Friday, February 14, 2014

Blind Item #8

This A+ list diva made workers wait for two hours yesterday in the cold because she decided she wasn't ready for a photo. She made one of her assistants travel around the city looking for a special nail polish. Two hours later the assistant was successful. The diva wore gloves during the shoot.


  1. Her nails are showing though!

  2. Did she at least wait for the polish to dry before putting on the gloves?
    I hope she tipped that assistant.

  3. I got strep throat waiting for that diva to perform for the tree lighting a few years ago. She made the entire crowd stand literally ON ICE for over four hours in November in the freezing NYC cold while she picked out her outfit. I don't care how famous you get, have some common decency for humanity!

    1. But was it a paid concert you are talking about or a thing where you made a choice to stand on ice for 4 hours? Because that's a little different! Unless there were shackles, of course.

  4. Totes Bruce Jenner...

  5. Poor trainrides the last 2 days vs. VIP :(

    1. @Sandy I hope you guys respect my privacy at this very difficult time.

  6. Give it up trainrides. I thought I stood a chance too. I used to be like a Wyld Stallion, until she crushed my spirit. Now I'm just a broken mare pulling the milk wagon.

    1. @OneEyeCharlie that crushing feeling everytime I see my guess and hers having the same time stamp but hers above... :(

  7. LOL @ Charlie! Don't ever leave.

    You know, she's A+ list, she's a diva, she's got the money, the assistant was doing her job. No hate here.

  8. Gang, IMO the color she is wearing looks like one of her OPI Holiday 2013 colors..

  9. Just for a little variety - beyonce or riri

  10. I think Mimi and PMK have the same problem: extreme narcissism. At least in Mimi's case she's just a pita, unlike PMK who turns her own kids out to get attention for herself.

    1. Anonymous7:51 PM

      @Welldun - you're on the money there. And now PMK has delusions of youth and cool factor, judging by the photos of her clubbing with Khloe and The Game. #Weird #GoHome

  11. mimi is a LOONBOON!

  12. In ther none news, Ellen Page has come out (we saw you in that closet for a long time, gurl!). Oh how long for a world where coming out is no longer a definition of who we are...people are people....let's evolve...

  13. Asshat. But, damn, if Mariah doesn't have the best breast augmentation. They look so really and soft, not hard and plastic. Excellent work.

  14. Mimi just needs to bring "A new girl back" like the last one. Lol, she's the worst.
