Saturday, February 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

November 15, 2013

"She f**ked to get her Oscar so f**k her."

Ancient A list comedienne/B list talk show host trash talking this A list mostly movie actress who is in a huge franchise after the actress said bad things about the comedienne.

Joan Rivers about Jennifer Lawrence


  1. Feeling nostalgic there, Joan?

  2. I love JLaw but Naomi Watts was so good in The Impossible and i felt like Watts deserved to win.

  3. I can't tell by the black and white if Joan was joking. You know she is a sarcastic Bitch and you can take most of it with a grain of salt.

    1. She has a major hate-on for J Law. A real, permanent one.

  4. It is probably true--The Oscars are sketch. I love Joan on Fashion Police---I know she no longer writes her own jokes and it is annoying how the other hosts act all shocked every time she opens her mouth but she still cracks me up. She is a comic icon especially for women.

  5. I don't even remember what Jennifer said about Joan.

    1. Anonymous6:12 PM


      “The world has this idea that if you don't look like an airbrushed perfect model… You have to see past it. You look how you look, you have to be comfortable. What are you going to do? Be hungry every single day to make other people happy? That's just dumb. There are shows like Fashion Police that are just showing these generations of young people to judge people based on all the wrong values and that it's okay to point at people and call them ugly or fat. They call it 'fun' and they say 'welcome to the real world' - and that shouldn't be the real world. It's going to continue being the real world if we keep it that way. We have to stop treating each other like that and stop calling each other fat. There are unrealistic expectations for women, it's disappointing that the media keeps it alive and fuels that fire. It's something that really bothers me - because I love to eat." - See more at:

    2. Anonymous11:24 PM

      Not that I love the show, but I felt it was odd when she said all this and directed it at that show. They don't call people fat or ugly? They talk about clothes

    3. Anonymous12:41 AM

      @Harlow17 - you have a point there ... they've 'implied' that someone is tubby in the form of a joke in comparison, but they never come right out and say that.

  6. @Lotta she called her a "mean girl" for saying certain people dress ugly or dresses are too tight and look chubby etc.

  7. That's funny that Enty brought JLaw into the fold today by the way because last night I was in a deep drunken thought about how JLaw is kind of the new Ellen Page. Everyone wants her as a BFF, huge lesbian fan base.... But clearly JLaw's career has outshone Page's. Is this the real reason why, Enty? LOL

  8. Joan Rivers is a workhorse. She's had a rough life but never stopped. I was a big fan back in the day. Don't they ALL have to bone for Oscars? Jordan Catalano?

  9. And Lotta if she did say anything it looks like it was scrubbed from the media to keep JLaw as the cool/funny girl.

  10. I saw the Dallas Buyers Club---very good and Catalano was excellent but very dark and sad...

  11. I just saw the DBC, too, and thought Jared Leto was really good, but Matthew McConawhathispickle was transcendent. He should win. Without the boning

  12. @TTM --I cried and I rarely cry ever. They should show that movie in Sexual Education courses..a real wake-up call.

  13. Thanks @derek.

    @Sherry- that's all I could find, Joan going off on Jennifer. Something about tripping over her own arrogance while accepting her Oscar.... burn.

  14. Oscars are BS. I would be more surprised if J.Law didn't bone for her statue. Oh, and expect DiCaprio to get his first award for wolf of wall street. I saw the photo of his placard being made. It's since gone viral.

    1. They make placards of all the nominees and they attach the winner to the statue once they are announced. I saw the viral photo but then i read the accompanying article.

    2. Anonymous6:17 PM

      @Ray - Wow, that's interesting - makes me wonder though, whether mistakes have ever been made? ... Such as when Marisa Tomei allegedly won the Academy Award for Best Supporting Actress in 1993 because Oscar presenter Jack Palance read the wrong name ... or, closer to home (for me) when Sara Murdoch read out the wrong winner for Australia's Next Top Model then tried to recover the situation .................................... #Awkward

    3. Anonymous6:21 PM

      I've just re-thought that ... so it's not the 'affixing the placards to the statue' that's the falldown bit in the process, it's the reading of the names ... or listening to the names through an earpiece ... that's the bit that could go wrong. I wonder if they have an Auditor from Ernst Young, PricewaterhouseCoopers, or similar supervising this process - as they do for the Miss Universe / World competitions ...

  15. I remember this - Jen called Joan out for calling people fat and ugly, and she does hate Hollywood thin. So Joan got back at her. I'm a big fan of Joan from way back, but she can be quite the mean girl.

  16. I love Jen so I'm gonna stick to my thought that she didn't fuck her way to the award.

  17. She wouldn't. Joan's daughter would have if she had any chance at a role.Jopan you don't like smack STFU then. Dish it out--better be able to take it.

  18. Oscar ballots aren't even due for another week and a half. Just saying.

  19. I don't even think this allegation is possible, and if I were Ms. Lawrence, I'd sue the crap out of Joan Rivers for defamation.

    Stop and think about how nominations are made, and then about how winners are decided. Some, such as nominations for "Best Picture" must be nominated by someone in the Academy in general; so theoretically, I suppose, one could get a nomination by exchanging sex for votes with a few Academy members. To win on that same basis, however, one would have to sleep with a majority of members of the Academy. Or if you were nominated and had some way of knowing how many votes you were going to get (a virtual impossibility), then you would have to have sex with enough members not already backing you to get their votes in order to make up the difference. And the Academy, if you count all of its members, is comprised of at least hundreds (probably more like thousands) of voting members. Where could anyone possibly find the time to have sex with enough of them to make a difference? This is why I think that if Ms. Lawrence sues Rivers for defamation, she should win her case in a slam-dunk. Rivers would have to prove that such a thing as she's alleging is even possible, which I don't believe it is. Then she'd have to prove (in court) that Ms. Lawrence had actually done what she's alleging.

    Granted, we read all kinds of stories about actresses (in particular, since male actors don't ever seen to get any of this kind of action) having "slept" their way into coveted roles. We even read about lecherous producers and/or directors demanding sexual favors from women (and underage girls, too) in exchange for being cast in some coveted role. But this allegation is one of the most stupid accusations I've ever read.

    1. Anonymous6:27 PM

      @Robert - I think people are naive to think that sex is the only way to buy an Oscar. Some people would rate cars, cash, money or property, over sex. Sometimes these things could be funded by someone close to the actor / actress ... not necessarily the actor / actress themself. I'm not saying this really happens, but it's a possibility ...

  20. Joan is out of control…

  21. Well, it isn't like Joan is really that relevant anymore. Granted, she's always had a biting tongue and made headways into comedy for women, but she's a bit of a joke herself with the plastic surgery and making fun of women when her face looks like Ms Stretch Armstrong. JLaw's star is rising and she's universally liked, something someone like Joan would have a hard time with, not being universally liked herself.

    I won't even speculate on the lengths Joan would have gone to get her daughter an Oscar if sleeping your way to the top actually worked, much less sans talent.

  22. As a big fan of Joan, ( as in having actually heard and watched her act ) this is her act. Its Rapid fire delivery on everyone's tramp status, including Mother Theresa, no one is exempt.No one.
    I'm sure undercover, an understanding was reached with JLaw.
    At best Joan kanye'd her and shored up her good girl image and at worst she riled JLaws' fans...

  23. @Robert Suing Rivers would only bring the story more attention, which Rivers would crave, and make people wonder. I doubt anyone believes her now, so it's better for JLaw to ignore it.

    1. Anonymous6:32 PM

      @childeroland - Well said ... it would almost certainly turn into another victim of 'Streisand Effect':

      "The Streisand effect is the phenomenon whereby an attempt to hide, remove, or censor a piece of information has the unintended consequence of publicizing the information more widely, usually facilitated by the Internet. It is named after American entertainer Barbra Streisand, whose attempt in 2003 to suppress photographs of her residence in Malibu, California, inadvertently generated further publicity. Similar attempts have been made, for example, in cease-and-desist letters, to suppress numbers, files and websites. Instead of being suppressed, the information receives extensive publicity and media extensions such as videos and spoof songs, often being widely mirrored across the Internet or distributed on file-sharing networks."

  24. What Seven said--while I don't doubt a large percentage of the men in the Actors' Branch of the Academy would love to have sex w/Jennifer (the "fuckability" factor & all that), I don't believe her, or most of the winners, for that matter, have had to go that route. Hitting the party/awards show circuit, shaking hands, and campaigning, sure; it's damn hard to win these days without doing all that, although not impossible (e.g., Mo'Nique). Sexing up the voters, though? I don't think so. (Besides, as sick as she was through so much of last year's season, there would have been a lot more guys running around Hollywood w/nasty upper-respiratory infections if she had been offering her favors to voters.)

    While I have a fair amount of respect for Joan in terms of making inroads for women in comedy over the years, and for hanging in there through some pretty tough times, at this point in time she IS mainly a "mean girl" who lives to tear down other women; sounds to me as if she's still terribly insecure about her looks, and, well...considering what she's had done to herself over the years... :-( It's too bad, because in spite of what some people might have told her back in the day, she was a good-looking woman; now, though, she mainly serves as a warning as to what too much plastic surgery can do to you. (Yes, I know, one needs to stay youthful-looking in showbiz, but that doesn't mean you have to render yourself unrecognizable.) And yes, I daresay sexual favors would have been the least significant offer made if it would have given Melissa's career a boost...the whole sorry business really comes off as pissy jealousy.

    Moral of the Story: If you're going to be a bitch, you can't let people hurt your feelings, especially when what they're saying is that you're a bitch--you've got to be a bitchy bitch and own it, not a whiny bitch who can't take the heat.

    1. I had to do a double take... Long time no see, Robin! How have you been? WHERE have you been?

  25. She didn't sleep with tons of academy members. She slept with Harvey. He takes it from there with the politicking.

  26. I love Joan Rivers. I love her unpolitcally correct fuck-it attitude about everything. The broad's got balls. Did Jennifer Lawrence really say that Joan picks on people? Oh, lawd. EYEROLL!!

    The documentary on Joan Rivers is fascinating.

    1. I know, right? @ Susan... Its like complaining when Don Rickles says something.. ( clutching pearls) you don't think jLaws a big girl who started it, do you?

    2. Of course its an act. Its the SHOW business. I like JLaw, but I'm gonna get over her quickly if there's not a backing off of her RILLY RILLNESS.

  27. Robert you've not heard the rumours about Colin Farrell and Joel Schumacher and Gerard Butler and Joel Schumacher - ie if a director or producer appears to be gay or is known as gay and there are rumours about actors sleeping with the right studio executive,

    Look at it this way say an actress who probably had a small chance of being nominated but did sleep with someone who made sure she got nominated and that took away a nomination from an actress who deserved the nomination more but she didn't play any Oscar games

    and what Alex said , Harvey has his um proteges - mind that is a big price to sell your soul, eww

  28. It is also a different standard regarding celebrities or SNL and Lorne Michaels would be in court all year round

  29. Jennifer said originally that "Fashion Police" was mean for making fun of celebrities. Joan responded that Jennifer had never complained when "Fashion Police" complimented her-she just got mad after they started criticizing her ugly Dior clothes. Basically, Joan said Jennifer was a hypocrite, which IMO she was.

  30. I thought Jennifer's Golden Globes dress was a horror show. Joan thought so, too, but some of the others on the panel liked it.

    She had Amber Rose and her rapper significant other on for the Grammys show and it was fucking hysterical.

    These celebrities who get the worst dressed should just go on the next epi and shoot the shit with her. It would be hysterical. And good pr. Does anyone even watch E?

  31. Joan had Boy George on last night and that was funny cause he can have a good laugh at himself, but my God anyone hear his new single?! It is unbearable...

  32. This is obviously a crock of shit, and shame on those of you buying it. Weinstein had nothing to do with Winter's Bone, and after she was nominated for an Oscar for that Lawrence didn't need to sleep with anyone to get roles. Rivers is a desperate old hag.

    1. She didn't win for Winter's Bone. She did win for Silver Linings Playbook which Weinstein was directly involved with its release.

  33. I feel a bit sorry for MR, as people resent her due to her due to her mother forcing people to hire her.

    Fashion Police, BTW, is still pretty funny. Every joke isn't roll in the floor hilarious (hint, hint George), but enough of the quips work to make the show amusing.

    In any case, the casting couch still exists, and it's pretty equal opportunity for boys and girls.

  34. I can't believe how people were fawning over Matthew in DBC. I watched it this past weekend when i was stuck in that snow storm in Oregon (It took us 12 hours to get from Portland to Eugene, normally an hour and half drive) Leto was amazing, definitely deserves recognition but for some reason I wasn't a huge fan of Matt's performance.

  35. It bears repeating: Matthew McConawhathispickle was transcendent! Transbloodycendent!

    1. Disclaimer: just my opinion. Plus beer

    2. I watched it last night and would also add "translucent."

  36. Joan Rivers is a piece of shit. I don't care how long she's been working, it doesn't mean you can be an ignorant, nasty bitch and disguise it as jokes. And if you read her wiki, she chested on her husband in a number of affairs. Pot, meet kettle.

  37. One, this is, what, secong or third -hand that this was said. Two, was it serious? Does she know it for a fact?

    That said, notice how she's NOT campaigning this yr.? At all?

    The Weinstein notion is the only plausible one, methinks.

  38. Anonymous6:04 PM

    Yeah, it's probably true but ... Rivers just comes off as a jealous old biddy saying all this stuff.

    “Gossip is the opiate of the oppressed.” Erica Jong

    “False rumors die of their own stench.” - Paul Chatfield (a/k/a Horace Smith)

    “He who throws dirt always loses ground.” Chinese proverb

  39. Anonymous6:39 PM

    I admit, I do tune into Fashion Police as it is funny but I also find myself thinking 'don't be so mean!'

    It's ironic that you have a weird-sounding (fake accent) purple-haired teletubby, an anorexic bobble head, and a plastic-not-fantastic old biddy, and a "Stylist" who wears shoes without socks, crtiquing others' fashion and looks (considering make-up and hair does come into it on a regular basis).

  40. Fuck Joan Rivers. Dried up misogynist bitch.

  41. I've said it here before. I love Joan. I watch Fashion Police every week. It's about fashion. You can agree or disagree with their perspectives but you will never watch a red carpet the same way again afterwards.

    They ripped Shia a new one for showing up on a Red Carpet promoting his new movie looking like he hadn't bathed in about a month. Many years ago Joan did the same thing to Brad Pitt for showing up unwashed.

    I do think that they fawn over Blanchett too much though.

    1. Anonymous12:43 AM

      @Aoife - and rightly so, too! <3 Queen Cate <3

  42. Hollywood is political and corrupt which is why they "campaign" for awards. Academy votes are bought, either directly or indirectly: "You'll never work in this town again..." So, if an actress turns in a decent performance, and does some 'favors' to a person in major power, they can be rewarded with an award/nomination. Hollywood is Washington for pretty people.

  43. I dislike Jennifer Lawrence as an actor very much. Her two facial expressions are good, but they sometimes fail to match what the script requires.

  44. And let me add that Kristen Stewart made a career out of just one facial expression, which they retool scripts around, so it's possible Lawrence will be accommodated eventually.

  45. If you saw Winter's Bone, you would know Jennifer does not need to sleep with anyone.

  46. This comment has been removed by the author.
