Saturday, February 08, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 6, 2013

I feel bad for this actress and that is not something I ever thought I would hear but these three Twilight actors were talking about the worst actor in the franchise and they said it was someone who never got a part but auditioned and that it was horrific and made them laugh for days after someone showed them a copy. The teased actress used to be an A list mostly television actress/tweener but now takes what she can get acting wise.

Vanessa Hudgens


  1. I'd like to know who the actors making fun of Vanessa were, because I surely don't think they're RADA caliber!

  2. Not only did I nail this one, I made, like, tons of Internet friends while doing so. Suck on that VIP!

    (Just kidding, morning everyone!)

  3. No one in "Twilight" can laugh about anyone.
    Maybe except Dakota. The rest, ha!

  4. I liked her in Spring Breakers
    Hey K---checked out that Del Ray song and I love it

  5. Were ANY auditions high quality? Cuz the end results sure weren't.

  6. Ah bless Enty - he feels bad for her but happily spreads the mean that others were saying about her that she would never have known about otherwise.
    That said, even as an A list tweener she sucked so whats new?

  7. Thise actors shld remember you meet same peeps on way down as meet on way up. Dont be so quick to laugh at someone.

  8. I don't imagine that the audition tape was any more laughable than the movies themselves.

  9. I like my Kristin fresh and frisky. Heeeeeey, Kristin! Happy Saturday.

  10. i know these three asshole aint talking. I know it you klutz.

  11. If Enty feels bad for her, why even post this?

  12. What a bunch of mean kids. Auditions are brutal enough without having people laugh behind your back.

  13. Anonymous12:22 PM

    She should consider herself lucky she didn't get the part. I'm sure her audition was better than the ones who tried to act in those movies. Can anyone be any worse than Kristen biting her lip and looking like she needs to pee? BTW, I think Vanessa has gotten some pretty decent roles lately (indies), but good roles nonetheless. Her acting was good in The Frozen Ground and Gimme Shelter.

  14. Anna Kendrick has the chops to take that high horse comment, but she doesn't seem the type.

  15. Vanessa is in a movie right now (maybe it was a TV movie)where she played a meth addict or something, and she did an incredible job.

  16. LOL like being in Twilight is something to be proud of.

  17. Well that's certainly a case of the pot calling the kettle black. There were no good actors in the "Twilight" series, and even the normally good actors sucked. Get it? Sorry. :(

  18. Did I just admit to watching the "Twilight" series? *SHIT*

  19. Thanks for sticking up for her, Enty!!'

  20. Can you teach me how to hear my feelings? Please! Share your gift with others!

  21. The actors in those movies all sucked (no pun intended but there is a certain irony there). I haven't seen many Vanessa Hudgens movies, but i read a tin of movie reviews and I'll say this, she is getting stuck in a lot of Crap movies, but the reviews for her acting in her last few movies have actually been pretty strong. I think the right movie and the right director and she could really break out.

  22. Does anyone hear that? OMG, I think I can hear Enty's feelings!!!

  23. Feelings...nothing more than feelings...

  24. She's doing better than all of them except KStew, Anna K, Pete F and Dakota.

  25. Trying to forget my....feelings of love...

  26. Typical actor bitchery. Can't stand 'em.

  27. Anonymous4:39 AM

    It's mean they did that, but I'm not surprised she's not that great. Hopefully she saved all her pennies and can go and do something meaningful with her life - go out on a semi-high and find a new career, rather than become an old actress hag who reeks of desperation.

  28. I'll keep it real: I liked her in Bandslam. And I liked Bandslam.

  29. Anyone from Twilight laughing about another person's acting is beyond ridiculous. Hudgens wouldn't have been any worse than Kristin Stewart.

  30. Anonymous8:01 AM

    she musn't have bitten her lip enough, and stared vacuously into space whilst failing to emote (ala KStew),

  31. HA!!! that's rich coming from the Twilight franchise actors, and I'm pretty certain these are the younger ones doing the dissing.. Unless they're Dakota or Anna Kendrick (Anna can do no wrong in my books *so far*) or even Pattinson himself, they're all pretty much at the bottom of the acting pool.. jeez.

  32. Yes, but the taunting Twilight actors "made it" and Hudgens did not. Her rejection by the franchise probably had more to do with her horrible reputation ("leaked" nude selfies, really horrific fashion choices, bad movies) than with her negligible acting skills.
