Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Blind Item #5- Fashion Week

This B list mostly television actor who is on a very hit network crime show was backstage this week with another guy and said he didn't want any model who looked over 15. Apparently our actor likes them legal but looking like they are in middle school. Pretty much the exact opposite of who he is married to.


  1. coco is the opposite of a junior high school girl. she and kim deserve so much credit for bringing the hourglass figure back

  2. Not that I disagree with you Nikkitiki, but I think their surgeons deserve most of the credit.

    1. My ass is all natural! Don't you remember when I took a butt xray on TV? They proved my ass is real! And my ass makes money, honey!

    2. Kim, you look like a wax figure that belongs at Madam Tussauds. I'm afraid that when summer comes around you will melt into a puddle of beige and tan.

    3. Hey Bruce. I like your new hair.

  3. I think this is the count. likes the little whores barely legal but looking much younger. likes their tight little puckerholes and to shoot his dick snot on em.
    How you degenerates can encourage his filth is far beyond my comprehension. all you women on here who giggle and squeal when he posts should be ashamed. Its fully disgusting and beyond inappropriate. You all go off the rails when a woman like rach talks dirty about her committed relationship of almost a decade, a woman who supports children and other women, but the count can come on here and talk about anything and you all cave. Not so funny if its your barely legal daughter is it? Or the fact he hates women doesn't phase you?
    You people are cowards who are afraid of a cyber bully. #eatshit

    1. That rant turned me on, Rosie. Are you single? I treat women right and I don't cheat anymore. I learned my lesson.

    2. @Rosie I made a comment similar to this recently and got attacked ...called snobby, c**t etc. Not one person agreed.with me. I guess most people think it's OK to talk like this! I say, "get back to me when your teenaged daughter tells you her boyfriend called her a whore and a c**t. Will you tell her that they are 'just words?'"
      I'll sit back and wait.for the name calling now....just wanted you to know that I agree with you!

    3. Anonymous2:31 AM

      Tillie! I have a French Bulldog named Tillie! I hope this isn't her posting ... if it is, back to your basket now!

    4. If you would give me something to play with I'd stop posting on the internet:/

  4. That gave me the spins. I love this hot mess of a place. Feels like home.

  5. Hey, Rosie the Pig is here, oinking up the place, to try and salve her butthurtedness from yesterday. What's yer address, Pig, I'll have a bucket of Prep H shipped to you along with a sponge on a stick so you can apply it.

    I don't hate women, Rosie, I hate cunts. Guess which column you fit in, twunce.

    I doubt you have a barely legal daughter, Pig Rosie, but if you do, dig into her celly and email me the selfies on there. Snow is coming and I need some spanking material.


  6. rosie i agree with your militant lesbefriendz agenda wholeheartedly. but to me the gross part about @counts stories is the constant references to meth not the sexual stuff.


    1. Yeah. meth = sexy...said no one ever

  7. Wow where did that come from?

  8. Wow where did that come from?

  9. That said, I like the Ice-T guess. Get it, Bro. Nothing wrong w/ legal chicks who look young. Should broads be in chastity belts until they look like haggard old bags?

  10. We need Bruce Jenner to come into this thread and moderate.

  11. Rosie and Tillie, I agree with you, for what it is worth.

  12. Team rosie here too.

    count takes it too far with the liking them young and mentally fagile

  13. Lols...happy day everyone!

  14. oh please---all you woman just wanna fight and cause drama. and then when a man defends himself and name calls back we are "sexist and judgmental". This is a gossip sight if you have a problem with the material presented with you about the blind item subjects then leave. Go take your aggression somewhere else. Maybe the Oprah message boards is more your speed since you are all such saints...

    1. Hi Derek! Are you excited for my engagement episode on Sunday? It's so romantic!! Ye and I have watched it at least 10 times already!

    2. Anonymous2:33 AM

      @Derek Harvey - you really need to check what your posting before hitting that 'Publish' button ... #WOMEN #SITE

  15. Rosie, Tilly, GPS: Count's posts are fairly typical for men who can't get any action, and if they could, wouldn't be able to handle it. That's why they have so much time to sit at their computers and pretend.

    Try to feel sorry for him.

  16. of course Kim--wouldnt miss it for the world ; )
    Now Kim is a woman that knows whats up

  17. Kim has no idea. The men in this family know what's up, the girls live in a bubble. Am I right, Bruce, Brody and Lord Disick?

    1. I can agree with you now because I'm out of the hen house! I love all my kids, but it's nice to finally have some peace and quiet.

    2. You're so immature, Rob! And you're right, I do live in a bubble. A bubble made of money!! That's why you're not in it, broke ass. You should go back too sleeping with Paris. You're bad for our brand

    3. Kim the only bubble you have is that bubble butt.

    4. Jealous much, pancake butt?

    5. Paris, did you tell Rick I said hi?

    6. Khloe has a nice tush. Not too big not too small.

    7. Lord, Kourt is going to be so pissed at you. I know it's hard to tell what emotion she is expressing because she always has that monotone voice and her face never changes but she doesn't like you ogling Khloe's big ass.

    8. It's all good Robbie. I think she would agree with me that Khloe has a nice derriere.

    9. What is all this nonsense? Everyone knows that I have the best ass

    10. Bigger isn't always better Kim.

    11. Only small people say that, Scott. I guess that explains your Ferrari!

    12. There's enough of my genetalia to go around for everyone, don't be so jealous Kim.

    13. That's disgusting, Scott! And I get more than my fill from Kanye

  18. All the h8rz coming out today. Y'all gots yer cycles synced or sumpin?

    All of you broads who say an 18 year old can't make an adult decision are doing nothing but professing to the world, "I was dumb as shit when I was 18." I'm glad you all made it through that, but not every 18 year old is as dumb as you were.


  19. Thankyou Tillie and GPS74. Ive said it before and got jumped for being an ugly dyke pig who no man would ever want(that was from count himself) As if my rosie the riveter picture is synonymous with a militant feminist who looks like Rosie O donell. *news flash* We DO NOT all look like bull-dykes. Also, Im actually not even a self identified feminist-
    By the way, count- even if I was straight I can assure you that you and I are FAR from the same demo graph, I would never ever even be friends (let alone fuck) a man who glorifies meth use, hates women, has a tiny penis, chainsmokes cigarettes, or lives within a mile radius of 12 strip clubs. In other words, I don't mingle with white trash like that. I am much hotter than you, and ironically can get much hotter/classier women than you.. enjoy that little factoid.

  20. @Rosie---like WHO BRAGS about being hot on a gossip blog? lolll

  21. "all you woman just wanna fight and cause drama"

    You know what? Fuck off with this. I want to come to a gossip site (it is not "SIGHT") for gossip tidbits, not barely related misogynistic objectification in the comments. Sometimes Count amuses me. Sometimes I find the comments offensive and appallingly sexist--and they are not usually the ones in which he is 'standing up for himself', so give me a fucking break. He likes to shock but I for one find it tiresome and juvenile. But then I consider what @Tru says... and Tru is probably right.

    And... Oprah message boards? Are you fucking kidding me? Do you even realize you're being a sexist jerk?

  22. @ Derek. You accusing ANYONE of wanting to fight and cause drama is HILARIOUS after you whipped out your little wee wee and pissed up and down the comments section a couple days ago. You hurled insults, tattled on Rach to stir shit, were cruel to headrot, and made everyone a witness to your massive hissy fit. Now your back and starting up again. I think Derek is the one on his cycle. Give that self imposed exile another chance since you feel this is such a "shit hole."

  23. @RosieDaPig: I never called you a dyke. Show proof or shut up. I said no man would ever want you because you are a bitter, miserable person.

    I only called you a pig after you used the same slur on me yesterday. PROOF (SFW)

    You aren't half as cool as Rosie O'Donnell. She used to get loaded at clubs and pick up hot young bimbos all the time.

    I don't live within a mile of 12 strip clubs. My home and 6 of the 7 properties around it are horse farms.

    Also, I don't hate women, I only hate cunts. You on the other hand are an obvious MANsogynist, hating all things testicular, because in reality, you hate yourself for not having testicles.

    Take your victim card and shove it up your ass, Pig. You came after me. Victims don't fire the first shot.

    1. LMAO at "MANsogynist" I believe the correct term you're looking for is misandrist

  24. I just started commenting after being a longtime lurker, and geeze you guys bring the drama lol it's like I'm reading a comment section on Gawker or Jezebel

  25. "Victims dont fire the first shot"
    Amen Count

  26. @Snapdragon: All celebs are objects. I generally only talk about the female ones, because they are the only ones I jack off to.

    Do you complain when there are celeb dick pix posted, objectifying the men?


    I don't get as much action as I need, but I do get some. I use the fact that I get laid to prove the point that women of all ages make poor decisions, not just the barely legals.

    Oh, and Rosie is a Pig.

  27. @Chrystal: Shhh. I'm trying to make "MANsogynist" happen like Lotta made "betch" happen. Plus it is camouflage to try and hide my incredible intelligence behind ;)

  28. hahaha Oh man count, you want proof? I do not live and breathe all things CDAN. I couldn't care less to give you proof. I don't doubt for a second that you've embellished most of your stories, just like the one where you were so proud to live within a short radius of several stripclubs, snort meth, masturbate to barely legals, and disrespect women on the regular. And YOU are calling ME a pig? That's rich. I have a great relationship with my father, my best friends are all straight men, and Ive enjoyed the intimate company of men a few times.
    Youre just pissed that your getting called out and OWNED by a female- hate it, don't you?
    Oh, and to DEREK- you want to know why I brought up Im hotter than Count? Did you even read his posts? Let me add something to the fact Im hotter- Im also better than him. Im smarter than him. I am nicer than him. Im cooler than him. Suck on that boys

  29. @Derek: Yes, the Pig Rosie tried the Butthurted 101 move of changing the location of an argument inorder to pretend it is new and hide from past shame. I screen cap everything I think I may need to reference at a later time. Much easier than sorting through the email alerts of new posts.

    Really, I thing she is mad that I didn't respond to her "Keep it classy, Count" comment yesterday. She didn't get the negative attention she wanted to give her a focus for her menstruational anger.

    #TakeMidolUPig #MaybeSumChocolate2

  30. yeah Rosie you are a real sweetie thats for sure : /

  31. Oh boy here we go again. Everyone try to have a good day.

  32. Damn, I would'a bought popcorn if I'd known we were gonna have another shit storm!

    It's just a gossip blog, people! LTFU!!!

  33. and for the record---Im cool with everyone---I got my stuff out this weekend if you hadn't noticed. I am just sticking up for Count (not that he needs or wants it) cause I know what it is like to be attacked and then bitched at for attacking back.
    The victim doesn't fire the first shot summed it up perfectly for the problem here that generally starts the fighting...

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. cant address the power points count?
    (1)have a tiny penis
    (2)chain smoke
    (3)live in the ghetto
    (4)whack to underage
    (5)cant get laid by classy
    (6)hate women
    (8)gossips w a bunch of women(for this you should turn in your manCard
    (9)meth user

    Its interesting you say Im changing the subject. I addressed very clearly that Im not an angry man hater nor a pig. What do you have to say for yourself? hey, start with the tiny penis thing, that honestly could be the root of your self loathing and reason for hating females that have left you because of it. Yes. Start there.
    and Derek, unless you have the psychological tools to engage in this, go away. You've proven yourself a total idiot.

  35. @Rosie it doesn't take a Dr. Phil to acknowledge you are being a tool and a rude bully (as usual).

  36. Again, address the issues or shut the fuck up. You are falling apart as we speak, aren't you? Poor little degenerate. WE ARE WAITING.... Start with the tiny penis saved that little jewel you posted, right? oopsie, shouldn't of done that *how embarrassing*

  37. hahaha Derek, wasn't it just a few days ago when you knocked a woman while she was down? Howd that feel? You want to play the patron saint of decency now? You lost your voice the second you did that. Take a seat.

  38. yeah cause she attacked me for calling Fantasia trashy (which she is) and after running her mouth off acted all "woah is me".

  39. Rosie is obsessed with the size of mens ding dongs cause she wishes she had one lollll

  40. It's spelled 'whoa'. I learned that in college. I went to college, you know.

  41. @Kim---Rosie probably drives a turquoise Suzuki sidekick with busted windows and a stereo that blasts The Indigo Girls out the windows

  42. its called auto-correct Rob. At least I graduated dude ; )

  43. I stand with RR, Tillie and Tru. It seems like the Count reads every post, no matter how benign, and thinks, "I wonder how I can turn this into a comment involving my sex life."

    It is simply not that interesting. Aren't there a plethora of subreddits dedicated to the topic that could be taken to? It shouldn't be the primary raison d'être of contributing here.

  44. raison d'être - what is that. I didn't go to French college. Speak English please.

  45. @RosieDaPig:

    (1)have a tiny penis - yep
    (2)chain smoke - yep
    (3)live in the ghetto - far from it, 5acres in the heart of NJ's horse country. My horse died in January though, so I think I'm going to make a go cart track, for my kid, where the pasture is
    (4)whack to underage - nope, I wack to porn. 18y/o minimum
    (5)cant get laid by classy - nope, my ex of 10yrs was mental, but classy
    (6)hate women - nope, only twunces like you
    (7)unemployed - nope, been running my own biddness for 15yrs.
    (8)gossips w a bunch of women(for this you should turn in your manCard - yep, lots of these betches are cool. Hot too.
    (9)meth user - yep, recreational variety

    You are changing the words around again, Twunce. I didn't say you changed the subject, I said you changed the LOCATION. You didn't continue this in yesterday's post, where you started it, because you got your nose stuck in shit, so you were attempting a fresh start.

    Yer painfully under equipped for all of this. And for the record, id has nothing to do with your lack of testicles, it has everything to do with you being stupid. And a Pig.

    I have to go to work now, so I can earn some money for meth and a whore to degrade this weekend. I'll tip her an extra $50 if she lets me punch her in the ribs while I call her Rosie Da Pig. I'll post a picture of her tear and eyeliner streaked cheeks on Monday.

    Bye Pig.

  46. @Rob--thats what I was thinking too

  47. Quick hit

    @GPS74: If you don't like it, it doesn't matter. The site owner seems to enjoy my posts, and chooses not to moderate them.

  48. Count Jerkula, I don't need to get into a shitstorm with you. I am simply pointing out a fact. And anyone who seems to point that fact out ends up attacked by you and Derek, simply for having a differing opinion.

    This site doesn't seem to moderate comments, so I don't see how your point has any relevancy. As I said, I think you would be more at home at Reddit.

    I'm not continuing this conversation further. Fight with yourself, or by yourself, if you must (and I suspect you will, because you are in love with the sound of your voice).

    Good day.

  49. I'm with you Rosie. The count is a major assailed and most of the women who respond to him sound like immature high schoolers.

  50. LOL. Is this what people in the real world act like?
    I'm glad I'm a rich businessman who doesn't usually interact with the regulars. People are strange. This has been a real world lesson for me and my sisters.

    1. Rob, did you just say that you're rich?! That has to be the funniest thing I've read all day!!!

    2. Rob, I've never seen it get like his. This is more drama than one of our family dinners.

    3. This is why I never show up to those, Bruce.
      I'll always go to Malibu though. #SURFSUP

    4. Rob, the last time you went surfing you split your wetsuit! The whole family still laughs about it! #Shamu

    5. Uhh, you're the one who has been compared to Shamu.
      Exhibit A

    6. Rob!!! That picture is from when I was pregnant! What's your excuse, you fat fuck? I'm going to tell mom to trade you out for Derek!

    7. I'll trade with Derek any time if it means getting away from your verbal abuse.
      He seems like a calm, centered, sensitive guy who loves you and kisses your ass. Your huge ass.

  51. @b-fab ---can we please stay on topic ; )

  52. b--welp thats a change of pace --but I'LL TAKE IT! *hugz*

  53. Rob, Derek...? Homies, you're both wrong. It's 'woe is me.' I'm sorry, i dont normally do the Grammar Police thing, but when someone corrects someone who is wrong with something equally wrong, just brings out my inner pedant.

    1. Hahaha! Ironic, but that should be 'honies' (or honeys, I suppose). As I said...ironic.

    2. So we've both been wrong. We are equal now.
      Woe is us. I won't try to blame spell check though. I must have skipped that lesson in college.

  54. np--Sprink now we know
    Rob you've been schooled on spelling and manners

  55. I'm a homie--Rob is a Karsdashian

  56. Wow... I peeked in on what I thought was another boring FW blind and... uh...

  57. @Rob--yeah and Phys-Ed and Nutritional Health too I suppose

    1. Burn! Watch out, Rob! Derek always has my back!!

    2. You have just made yourself a powerful enemy, Derek.
      Watch your back.

    3. Way to stick with the family Kim

    4. Kim, that is a little disappointing. I'm glad you have friends here but it's family first, remember?

  58. No shit storm, GPS. You stated your opinion w/o name calling or anything. Apologies if I was too curt with you.

    The site does moderate comments, as many K-Trash Troll comments have been pulled over the past few days, as well as many 7of11 posts the past few weeks. Any comment on this site is here because Fugazi Enty wants it here.

  59. P.S. Rosie is a P-I-G Hog,, she's a Pig.

  60. Well I must be the Boss of this joint cause I had some words for people last weekend

  61. @Kim thats right bebe---all 10 ft tall and wide of it---hubba hubba

  62. Way to go Rosie. Count's now said he's gone to work so he's sitting on his fat little fingers trying hard not to hammer out another "you're a pig" comment on here. Gotta try to show that he actually has a life. Tru put it best of all. And Derek, aren't you Canadian? Thought you'd be a little more of a gentleman. Nice to know there are several of us on here who are sick of Count and his continued efforts to try to get a rise out of everyone who doesn't use the "C" word as part of their daily vocabulary. We just ignore you. The Kardashians are more entertaining than you are.

  63. @Rob get in life with the rest of em

  64. @Another---I am a gentlemen--yeah cause that Rosie is a real classy brod lol

  65. So much hate all around. Let's scroll!! Just scroll

  66. So. How's the weather??

  67. @Lord---Kims fans ARE her family---Right girl-friend?!

  68. @Kim---How I wish!!! I followed what you did on your show and started doing chin and neck exercises on youtube (dont wanna look like Rob!) and my jaw is sharper than a pair of Kanyes leather jogging pants

  69. Everytime Count Jerkula posts. I always imagine it in a jerky Jay Mohr voice. I think he's funny. Even when offensive.

  70. Everytime Count Jerkula posts. I always imagine it in a jerky Jay Mohr voice. I think he's funny. Even when offensive.

  71. @Bruce---you weren't all "its family first" when you moved you and your dresses to the beach house and left Kylie and Kendall to fend for themselves with Kris!!!

  72. You leave Bruce alone, Derek.
    He is a good (wo)man.

    1. Thanks Rob. I am not gonna respond to his lame comment, I thought he was above that. I was mistaken.

    2. I got your back, Bruce. You're a nice person who doesn't deserve this!


    Count's posts can be a bit off putting, but I've learned to scroll past. Same with Harry Knuckles and Massive G -


    1. Welcome to my world, teresa crane.
      It's like this every day in my family. That is why I'm moving to Miami. I know people there.

  74. @teresa---you and I will always : )

  75. I like Count. Mostly because he posted a thing on how to have anal for the first time. My boyfriend thanks you for that Count, by the way. Also it's a comment section of a gossip site. Is it really that big deal?

  76. ... well that escalated quickly.

  77. Holy shirt balls! (Grabs another handful of popcorn)

  78. @Don't Quote Me: Yer trollin me, right? Jay Mohr? PUHLEEZ say yer trollin. There has to be another voice besides Jay Mohr that you can read my nonsense in. Gawd I hope yer trollin.

    That hurt me more than Rosie da Pig fat shaming my husky build by calling me a "pig" yesterday. She knows every other bit of personal info I've shared, so it is obvious that my being husky is a glaring and calculated omission.

  79. All that's missing in this thread is a not now, ironman!

  80. @Derek: +1 on your response to Gray Hare. Typical MANsogynist behavior. They don't need to have class when talking to men, only amongst each other. Yet men are supposed to remain classy and not stoop to their level. Ponderous. GrayHare showed her true colors by joining Rosie the Pig's fat shaming of me though. What a revolting human being.

    @Teresa Crane: If Rosie wants to tap out, I'll stop until she breaks the truce. All she has to do is say the safe word: CumPig.

    @Niclee: I am glad I could help and I hope everything was enjoyable for the 2 of you kids. If your BF would like to give a proper thank you, he could send a pic of your but with "COUNT" written on one cheek in red lipstick ;) I understand if that is too much to ask, butt I felt the need to put it out there.

    @Rosie Da Pig: Pop Quiz for ya:

    Which one of your supporters in this post is just propping you up so I can keep knocking you down? I got an email saying as much, but the broad wouldn't tell me what her screen name was.


  81. @Jerkula. Not trolling you. I like your rants. Sorry to say, Jay Mohr voice all the way. I'm just shocked at the people who get their panties in such a tight wad because of you comments. Jerkula on you twisted, Count.

  82. @Don't Quote Me: Alright. Just know I would never utter a bad word about Alyssa Milano and I would have split way before my wife jacked up her face like that.

  83. Count, while we have opposite positions, I appreciate the civility with which you replied to me, truly.

    Peace out :)

  84. This comment has been removed by the author.

  85. Relax - is this really Justin Beiber, Selena Gomez, Lil Za & Taylor Swift? Agree to disagree and break up already!

  86. Count is the best commenter on here,its a gossip site, scroll on. You learn this in business: its never personal.

  87. @GPS: I try to give what I get. Your comment just came a little to close to someone playing Pop Goes the Weasel, and Moe & Larry hadn't given me any cheese yet.

    Rosie Da Pig is the only one who really deserves any bile here.

  88. Ummmm I'm not quite sure I know what you mean but I guess I will try to appeal to your kind side and say, don't stoop and call someone a pig. Not worth your time, my time, or anyone's time. Really.

    It came up the other day, about the vile gutter that is Yahoo/YouTube comments. Let's just try to not go there. I guess I am just asking that we elevate conversation. Not to censor, not to be prudes. Look at AV Club; they're racy, they're funny, they venture into dark corners. That's possible here, right? :)

    Just hoping, for what it is worth.

  89. Why do I feel like I fell into some horrible polar vortex and ended up in the middle of a Donald Trump and Rosie O'Donnell argument?

  90. Bless you Niclee for my favorite CDAN comment EVA! You can't make this stuff up.

    And Bless you Count for the Stooges reference. I had to access the memory banks for just a moment, then got the biggest smile.

    Thank you for making me so happy.
    See y'all tomorrow.

  91. Wow, what happened here today? I've never known Rosie to be so cantankerous (is this the REAL Rosie?)

    I cannot even begin to explain the appeal of Count. You either get him or you don't, and clearly some don't. I guess for me, despite how nasty some of his comments are, he's essentially harmless and really does seem to have a good heart. He's also amusing as hell. As he himself has said here today, he doesn't hate women, he just hates "twunces". And that seems fair.

  92. Hush, GPS74! For the love of god, don't send these creeps to ruin the AV Club! It's the last decent place left on the internet.

    @Anothergrayhare The Kardashitrolls have livened up CDaN again thanks to the refreshing lack of narcissism in their humor. (Ironic, huh?)

  93. See, Curly would go completely nuts and attack everyone when he heard "Pop Goes The Weasel" The only way he'd calm down is if Moe or Larry would feed him a piece of cheese.

  94. I did write a thoughtful comment on the JR thead but I guess that is lost in this.


  95. @Audrey : YES! That's exactly what this is. This whole week the comment boards have been straight up DRAH-MA.

    @Derek : YOU KNOW IT. :)

    @Rob : you should go surfing with Brody more often! You might just help you to feel more connected with something outside of yourself and family. Plus chicks dig it.

  96. @Count I will not be telling him that because he's that grateful he would do it. I'll be hiding the lipstick tonight on the off chance he reads this.
    @hairydawg I'm pleased to have entertained you. I feel like Russell Crowe in Gladiator but with nicer tits.

  97. GPS: I always try to meet my opponents on their level. Rosie Da Pig called me a "pig" yesterday, so if she gonna give, she gonna get.

    @Audrey: I only accept that comparison if I get to be O'Donnell.

    @HairyDawg: I prefer Punch Drunks better, but here is a Moe Larry Cheese slobber knocker Stooge Fan 4 Life

    @Cee Kay: "he doesn't hate women, he just hates "twunces". And that seems fair." I friggin LUV you!

    @Moo: _______

    @Lotta: No problem, you earned those props. I may have to start calling you Miss Betch, to show proper respect ;)

  98. @Niclee: :) Alright. I am quite satisfied having another success story on my quest to be the Johnny Appleseed of Anal.

  99. Geez Count, guess you didn't have too much "work" today huh? How's Mommy's basement? Or horse farm? Signed. Twunce #3

  100. Grayhare: What, you don't want to further engage in fat shaming me? You are low rent and revolting.

    @Brent Vassar: Sorry I missed your comment earlier. Thank you very much for the high praise.

  101. Enty sez this week's been pretty good, but I'll probably have to do some infuriating and inciting shit this weekend. A little more XXX cut and paste, prompting wishes for my early, self inflicted demise, and accusations of being one of Satan's minions. My commission sucks, but it keeps my pantry stocked with Old Milwaukee, Virginia Slims, and Ramen. Love my job! xoxo

  102. Get in line, Miss Mess. I'm waiting for Fugazi Enty to send a hooker my way for all the clicks I generate.

    Fugazi Enty offered to canonize me for driving the twunces from the site, like St. Patrick drove the snakes out of Ireland, but I want compensation, not a title. I also told him to piss off when he offered me a pair of soiled and signed Amber Tamblyn panties.

  103. Just want to say I thought of the alphabet crime shows first so I like the Ted Danson guess. What about LL Cool J though? NCIS LA star.

  104. Anonymous2:37 AM

    I like the Ted Danson guess, or Ice T ... both give me that vibe.

    @Aoife - LL Cool J strikes me as being too decent for this ... I hope I'm wrong, but my understanding is he has a lovely family who he worships.

  105. @Tillie: I used to say something similar to my ex.

  106. Count, I understand the "eye for an eye" thing. I am simply appealing to you, for whatever it is worth, to elevate the community and not respond in kind. That's all.


  107. Count, you rock. You may be the most emotionally healthy person on here.

  108. Thanks, Badger. If we had signatures on this site, I would quote that and use it. :)
