Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Julia Roberts' Mom Has Lung Cancer

The National Enquirer is reporting that Julia Roberts' mother has been battling lung cancer since November when a tumor was found on one of Betty Motes' lungs. This has not been a good couple of months for Julia Roberts. Here she is finally nominated again for an Academy Award and having an awards season that should be filled with sunshine and unicorns. Instead she had her half-sister commit suicide and leave a five page note basically blaming Julia for the suicide and all the things Julia should have done for her sister that she didn't. Then she is dealing with the fact her 80 year old mother has cancer and it is no wonder why Julia has been a no show at any events for Osage County the past few weeks. I wonder if anyone will see her before the Academy Awards. There is no way she is missing that but I wonder if she will stop anywhere on the red carpet. She isn't obligated to and who wants Ryan Seacrest doing the questioning and then having Giuliana try and empathize afterwards while staring lustfully after a craft service donut that someone dropped on the ground and wondering if anyone will notice if she just licked the frosting.


  1. and this sad post turns around to being about Guiliana Rancic.....???

    I'm not a big Julia fan but good God!

    1. It's always about Guiliana! Can't wait til she comes up as a blind. I got some stuff to share about Skeletoriana. She used to churn through horrified UCLA students trying to intern at E! like they were going out of nicer sweetie, word gets around, you should know!

  2. Julia is an old pro. She'll have an elevator speech ready if anyone asks her about her family.

    What I'm wondering is if she's the A+-list actress with a drug problem referenced in the blind item on Monday. She's had a horrible couple of years recently, family problems, rumored marriage problems, and a catfight with Meryl over the poorly-received Osage County.

  3. I figured her mother was gravely ill. My sympathies. If there is anything worse than watching a loved family member battle cancer, i really dont know what it is. I went thru it with my mom and i dont wish it on anyone.

  4. I'm very sorry for her regardless of what she's done.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Her sisters death is not her fault. We all need to take responsibility for ourselves. I have a neighbor who is going through the same thing (luckily she is not famous).
    It's so easy to blame others for our mistakes and shortcomings…
    I'm no fan of Julia's but I can imagine what she's going through with her mom.

  6. Why is this post flippant?

    I have ranted on Julia Roberts many times on this site but I cannot make jokes about the seriously terrible things going on right now in her life.

  7. If she wants privacy, I hope the media respects that. I can't imagine how tough that is, what she's going through.

  8. Mental illness is shit. It is so easy to blame everyone else but @ some point you have to grow up and accept responsibility for your life decisions. Julia got her jobs in Hollywood but she couldn't keep them. Toxic is toxic.

  9. JLR annoys me to no end and I'm running coffee and fumes right now, but I can't rank on a woman who lost her sister in a very public way and is now losing her mother to that b* cancer.

  10. Very very sad...No one should have to go through that.

  11. Enty oftentimes you suck. She may be distasteful but no one deserves shit piled on top of shit.

  12. {{{{hugs 4 Julia}}}}

  13. It has indeed been a tough few months for Julia. Hope her mother makes it through.

    Question? How do WE know what was in that 5 page letter from her sister? Has that been released? Think not. And Julia did try to help her but she was unable to hold onto those jobs. AND she expected Julia to pay for her wedding. Definitely a problem with her.

  14. Lmao @ the guiliana donut reference. ..I still don't feel bad fo r Julia. I still blame her for her sister's death and I still think she is a horrible person. With that said, ihope her mother can beat cancer. Imo it is the worst disease besides aids in terms of suffering.

  15. Is someone going to blame Karma on this one too? Or do they just save that for fetuses?

    1. I never do this but... +100000 @ Alicia!

  16. @Alicia, give it time, give it time.

  17. Julia looks so beautiful in that photo, you have to admit that she was so stunning and natural in her heyday.
    I tend to believe that Julia can be a grade A bitch, but her sister had her demons and lost to them.
    It sounds to me that she never adjusted to living in the shadow of her "perfect" sister and lived her life accordingly.

  18. Mental illness, addiction, blame, suicide, cancer, death - sounds like another day in my family. My heart goes out to JR she is in an incredibly difficult time - I'm coming through the other side, but it's been two years and the pain changes. Who here isn't dealing with some combination of life shit? Life changing stuff.
    I hope she goes to the Oscars (not win, mind you); being synergized with positivity (and volunteering) can heal a soul.

  19. This is sad and JR has all my sympathies, but people in their 80s use to die, she is not a kid.

  20. Taking cheap shots at Julia Roberts is temporarily suspended due to Sadness.

    Thwarted gossips reduced to taking cheap shots at next celebrity they can think of with name starting with J. Old reliable standby Giuliana Skinny Bitch Rancic to the rescue. That's the ticket.

    At least wait until a separate post!

  21. LOL @ Amartel! Spot on.

  22. Ruh roh bad luck comes in threes

  23. What bothers me so much about this story is the timing of its release. Betty's cancer has been known since November. Not until the onslaught of bad publicity following Nancy Motes' suicide and the chronicling of all things horrid Julia did to her is there this rather detailed with medical info. feel-sorry-for-Julia piece as she is dealing with her Mother's cancer. I find it pretty disgusting that this story and info is being released in the most opportune time to sway back public opinion, if not call people to reserve out of respect for one dealing with a parent's illness. And julia's charity work and her loss of her father to cancer at age ten has made headlines as well. Not a week ago or a month ago. Not in the last several years. Now.
    I am sorry that Betty or anyone has cancer. It shouldn't be used as a pr tool.

  24. I know everybody is responsible for their own happiness but just try to imagine growing up in Julia Roberts's shadow...from what I have read about her treatment of her half-sister, she threw her a birthday party and then Nancy (the half-sister) heard her bitching in the kitchen about how Nancy was fat. When Nancy moved to L.A. with her fiance and was unpacking, Julia came over and when Nancy said she needed to sit down because her back hurt (they'd been unpacking boxes) Julia immediately said her back wouldn't hurt if she weren't so fat. And "Don't you think it's disrespectful to Mom" (that all the boxes hadn't been unpacked - WTF?)

    Julia gives $2 million to Haiti relief but her own half-sister had to borrow money to have lap band surgery.

    And I've never heard that her half-sister wanted her to pay for her wedding - but seriously to Julia Roberts even a middle-class wedding would be "change lost under the sofa cushion" money.

    What REALLY got me is that according to rumors/reports, Julia changed their mother's phone number and cut Nancy off from their mother.

    I mean, imagine being the fat youngest kid of a mother whose other three children were all beautiful, rich and successful - and full siblings to each other. Being the daughter of the abusive stepfather who turns out to be gay and who your mother says was the biggest mistake she ever made.

    If Julia had treated her with warmth and not pushed her to the fringes of the family (or out altogether) ... she would not have written a 5 page rant against her.

    Imagine Gwyneth Paltrow with her holier-than-thou attitude - having HER for an older half-sister.

    I don't blame Julia for her half-sister's death but if half of what you hear is true - she behaved in a pretty shitty manner.

    And what gets me is that Julia Roberts is probably going to get sympathy over this - she may even get a standing O at the Oscars if she's a presenter, or at least a LOT of applause ... while her poor fat half sister is lying dead in her grave. Ironic, huh?
