

  7. Yay me (time for beers!)

  8. Actually, if its mental issues for Brit, its sad and i hope she gets better soon. Carrie fisher is supp to be off the rsils mentally to. Ugh , wish we cld fix mental issues! Hugs to sufferers!

  9. Her new hair kinda gives her isopod eyes (big & cute but vacant & confused). I love her. Crazy or no crazy. But I totally feel like they either gave her a frontal lobotomy or she spent some time at the "David Miscavaige Finishing School for Ladies".


  10. Sadly Sandyboo, Auntie Mame is hung this morning after a 50th birthday celebration. I may just join you in that beer. If only I had some bloody mary mix it would qualify as a breakfast drink.

  11. Pressure of that stupid Vegas show is making Britney crack.

    They gonna whip her until she dies in the field, then take Jamie-Lynn out of mothballs.

  12. Did we miss your b'day Sherry? HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!

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  14. Would any body be surprised to hear that they use Britney look alikes to do her show in Vegas? As for her hair they are most likely wigs.

  15. Too many hair extensions baldness?

  16. I could go with Britney still being labeled A list for whatever reason, but A + list when her music is barely selling anymore? Makes me think it's gotta be someone else.

  17. I had a tuna meltdown and some chips for lunch yesterday.

  18. That sounds yummy, @Sugar! I'm eating turkey and swiss with my hands and when I spilled mustard on my shirt, I said "Way to go, genius!" I've taken the first steps to a meltdown. Go me!

  19. That poor thing. She's probably on (possibly off) medication that makes her just want to lie down and sleep. Eating like that sounds like some sort of angry reaction to the people around her.

  20. No Sandyboo, wasn't my 50th I was celebrating some other young whipper snapper. But thanks! BTW this second beer is going down too well.

  21. Speed it up Sherry I'm double fisting today because yesterday was a dry Friday due to bad weather and I'm catching up.

  22. Angie, why would you think Brit Brit ISN'T A+ list? She will be that til the day she dies, regardless of UPS and downs in sales. She's Britney Fucking Spears. I saw the hair color changes last week, and I thought, "Oh here go hell come, we're back to "Gimme More" days."

    Rooting for her, the Cheetolings need her to be well. Ish.

  23. Po' Brit Brit. She's unraveling faster than Cate Blanchett in Blue Jasmine.

  24. @aubrey that's interesting that you say that, bc I saw a pic she took backstage after her show with another singer (I think Katy Perry) and I could swear it wasn't Britney Spears.

    1. The photo of her and gaga. Was not Brittany

    2. Glad I'm not the only one who thought that!

  25. This is NOT Britney...

  26. Ana: Where you been hiding, Betch?

  27. I think it is Britney and the strain of the Vegas commitment has set her over the edge

  28. Anonymous5:09 AM

    Somehow Must be Brit. but I can see CZJ doing this. Brit sounds more schizofrenic but the talking to herself can be Z too. Ppl should not joke about these two girls as it s a terrible desease and they can t control what s happening. :((( all my good thoughts to both of them

  29. Poor BritBrit. I think she is done and her family should let her give it up.

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