Saturday, February 15, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 18, 2013

It was not that long ago that this almost A list mostly television actor was still trying to make it look like he dated women. He liked the impression that he was a ladies man and he got that impression by dating woman after woman. He dated so many women because there was never any third date love if you get my drift. He would just date them until he could not hide it anymore and then move on. Meanwhile, women all over the world would follow each of these changes and hope they would be next. He finally has settled down. Of course the person he settled down with has never actually even pretended to date a guy and everyone was fairly certain she would just come out. She is a B list actress. Mostly movies. I think I am being generous in giving her a B. She might be closer to a C. The couple claims they fell in love and can't be separated from each other. Well, she has a girlfriend so there must be some separation sometime. He is not currently seeing any guys and is extremely hesitant to ever do so except when he is out of the country and in very controlled circumstances. I'm not sure why they decided to go this route. It is confusing, especially on her part because she was so close to coming out. Publicity? That could be. Her old girlfriend knew a lot about publicity.

Actor - Think very hit television show
Actress- Ellen Page
Old girlfriend - Clea DuVall


  1. I guess today is Ellen day (the other gay Ellen) and I could not find a more particularly boring celebrity to read about

  2. Alexander Saarsgaard

  3. Even I can figure this one out.

  4. OMG so the rumor of Charlize Theron/True Blood blond guy fling is false! Someone needs to say it to Ted Casablanca or Lainey of Lainey gossip

  5. Well there goes my hope of an ASkar hook up.

  6. Mind you. I'm not sure they ever actually claimed to be in love and dating did they?

    1. Nope- they hung out after working on a movie together and the entertainment media turned it into something more.

  7. Offtopic: Are rumor's of Anna Kendrick dating true?

  8. I thought she and Askars always said the were just friends. And who were the string of women that Askars dated? Besides that one blonde orange on a toothpick.

  9. Also one of The Gossip Girl gay boys…

  10. Speaking of Anna Kendrick, I saw Pitch Perfect last night and all I could focus on was the fact that she looks exactly like Seth Myers with more makeup and a nice rack. Distracting

    1. Anonymous9:58 AM

      @Talks, were you thinking of this? 'Cause that's just WRONG. <3 Seth Meyers. ;-)

    2. I did not even know that existed, Cocoa! But that is totally it

    3. Damn, @TTM, nailed it! She's always thrown me off for some reason, that must be it.

      Wasn't Rebel Wilson hilarious? It's called horizontal running!

  11. The guy is Frankie Muniz the date of this blind cancels out Asakrs

  12. So I'm guessing Vampire Eric will be compelled to come out now? Outed by transitive property...

  13. So not Askars, he was with bosworth for quite a while.

    1. She's also "dated" Frankie Muñez, Elijah Wood, and Emile Hirsch.

  14. True Blood is hardly a very hit show.

  15. Right! Bosworth is the orange on a toothpick.

  16. Frankie Muniz - Malcolm in the Middle

  17. He dated Kate for over a year, not him.

  18. My bet is on Elijah Wood.

  19. Frankie Muniz hasn't been nearly A list in almost 10 yrs. and didn't they 'date' way back when?
    Having said that apart from ASkar I got nobody - Google only gives you ASkar as a 2013 boyfriend, no others.

  20. Entry must be excited digging old blinds about ellen

  21. you know how they gloat when they get one right Dragon.

  22. For the doubters there is a video of a shirtless Askars humping another shirtless guy at a party. It was made to be humorous but Askars was enjoying himself way too much for it to be simply for comedic relief.

  23. Ellen Page has come out.

  24. Lots of gay people date straight people before they're ready to come out. I don't think we need to assume that any man Ellen Page has dated is in the closet.

  25. I don't remember Ellen Page being paired up with anyone to the point where people thought the guy had 'settled down.' Dumb blind.

  26. Hell Nutty I don't know a single lesbian that HASN'T slept with a man. And I have a lot of lesbian friends. Not to offend Rosie or any other gayelles.

  27. Skarsgard, and True Blood is still the biggest hit on the HBO roster (bigger than GoT, even, because non-geeks watch it).

    I saw DuVall and her current girlfriend at my local thrift. V. cute.

  28. I guess I'm a day late and a dollar short posting that Ellen came out! That's what I get starting my reading at the end and working my way backwards to the beginning!

  29. No offense taken, Sherry. And you are correct. All the lesbians I've known have slept with men also. Mostly when theyre really young but not always

  30. Didn't enty reveal a blind a while back with ASkars being a germophobe when sleeping with women?

  31. Hardly Alexander. He's only had one famous girlfriend (Kate Bosworth) and they were together for years, they were very lovey-dovey when they were in Sweden. And he and Ellen always said they were just friends.

  32. Frankie Muniz doesn't fit this description: "Meanwhile, women all over the world would follow each of these changes and hope they would be next." Like, AT ALL.

  33. Oh please, Skarsgard is hardly a ladies man, he has had only 1 known gf in Hollywood since he started here and thats Kate Bosworth

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. @BitterBlondin: you are absolutely right. It was a rumor that they were together and people started to believe it and claimed it as legit. They never even mentioned a relationship or even a friendship. They were spotted together once and there was a pic on twitter, everyone concluded that means they are together. Both parties never release statements about their private life, so neither one denied it (as if anyone would have believed it -.-)

    I am not sure of Skars's datinglife atm because he is very private. I only know of K.Bosworth, some swedish gals before he moved to US and Amanda Seyfried saying she dated him. The blind implies he wants to be seen with them because then ppl think he is into chicks, but the funny thing is he hides his relationships all the time. When not spotting a cam he is touchy feely with his gf's, when he spots a pap he almost runs away from women and looks PISSED.

  36. I guess we need to pretend that "hanging out" = "dating" to get through this obvious blind. Neither of these two ever gave any impression that they were a couple.

  37. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!WHYYYYYYYYYYY!? Just one day after valentines!

  38. Isn't Frankie Muniz married? Not him, but I don't know who else Ellen's supposed to have dated. Elijah Wood would be a good guess, but I don't see women all over the world lining up for him...

  39. Maybe Skars is bisexual, the man's entire essence is just sexual.

  40. There is a whole string of Askars women. all over the world, and I am so sad, but I think its him.
    What a sad ending to my day.

  41. I know this is a tired phrase, but AS really is sex on a stick. Lucky guy, whoever's got him.

  42. Wasn't askars the answer to the blind about a guy who keeps his place too cold?! Also, wtf about clea and publicity? I have never seen her in the rags...

  43. And women all over the world followed the love life of Frankie Muniz?
    This is the Demi Moore debacle all over again.

  44. Don't know if he's gay or not but the web is full of pictures and talk of Askars and his girlfriend Ellen Page. He IS the actor in this blind.

  45. Anonymous8:00 PM

    I really don't get the big deal - sure Hollywood is full of homophobes; but times are a changin' so it's surely time to live your life as you are, not what you think people want you to be. There are more than enough pro-gay and lesbian people working in the biz to ensure a steady career.

  46. @Low Key
    My Swedish friends are going to kill me, but LOL!!

  47. If you Google "Ellen Page boyfriend" the result gives you either stories about her coming out as gay or stories linking her to Alexander Skarsgard. Either way, I still think he's hot in a very deeply-closeted HitlerYouth sort of way.

  48. Could the Entys please coordinate?

    March 18, 2013 entry
    "... B list actress. . . . might be closer to a C."

    November 22, 2013 entry
    "Excellent actress."

    March 18, 2013
    "almost A list mostly television actor"

    I like to suspend disbelief that the Entys are not simply a mob of unpaid blogger interns who last as long as they can go without a paycheck.

    Also, Kendall Kardashian rules, dude.

  49. Ellen Page has been humping on Clea Duvall forever. I thought they'd broken up, and always wondered why Clea's career wasn't better.
