Friday, February 14, 2014

Jenelle Evans Is Still Smoking Pot And Boozing While Pregnant

As if Jenelle Evans' new baby was not going to have a rough go if it being named after a roll he now is going to have to deal with the fact that his mom continues to smoke pot and booze while pregnant. One of Jenelle's friends sold some text messages from Jenelle to Radar which have Jenelle admitting she smokes pot to help with her morning sickness. I'm sure that is how she is rationalizing it but how does the booze help too? Jenelle doesn't have custody of her first born child and her current boyfriend doesn't have custody of his kid and her husband doesn't have custody of his kid and Jenelle is not going to end up with custody of this kid if she tests positive for pot. Her whole reason for having this child other than getting another season of a reality show was to have custody of a child. Jenelle is currently on probation for a variety of crimes and if I'm the probation office I send someone over to her place to drug test her and revoke her probation. It wouldn't shock me if someone told me she was still using heroin while pregnant.


  1. Holy crap, if even remotely true, what a mess! :(

  2. I'd rather have a month free of Teen Mom stories than the Kardashians.Can we just have a month of only Bruce?!?!

  3. I wish she wasn't pregnant because I would take custody of her ass with my foot up it.

    1. Hi Khloe! Missed you yesterday.

    2. Hi Brucie! Missed you too, I needed a message to melt away my troubles!


  4. If you combined the IQs of all the teen moms together would it be higher than their average age?

  5. Hey guys! This girl needs to get it together. It makes me sad, my kids are my life. As parents it's our job to be the role model and want the best for our kids.

  6. ....what is she naming her kid?

  7. I love Bruce Jenner--he makes every day a little brighter here at CDAN.

    1. Same here, @Karen. :)

      And, yes, what is she naming this child? Ciabatta or something?

  8. Completely agree about the month free of Teen Mom rather than the Kardashians. I usually skip over the posts of people I don't give a flying fuck about, but this really annoys me. There are so many soapboxes I could get on, but I'm just going to drink my coffee, judge in silence and be thankful that today is Valentine's Day with my lovies. Yay!

    1. Susan-agreeing with your agreeing. Not interested in these twits, or any housewives or disney tots or of course k trash. Please to give us rest from these peeps. They arent stars or celebrities in any way. Just manufactured automatons.

  9. Anonymous6:40 AM

    The majority of these "Teen Mom"s are losers.

    As if the drugs and booze aren't bad enough ... does this woman ever stop photographing herself?

  10. baguette if its a girl batard if its a boy

  11. wow those pics. no shame in old jenelles game, gotta hand it to her.

  12. her vagina is better looking than mine even though I haven't had kids or seen a dick in 3 years... Thanks for ruining my day

  13. Kiaser . She's naming her child kiaser. I think it's another boy

  14. I don't know the teen mom history... She sounds like a real winner. But, my ob/gyn told me pot was fine for morning sickness. I didn't read the texts and don't know about the booze or heroin, but a little pot shouldn't hurt anything. I have very healthy children who are now successful, well adjusted teenagers. I have no regrets on my preferred morning sickness treatment, it's helped me thru my battles with metastic melanoma too.

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I fucking HATE that these girls are famous. ALL of them. The whole thing is just ridiculous. Bunch of stupid teens who get pregnant, and get famous for it?

    Yes, let's teach our young girls to reach for the stars.

  17. This trick doesn't deserve to have children.

  18. Ok I'm no fan of this teen mom..

    However marijuana in small amounts while pregnant is not a huge deal. Smoking anything while pregnant is awful, but small amounts of medibles or vaporized bho isn't harmful to baby. I did a small amount of medibles when I was pregnant.. And I mean SMALL .. For morning sickness in the first trimester and a tiny bit my last trimester. I told my doctor ( I have a med card ) who is a very progressive OB.. She said the little testing there is shows that besides perhaps a lower birth weight ( actually attributed to the smoking part ) there is no ill effects of marijuana on fetuses .. She said with the laws expanding lots more testing is being done now, and so far the results are pretty positive. Plus, my mother , the ultimate 70's hippie ( to this day ) used pot with all three of her kids.. And we were all born very healthy. Try watching the documentary Ganja Babies.. Very eye opening!
    Ok , rant over! Feel free to tear me a new one now:)

  19. Btw, when I said this morning, "what a mess", I meant Jenelle herself, not that she may be smoking weed.

    Moderation in anything is key!

  20. I agree Meanie! Except meth.. Lol..

  21. I believe the mess was probably contained to the writing of this post.

  22. Yep, I know a LOT of women who smoked pot while pregnant. They didn't really bother with the "morning sickness" excuse, although I guess there may be some validity to that. In any case, all the kids in question are perfectly healthy, bright and relatively well-adjusted. So that's something to ponder.

  23. If this chick is claiming "X" amounts, yeah, well multiply that by 30 and add in hardcore drugs too. She's a hot mess and needs to check herself into rehab while her child has a chance. Isn't this the gal that's been in/out of jail for substance abuse? Hot mess and way too young emotionally.

  24. Anonymous10:52 PM

    Couldn't care less.

  25. Anonymous10:59 PM

