Wednesday, February 05, 2014

Moses Farrow Takes Woody Allen's Side

Moses Farrow doesn't talk to most of his brothers and sisters. The people he is closest to are his sister Soon Yi and his dad/brother-in-law? Anyway, Moses has been trotted out to the world to tell Woody Allen's side of the story which we still haven't heard directly from Woody. Moses says that the day Dylan couldn't have been molested the day in question and is just trying to get on her mother's good side because you don't want to be on the wrong side of Mia Farrow.

He told Kneepads, "My mother drummed it into me to hate my father for tearing apart the family and sexually molesting my sister. And I hated him for her for years. I see now that this was a vengeful way to pay him back for falling in love with Soon-Yi. The day in question, there were six or seven of us in the house. We were all in public rooms and no one, not my father or sister, was off in any private spaces. My mother was conveniently out shopping. I don’t know if my sister really believes she was molested or is trying to please her mother. Pleasing my mother was very powerful motivation because to be on her wrong side was horrible."

Dylan says she is saddened by what her brother said to Kneepads and that her mother never coached her.


  1. Brucella, what have you done with Brucey?

  2. Scott, I'm right here.

  3. Did you decide anything about that red Maserati?

    1. I forgot to tell you I'm suing Mercedes Benz, what crap cars they have.

  4. "TMZ dug up the 1976 interview published in People. Then 41-year-old Woody said, "I'm open-minded about sex. I'm not above reproach; if anything, I'm below reproach. I mean, if I was caught in a love nest with fifteen 12-year-old girls tomorrow, people would think, yeah, I always knew that about him."

    He added, "Nothing I could come up with would surprise anyone ... I admit to it all."

    1. Ugh woody= sick fucker

    2. This was "dug up" by New York magazine days ago

    3. That sick fucker also said "the heart wants what it wants" about Soon-Yi. He is disgusting. Just because Moses claims it couldn't have and never happened, it doesn't mean it didn't. This guy is a therapist, family therapy, if you can believe the irony. I couldn't take any of his advice seriously, given the home he came from. I think both parents are jacked in the head, but I don't believe Farrow is a pedophile - so point Farrow. Moses also managed to avoid saying nothing about what he thinks of good ol' dad's sister-wife, which is unequivocally fucked-up. I think Allen married a victim and that she gave birth to his next captives. Woody Allen always has and always will disgust me in every way.

  5. So now Moses will be dragged through the mud. Woody will do anything to maintain that image, won't he?

    1. @Hall Monitor, I dunno. Moses is 32 years old. I think he's a big enough boy to decide whether or not he wants to take the call when People magazine is on the other end.

    2. I don't know, Viv - that's a mighty big inheritance!

    3. He's a big boy, he didn't need to jump into the fray. It is shameful that he's making a victim of his sister all over again.

  6. aemish, sounds like he's being facetious, talking in circular riddles.

  7. facetious < Freudian slip

  8. What? Did something happen ?

  9. Stupid Mercedes I have keeps breaking down. I've only had it a year.

  10. I 100% believe that Woody molested his children. Proof is that he was even able to fall in love with his daughter. Disgusting. I love his movies...I think he's a clever actor...I think he's a pedofile.

  11. It better be under warranty, I have a guy if you need his number.

  12. Hall Monitor, it's been 21 years since the alleged incident(s) took place. Moses is doing his best to offer perspective and put it to rest. Mia and her kids need to move on. Enough already.

    1. Enough already? Was your first sexual experience unwilling, and with a relative? It puts a stain on you that never leaves, no matter how badly you want to move on. I don't blame them for being angry at Hollywood looking the other way for Woody and Polanski. Dylan will never truly get to move on, but Woody gets celebrated.

    2. Anonymous11:47 AM

      Yes move on, sexual abuse by your father is no biggie. Won't damage you mentally, physically or emotionally.
      If you read Mia's autobiography from just after it all Moses was desperate for Woodys approval. Perhaps what he is accusing Dylan of is what he himself is doing. If he hadn't taken her into a room alone at anytime the nannys, friends and children at the house at the time surely 1 other than him would have mentioned?
      I know sure as hell I wouldn't leave my daughter with Woody Allen

  13. Sorry to brag, but I believe I said two days ago the next person we would hear from would be Moses Farrow. Ta-da!

    Moses was as much as part of the family dynamic as Ronan Farrow. I give his statements equal weight to Ronan's.

    I give Dylan Farrow's statements more credence because she is speaking from personal experience.

  14. Sorry, Lord Disick. That's rough.

  15. @crila16, Soon-Yi is not Woody's daughter. She's Mia and Andre Previn's adopted daughter.

    1. While this is true, Soon-yo was 8 years old when Woody and Mia started dating. He had known her 12 years when their relationship became known in 1992.

      He pretty much raised his wife. That's disgusting. And there's no telling when he started the relationship with Soon-Yi.

    2. She was raised by Mia in thee same environment as the other children. Woody had known her since she was a young, 8 year-old (I believe) girl. Are you really going to split hairs over who she "belonged" to - as if that makes it right?

  16. Honestly, how could he say it couldn't have possibly happened? Whether it did or didn't happen is not something that he could say. The only 2 people who actually know are Dylan and Woody.

  17. Yeah, what are you gonna do? I'll get my money back somehow.

  18. She really needs to sue the bastard and pressure for a polygraph. What she has detailed is clearly no result of "coaching" nor the figment of anyone but sick ass Woody's imagination.

  19. The problem with this he said/she said situtaion is that Hollywood thinks Mia is quite capable of formenting hatred. If Diane Keaton accused Woody, then Hollywwod would have dropped him in a minute.

  20. This is entirely imo, but the late great Roger Ebert took the time to answer an email where I expressed my disappointment when he reviewed a Polanski film. He replied that his job was to review films objectively, and if he were to limit his reviews to people without objectional behavior, he wouldn't be writing half his reviews. I'm still not watching anything by Polanski, because he was convicted of his crime, but since Mr. Ebert's answer, I've allowed myself to watch Woody Allen films despite any judgment i may have, since he wasn't convicted of any crime. Blue Jasmine is a fantastic film, btw.

  21. D Brown, Mia is still friends with Roman Polanski. She's got a screw loose somewhere too.

  22. Scott, I told you that you need to buy a Lamborghini, NOT a Maserati or a Benz.

  23. aemish - Woody passed a polygraph test back when this first came to trial.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      No he didn't

    2. Anonymous11:54 AM

      Well not a court appointed independent one. He passed a private one set up by his lawyers after an inconclusive one.
      The judges assessment says it all

  24. msgirl is right. Forgot about that.

  25. The way Mia (and Ronan) conduct themselves on social media, like a couple of petulant thirteen-year-olds just makes me feel sorrier for Dylan. I have a very hard time separating those Twitter outbursts from their own selfish interests (in Mia's case, deflecting attention on her own brother's child molestation conviction, in Ronan's, famewhoring in advance of his MSNBC show).

    This has always been Dylan's story to tell and it seems like all parties have done nothing but attempt to manipulate her from the beginning. If my mother were going on Twitter and marking snarky comments about a trauma that happened to me as a child, well... I just don't think very much of that behavior and I'll leave it at that. Mia's put me in the unenviable position of actually having to defend Woody. I think he's a creep but Mia has muddied the waters from the beginning.

    Besides, as Gawker pointed out yesterday, where's the outrage over Bill Cosby's history of sexual assault? There was a hell of a lot more evidence against him, and judging by the comments, very few people *ever* heard about the accusations.

  26. Not good news for ambitious Ronan's MSNBC career. Let's say half the country, the half that voted for Romney, hates MSNBC in the first place. And let's say half think he's part of a witch hunt against his father, which is not necessarily the Romney half. He's down to 25% of people potentially liking him, and 75% of people thinking he's a dickwad.

    I've always thought he was a dickwad, anyway. He carefully stages his photos to make himself look handsome. Always full-face shots, never profile. Poseur.

  27. This is a riveting story. I think both Mia and Woody are batshit in their own ways, but the adult children are all, from all accounts, stable and believable...yet they are telling diametrically opposed accounts.

    I am inclined to think that Woody did not do this, not because I don't think he would (I don't know about that) but because all accounts of that day aside from Dylan's make it infeasible to have happened that way. But who knows.

  28. And btw @Knockout, I voted for Romney AND I love MSNBC, hate Fox, and think Ronan is dreamy. Go figure. ;-)

  29. Hopefully other victim's will come forward to help corroborate her story.

  30. @GPS.. Bill Cosby too?! Ugggh!!

  31. +1 figgy, although I couldn't quite bring myself to vote for Mr. Plastic himself as prez.

  32. The abuse she speaks about went on for far more than one day.

    I wouldn't put anything past Mia or Woody either one, in terms of vindictiveness or coaching or anything else, but saying something couldn't have happened on one particular day doesn't mean it didn't happen on another day.

    If you don't think there was anything wrong with what you did, I'm sure passing a lie detector test wouldn't be difficult at all.

  33. While Soon-Yi was not Allen's daughter, she was 10 when he started having a relationship with her mother. This isn't Mom's boyfriend falling for her teenage daughter--this is a man who was around for years and watched her grow up.

    I think Mia is off her rocker, but I don't think she coached or brainwashed Dylan.

    Also, Mia and (most) of her kids aren't the only ones to disown Soon-Yi; Andre Previn has said about her, "She does not exist."

    1. Anonymous12:02 PM

      Also she's meant to have some learning difficulties, emotional damage from her childhood. She wasn't a smart n sassy teenager.
      Also Woody was already seeing a shrink about his 'inappropriate' behaviour towards Dylan way before the accusations.
      I think Mia is somewhat bat shit crazy, who would let a man seeing a shrink because he behaves in appropriately and who has to have supervised visits before any accusations or soon yi hook up near her kids. Plus her Polanski stance and her brothers conviction.
      But I think he did it. He sees no moral wrong doing in sleeping with his adopted and biological childrens sister. Or of putting his thumb in his seven year old daughters mouth to suck. None. He did it, I'm sure

  34. What a fucked up family..Very sad. :(

  35. Andre Previn said his own daughter "does not exist"??!! Now THAT is fucked up. Sure, hate Woody if you want Andre, but not Soon-yi. The girl didn't kill anyone for god's sake, she married someone. Someone inappropriate, yes, but in that sense the blame is more Woody's than hers.

    Yeah, @Tammy I shouldn't even begin to take sides (not that my opinion matters, obviously) because we just don't know. The only thing I can say with any certainty is that this is a family tragedy. Sigh.

  36. "In a 2005 Vanity Fair interview, Allen told the magazine that, despite the scandal's damage to his reputation, Farrow's discovery of Allen's attraction to Soon-Yi Previn by finding nude photographs of her was "just one of the fortuitous events, one of the great pieces of luck in my life. . . It was a turning point for the better."

  37. I think that both Dylan and Ronan Farrow sincerely believe that their father is a child molester, but that these memories could come from what Mia Farrow planted in their mind. And public showdowns via Twitter are the worst way to handle such a horrific trauma done to Dylan.

    Allen got involved with legal or barely legal girls, there's no way to defend his behavior with Soon-Yi, but what people usually call child molesters, the ones who deal with prepubescent children, are very different from the guys who "date" much younger girls.

  38. Thank you for pointing that out, @Karen. I mean for pity's sake look at the family photo above this blog post. Whatever it was on paper, the reality was that this was a blended common law family and he is clearly the father figure of his child bride for what, a decade? I'm glad Mia found the nude photos he took of her too!

  39. Ronan is hot as fuck.

  40. Would it be wrong and completely shallow to interject at this point that both Ronan and Moses Farrow are delicious man candy?

    Just sayin'. I was just looking at pics and thought, wow, cuuuuute...

  41. I just wish this could go to trial so that whatever evidence there is could be laid out for all to see, and not just in the form of links to magazine articles.

    Seeing people villify someone as a pedo, and then use an article titled "Mia's story" as evidence doesn't really sit well with me.

    I personally think WA is gross and weird, but he never pretended he was anything but. I assume Mia is nuts, because she seems like a baby collector and plus her twitter nonsense.

    @GPS, I totally agree about Ronan. I am a total libtard, but I wouldn't watch him on a show for anything. That Frank Sinatra nonsense was pretty annoying too.

    Poor Dylan/Malone tho. I have yet to see a picture of her where her eyes weren't sad/off.
    Then again, that stuff calling out Hollywood by name for working with a guy who was never convicted, that seemed odd and calculating. Maybe the Dylan story is widely accepted on Jezebel, but until recently, it seems WA was best known for the soon-yi shitshow than for the Dylan stuff, at least to the broader world.

    Again, I'd rather just see this go to trial, not that trials always solve everything (OJ, MJ, trayvon, casey a, amanda k, etc.) but at least we might get some stuff on or off the table.
    Sorry this was so long.

  42. Thanks for that article, GPS. I NEVER would have suspected something like that from "family man" Bill Cosby. Gross.

  43. So he took naked photos of his teenage "step daughter" or whatever you want to call it, and no one has a problem with that? Nevermind that he then married her. And as far as siblings having different memories: I had an uncle, a cop, whom I loved spending time with. He took me to pubs in my late teens, introduced me proudly to all his buddies when we visited our hometown, was the life of every party. My sister's memory of him: he raped her when she was 13. This came out years later and destroyed our family. And Angie, even though it was 30 years ago, my sister's life is still messed up, so we will NOT put it behind us. Oh, and another female cousin was raped too and his own son came forward to say he knew this had gone on. His wife stood by him until he died. Very sad for Dylan. Woody's always been a creep.

  44. First off, Dylan brought up the incident, not Mia. Second, she has no control over Ronan musings or Mosess for that matter. To think that since 1992 mia has been lying in wait to bring this up is ridiculous. Its been 22 years, she cld hv gotten her revenge other ways. And if, out of 14 kids, 2dont get along with others, thats bit a bad ratio. I have two that arent always on friendly terms!!! Lol


  46. auntliddy, it's all about timing. The intent is to do everything possible to prevent Woody's movie and everyone associated with it from winning an Oscar.

    1. Anonymous12:08 PM

      Or if you were raped and the rapist was getting celebrated while never being punished it messes you up so much you need to speak out

    2. Angie, yes, that IS dylans objective, not mia's, not that i think mia minds.

  47. Thanks @ Unknown.

  48. Firstly, Ronan is a total fox and brilliant. I don't *love* his use of Twitter sometimes, but his mind is amazing (and he doesn't hurt to look at).

    Now, about the day in question... How does everyone so vividly remember that Dylan and Woody never left the room?? Seriously - how??

    The date in question was August 4th. Mia files for sole custody on August 13th, this *had* to be the day she learned from Dylan of the molestation. No mother would wait to file - you would get him away from your daughter as soon as possible. A few days later the police announce they are investigating. Even if that happened on the 13th, we are talking about 9 days after the event allegedly took place. How would anyone remember every minute of a day that took place 9 days earlier???? I am so sick of the nannies and other people saying he wasn't apart from them even for a moment. How is that possible that they would remember every single moment of that day? Even if it was special because he was visiting them, how would they all remember so clearly that there wasn't even a sliver of time that both of them could have been absent from the room???

    The only people who know the truth are Dylan and Woody.

  49. PS - what motivation would a nanny have to say, "Oh, I wasn't paying attention to the children. Of course she could have left the room and I wouldn't have noticed."

  50. @aunt, Mia started bringing it up again in last year's VF follow-up piece, to say nothing of her Twitter comments. (She's the one who revealed Dylan's name change on Twitter over a year ago, not Robert Weide on the Daily Beast, as Mia claimed.) Dylan's letter, posted by Nick Kristof, is the first time she's spoken out directly.

    I care about what Dylan has to say. Mia and Ronan? They need to STFU already.

  51. To be honest, I'm not sure who I believe in this debacle.

  52. @Unknown, the guy who did the documentary on Allen is friends with him. He's hardly unbiased.

  53. I believe Dylan. Woody seems to be a very sick, deluded man. Reminds me of the creep a few months ago who wanted to buy a 10 year old girl so he could raise her to be the perfect subservient wife. Do you think that guy would have waited until she was of legal age? Creep extraordinaire.

  54. Well, I don't like the fact that Mia et al are playing games with child abuse accusations to prevent Woody's movie from winning any Oscars.

    To recap, it's been 21 years and Woody passed a lie detector test.

    They need to cut the crap, immediately.

  55. Woody and Mia are two incredibly screwed up people. From the Washington Post:

    JANUARY 1992:

    Visiting Allen’s apartment, Farrow discovers a set of nude, explicit photos Allen has taken of her 21-year-old adopted daughter, Soon-Yi Previn (her father is Farrow’s ex-husband, Andre Previn). The discovery precipitates their split.


    FEBRUARY 1992:

    Farrow gives Allen a Valentine with a photograph of her and some of her children; a steak knife is stuck into Farrow’s heart, covered with a photo of Soon-Yi, and meat skewers are stuck in the chests of the children. (The card will be displayed on CBS’ ”60 Minutes.”)

  56. @Karen, Maureen Orth (Vanity Fair) and Nick Kristof (New York Times) are friendly with Mia. There's really no objective reporting on either side :/

  57. The article (note that it says WA actually did make a public appearance to deny the claims in August 1992.

    A look back at the allegations against Woody Allen

  58. Why doesnt anyone mention that this lady allowed woody to continue the adoption process even after he was in counseling for inappropriate behavior towards Dylan? It seems to me that she was so desperate to keep him that she didnt care much... Then he left her and she went crazy and is ising it against him.

  59. @GPS74, you're right that there doesn't seem to be objective reporting on this. The Washington Post outline that Seven of Eleven posted does a pretty good job of stating facts and not giving opinions(and it shows how crazy they both are).

  60. @Karen, I agree that there is very little objective reporting, and I think the Slate piece you posted was a good example of that! The woman who wrote it clearly had a point of view, and spent the entire piece attacking someone else for having a point of view. Weak.

  61. Mia Farrow being a fruitloop and Woody Allen being a pedophile are not mutually exclusive.

    {{{hugs anothergrayhare}}}

  62. I just wonder why all this time has been allowed to pass before Dylan wrote this letter. 21 years is a heck of a long time. There is more behind this than we know IMO

  63. @ViciousVivian, I agree that the author of the Slate article's mind was already made up, but she doesn't seem to have an "in" with the Farrow family, unlike Robert B. Weide being close friends with Woody Allen. And she made a good point about him trying to slut-shame Mia so that her daughter will look less believeable. He took Dylan's clear words about being "sexually assaulted" and paraphrased with "and he, shall we say, 'touched her inappropriately'" in a clear attempt to downplay what might have happened.

    Granted, he was giving his opinion and he's entitled to do it. But he deserves to be called out on his agenda just the same as Kristoff and Orth do as Farrow sympathizers.

  64. Now Moses has spoken out and said that Mia abused him, and also taught everyone in the house to hate Woody. He's now distanced from all of them and has a relationship with Woody.

    I have no doubt that Mia is nuts, (which as aemish said doesn't mean Woody is innocent) and Seven's article was interesting. I feel sorry for all the kids who are caught in this poison.

    But I have to admit, if I was on a jury knowing the facts that have been presented, I'd have reasonable doubt and couldn't convict. I'm glad the original judge did prevent Woody from visitation, because even tho I have doubts, I'd protect the children - these are very series allegations and I wouldn't take a chance.

  65. I believe Moses, I have never thought Woody hurt Dylan…
    But Dylan was a child and she remembers what she's been hearing for years…
    It's sad that Woody has no contact with Ronan …Mia got her revenge…and she's still not satisfied.
    Personally I think she's disturbed very disturbed.

  66. The holidays must be a real bitch with this family.

  67. This comment has been removed by the author.

  68. This is Dylan's truth- everyone else needs to sit down and shut up! Her fixation on that train, the way her op ed piece was written and her years Of personal turmoil.. I believe her.

    These sick fuckers prey on innocence and chaos, priding themselves on the fact that with such dysfunction surrounding the dynamic the allegations will always bring about questions.

    Mia and woody are both complete wackadoos- but that does not negate Dylan's truth.

  69. @Karen, his piece came out two weeks before hers, so I don't believe he paraphrased her.

  70. Agree with Sarah and thanks @Aemish. No one believed my sister either, and when our cousin finally was committed for mental health issues, it all came out.

  71. Just reading WA's Wiki page skeeved me. And look at the pic above. So Ronan and Moses are hot? How hot is Soon Yi? Wouldn't any mother teach their children to hate a molester? A child rapist?? There is plenty of damage and crazy and PTSD for everyone in this family. I applaud Andre Previn for escaping all the crazy.

  72. Interesting considering that Moses was hurt tremendously by Woody. His relationship with Woody was very cold even before the Soon-Yi incident. Woody hardly had any relationship with young Moses at all. Woody just wanted to spend time with Dylan.

    It's interesting to note that in one of Dylan's first interviews with the Child Sexual Abuse Clinic at Yale-New Haven hospital in 1992, Dylan's only response was "I love my mother. That's all I have to say. I love my mother and hate my dad," and that she had only begun to feel that way since learning of the Woody/Soon-Yi relationship back in January of that year. On Oct. 30, in one of Dylan's last sessions with the Yale team, Dylan recanted her previous admission of any abuse taking place. Mia's own words to the team was that Dylan had told her "[Woody] didn't do anything. Nothing happned." However, later that day, Dylan reversed her position again and denied her denial that "Nothing happned." On March 17, 1993, the Yale team ruled that Woody had not sexually molested Dylan and they believed that Dylan was not tellng the truth.

    The judge in the case, Judge Wilk (the judge Elkan referred to in his interview with Savannah Guthrie yesterday) disagrred with the ruling and did not believe that Dylan was being dishonest and noted that it seemed rather strange that the Yale findings would later be destroyed. A clinical psychiatrist was brought in and also found flaws in the Yale teams invstigation and in their methods. He also admitted under oath that although Dylan appeared "disturbed" it did not mean she was "fantasizing" about the incident in question. Judge Wilk echoed that sentiment.

    In Dec. 1992, investigators visited Mia's home and asked Dylan to describe to them where Woody had touched her. Dylan (who was provided with anotomically correct dolls) connected the doll with the penis into the doll with the vagina. Investigators asked Dylan how she knew what went where and she told them of one time when Soon-Yi who was babysitting Dylan and Satchel (now Ronan), had brought them over to Woody's apartment. At one point, Dylan and Satchel/Ronan were watching TV while Soon-Yi went to visit with Woody. Dylan began looking for Soon-Yi and found her in Woody's bedroom lying naked on top of the covers where Dylan said "they were doing compliments and they were making snoring noises and he was putting his penis in Soon-Yi." Mia timed the incident to have occurred in the spring of 1991, although Woody later admitted that he and Soon-Yi did not start to get intimate until around December 1991, one month before Mia discovered nude photos of Soon-Yi inside Woody's apartment. Nine months later, Mia accused Woody of sexually assaulting their 7 year old adopted daughter Dylan.

    Now Moses is siding with Woody? Some hinky stuff has been going on with this family.

  73. Ronan is an interesting guy no doubt.....

    Woody Allen is the skeeziest form of human life-----if even

    this guy is def a pedophile with some very questionable judgment regarding family boundaries

    I believe the Farrow/Previn camp and so did Sinatra

  74. mia farrow is nuts. she's also quite chummy with polanski, who's a pedophile. i'm in the minority, but i remember very clearly when all this happened and i never believed mia. and i think everyone should read the piece on this in 'the daily beast' before being so ready to string him up.

  75. I believe Dylan. I believe Woody when he said you would find him with 12-year-old girls. Being that our laws prohibit that, he found a young Asian girl with no trademarks of traditional womanhood. That she was his daughter really told us about his character. Case closed.

  76. and she was NOT HIS STEPDAUGHTER. he and mia never married. he never spent a single night in mia's home in 12 years. not ONE. soon yi was not a child either. so sick of the misinformation people have about this.

  77. nancer, I'm not an actual 'aunt' to any of my friend's children. I don't live in their house etc., but I am damn sure that I would never look at any of them sexually. I believe Dylan. I am also sickened that Woody was already in therapy re: Dylan. The sad part is that children, even if they are abused, can still want that parental figure in their life. I watched an Oprah episode where a girl had been abused by her stepfather & she & her mother birth wanted him to return to the house. When he did, the girl gad rules about not wearing revealing clothing etc so he wouldn't try anything again. I know Oprah tries to stay neutral, but the look on her face said it all, why should the victim have rules because the perpetrator can't control themselves.
    I believe Moses was close to Soon-yi. Maybe to stay in touch with her he has had to defend her husband.

  78. I just want everyone to sort it out so I don't have to change my name and avi

  79. Look at that picture. Must be awkward to have your wife and ex girlfriend together like that.

  80. This comment has been removed by the author.

  81. For those of you asking what set this off NOW, it's because Hollywood honored him. Woody received the 2014 Cecil B. DeMille Award at the 71st annual Golden Globes on Jan. 12.

    Add to that Cate Blanchett is almost assured to win the best actress Oscar for her performance in Woody Allen's Blue Jasmine.

    Dylan, who alleges that Allen molested her when she was seven, wrote on the New York Times' website, "Others are still scared, vulnerable, and struggling for the courage to tell the truth... What if it had been your child, Cate Blanchett?"

    This whole sordid mess has everything to do with Mia's decades long unresolved anger issues over her and Andre Previn's adopted daughter Soon-Yi.

    At the time Mia first accused him of child abuse involving Dylan 21 years ago, Woody voluntarily took a police lie detector test and HE PASSED IT.

  82. Some might also want to check the fact that the DA only didn't file charges against WA because of the fact that he felt it would be to traumatic for her to testify. She was found to be credible and the did believe her.

  83. A suspicious pissed off parent can unwittingly plant ideas in a young child's mind (the power of suggestion). A suspected pervert parent cannot plant ideas on lie detector machinery.

    Both Mia and Dylan may believe Woody abused Dylan, but I seriously doubt it happened.

  84. I hate when people air their dirty laundry in public. So many families have issues, but most don't have access to Vanity Fair or the New York Times to air their grievances.

    A number of people mentioned that Woody was never convicted, which is true. But that's because he was never charged. Mia never took a lie detector test, but Woody did, which I think is interesting.

    I'm with Angie (and some others), in that the rehashing of this decades later is suspicious. Blue Jasmine was getting a lot of attention back in November, when the Vanity Fair article ran. No doubt, Ronan is brilliant and extremely accomplished, but at the time of the VF article, he didn't have the MSNBC gig. Also, am I the only one who finds it odd that a 26-year-old with no journalism experience, is given his own show? Not co-hosting, but solo?

  85. Too bad we can't ask Dory Previn what she thinks about all this...

  86. I love the way the Daily Beast Allen apologist says, "Yeah, but Mia Farrow admits she was fooling around with Sinatra THE WHOLE TIME so she's nuts and Soon-Yi is smart and WAS 25 when she hooked up with the great Woody so SHUT UP DYLAN!"

    Two of my friends were abused by their stepfather as kids. No one in the family knew, not their mother, not their brother, not their stepfather's daughter (who was never molested). And this was supposedly a very stable upper-middle-class white family we're talking about. Moses doesn' know what the hell went on with his dad and sister, but I'll be NOW he wants his father's money so he'll "stick up" for him.

    Face it: Allen is a manipulative, misogynistic pig who has never hid desire for young girls (see Annie Hall; Manhattan) and feels that he is entitled to any and all vile behavior because he is a "great artist" and as such is above the petty morals of the masses. He's using his adopted son and a bunch of other mouthpieces to defend him, because he himself cannot defend what he's done. He's outed himself before; he'll do it again.

  87. @Sandy, this was a long past issue until Dylan and Mia chose to resurrect it decades later in an attempt to manipulate this years Hollywood awards season.

    It's a highly dysfunctional family on both sides, and as reluctant as I feel to admit it, Mia and Dylan are acting like the two members currently most in need of therapy.

    1. Gee, Teena, you think Dylan is acting the most like she needs therapy? Her dad molested her when she was 7 - she's going to need therapy!! Should she have writen that missive at the ripe age of 8? Would that have been more appropriate? I mean, I know Ronan went to college at 11. I just can't comprehend why Dylan selfishly waited to grow up and process everything before developing the courage to call Woody out.

  88. Wanted to add that I can empathize with Dylan to a point, but she lost me when she tried jeopardizing Cate Blanchette's chances for an Oscar by trying to shame her in that NY Times article just for acting in one of Woody's films. Cate had nothing to do with this and wasn't even a blip on the movie radar 20 years ago. Who the hell does Dylan think she is? How dare she.

  89. This comment has been removed by the author.

  90. @KLM, Woody was called out 20 years ago and passed a police polygraph test.

  91. I agree with commenter Roxy's take on things. Mia probably interrogated all her kids about Woody after she discovered his affair with Soon-Yi. Perhaps without consciously meaning to, I think she may have inadvertently planted the idea that Woody abused Dylan in Dylan's mind. Dylan was so young and impressionable at the time that it stuck, and now they both think it really happened.

  92. This has turned into a witch hunt. I know everyone feels very strongly about their own opinion on this, but now it is turning into a witch hunt. The original accusations of sexual abuse were originally dismissed in 1992 because of inconclusive evidence.
    People are just tossing out information now that is not true. Woody was never married to Mia Farrow, Soon-Yi was not his adoptive daughter, and he never lived with the family.
    He passed a lie detector test at the time and psychiatric exams. I think Dylan thinks she was abused, but I think those seeds were planted by a vengeful Mia Farrow. Of course since none of us were there we will never really know.

    Seems awfully suspicious that this all came up again around when Woody Allen was being honored and Blue Jasmine, which is an excellent movie, is up for awards.
    People are calling Woody a pedophile, but if he was not charged with being a pedophile, even though accused, and started a relationship with Soon-Yi when she was legal, he is not a pedophile. Meanwhile he has been with Soon-Yi longer than he was with anyone else, and was able to adopt two more children.

  93. +1000 @ lukefisk. You summarized the known facts of the case well, and they weigh almost exclusively in Woody's favor - except for the 'information' an anything but objective Mia thought she understood after subjectively questioning a barely age of reason 7 year old.

  94. Thanks angie. I agree with everything you and a few others said also.
    If it wasn't for the fact that Woody put Mia in so many of his movies she would probably not have enough money to support her family.
    All I can say is that the people who "hate" Woody Allen are not intelligent enough to get his films. She did not have much of a career after the few big films she was in.
    I watched Blue Jasmine last night and can't even begin to describe what a wonderful film it is. I used to think Woody was strictly NY Jewish humor until I had a date with a guy years ago from Ireland. He was here in NY doing an internship at a law firm and asked me to see Zelig with him. I thought he felt that as a New Yorker it would be my choice, but instead he told me all of Ireland loves Woody Allen movies. Who would have thought?

    1. First of all i dont know that people hate woody as much as find him creepy. And i hate that if you dont get it you arent hip or intelligent enough elitist crap. Some just dont care for his work, thats all.

  95. From the Los Angeles Times
    August 22, 1992

    The vitriolic attacks between Allen and Farrow began last week after the 56-year-old director and actor sued his live-apart companion of 12 years, calling Farrow an unfit mother and saying that their relationship was over.

    Allen seeks custody of Moses, who is adopted; their adopted daughter, Dylan, 7, and the couple's biological son, Satchel, 4 1/2.

    Legal proceedings in the case are set to began Monday in state Supreme Court, New York's trial-level court, before Justice Phyllis Gangel-Jacob.

    Woody Allen sued for custody of the children, THEN Mia Farrow started with the abuse allegations. The timing seems kind of sketchy. He called her an unfit mother, she called him a child molester.

  96. Whatever the facts in this case, Dylan Farrow wasn't sexually abused by Woody Allen just because any of you were abused, or because someone you know was abused, or even because she says she was. She may well have been his victim, but only the two of them know for sure (and it IS possible that she doesn't even really know). So just stop projecting your own experiences and feelings onto this person you've never met.

  97. Today is the first day I've really felt like telling a few of you to f right off.

  98. Ha @ l.ukefisk. Even the most cynical of observers would have to admit that suddenly 'discovering' abuse in the midst of a custody battle.. speaks for itself.

    @Cee Kay, a panel of investigators from Yale-New Haven Hospital consulted during the investigation concluded that Dylan confused fantasy with reality and had not been abused.

  99. Allen was 56 and Soon-Yi Previn was around 19 when they started dating/made their relationship official. 37 years difference (with somebody barely legal).
    Soon Yi has established learning disabilities (from her early childhood in Korea).
    Woody Allen was the boyfriend of her mother and was definitely present in her life/father figure when she was growing up (see picture).
    And people here do not find it icky to the latest stage?

    I don t know for the rest, Dylan s pain is real, that s for sure. From being influenced or abused, I don t know, but that poor woman has been hurting for years about it.

    These are the facts we can all be sure of.
