Friday, February 14, 2014

Off Topic

Dinner reservation for one tonight was not that hard.


  1. I know this Enty personality is not even real but that's all sorts of sad. Says me who's currently heating up a tin of alphabetti spaghetti for tea.

  2. Where in the world did you make that reservation, IHOP?

    1. Is IHOP like Katsuya?

    2. Oh Scott, you'd die in an IHOP. It's a breakfast chain that's not very good.

  3. In N Out takes reservations now? Huh.

  4. Amber Tamblyn must not have been available.

  5. Damn you guys going in. Love it

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. My guy surprised me this morning by asking if I wanted to go to "couples' lasertag" with some friends of ours. I didn't even know that was a thing! So, duh, yes!!! It's a lasertag place with a pub next door so we can get pizza and beer afterward. That's my kind of Valentine's Day!

  8. You should stay home. Happy couples plus Valentine's Day plus being single = no bueno. Domino's delivers!

    1. @Talks Too Much Do you hate single people? Are they not deserving of love, too? Do you really want them quarantined to their homes for an evening to reflect on the fact they haven't locked down a warm slab of human to wake up to in the morning? Have you no heart???!!


    2. LOL no! I remember being single and having to order / pick up flowers for all the guys I worked with and wanting very much to climb a tower

    3. Is "climb in a tower" code for the oven you think single people should put their heads in? Assuming they have ovens and not sad single people hot plates???

    4. No, "climb a tower" means I was looking for a book depository and ammunition.

      And I was not digging being single on VDay, I totally get it if other people are. I actually loved being single most of the time, just not when coupledom is rammed down your throat all day.

      LOL @ sad single hot plate, is there such a thing?? I should totally get a couple for the basement

    5. @Talks you could be my Valentine I promise Waffles.

    6. It's okay, TTM. I appreciate the retroactive sympathy.

      "It's ok, Wig. Slide in next to Uncle Sandybrook. He's alone too... Because he drinks."

    7. Yay, Real Dragon, I would love waffles I didn't have to make! I would totally be your valentine!

      John, sandybrook is single by choice. He's choosy. And you, um, are a great conversationalist!

    8. Please TTM, feel free to call me Wig. You have the other half of my BFF necklace.

    9. I love you, drinky Tina

    10. Love you too, Maple Leaf Sinise. Also, love the color, love the cut, love the lenses. As long as you don't lose the rad-ass attitude you are always a gingey.

      (Ps work trip locale won't let me properly change my username... So I decided to roll with it.

    11. I'm just glad you're around, DT! I've been wondering where you've been. It's been a bit of a madhouse around here. Hope you are somewhere fun

  9. If Fugazi Enty was a dude, I would prescribe an 8ball and a strip club. If you can't land a stripper w/ the drugs, you could surely get with one of the couples who will be hanging out there.

    Lots of strip clubs don't let single broads in though, cause they don't want them working the audience to pick up tricks. Cuts into the lap dance/VIP room money.

  10. We're doing dinner tomorrow to avoid the crowds.

    1. Us, too. Checking out a new restaurant. The menu looks awesome and I've been dying to check it out. This preggo is going to eat all the foods!!

    2. Hey, congrats, Jacq!

  11. Sorry but pizza, Netflix and a babysitter are all it takes for me. Most restaurants are a shitshow today and I feel bad for service industry people - hope everyone tips well tonight!

  12. I'll be playing Arkham Origins tonight and reading a book. Pretty much the same Valentine's Day I've had for the last decade.

    1. I don't get it, boo. So smart, so cute, those ladies where you live must be kerazy

  13. Dinner for one? Pfft! Just sit at the bar, Enty! Own. It.

  14. Aww enty, I hope you're not alone on vday. If you are though, revel in that shit. You dont have to fake that you think a girls constant conversing is interesting all night. You dont have to put on a brave face and try to put yhe moves on her and possibly be rejected. You dont have to spend infinite amounts of money on her tonight to liquor her up and possibly get laid. It is awesome to have a specisl someone but if you're patient, that will happen in good time. You got a lot going for you from what I can see. So enjoy the joys of singledom while you can because soon er than later you will be stuck with some awesome girl for life. ;-)

  15. I do NOT participate in Valentines day madness with adults. I get the kiddos chocolates and teddy bears because its a made up holiday like Xmas but grown ups? Haha no.. Just no. My husband did get me cold case playing cards and a 22 of Ninkasi thee other day.. So in the presents department hes doing pretty good. The only valentines present I'd accept is some black roses and a pet tarantula .. And since I haven't received those I still boycott this Hallmark holiday!

  16. Still suffering from a cold that is now in my lungs (since New Years Eve!!) - and now I have come down with "bad bum", some terrible stomach flu, I never get sick - why ME!!!! sobbing, husband sobbing....

    V-day, my husband gave me a bag of hot hearts - thatz'it

    XO -people!

  17. Anonymous2:23 PM

    Imma enjoy some chocolate dipped strawberries and do something like this.

  18. Aw, Kimba, that bites! Hope you feel better soon! Practice throwing hot hearts at him 'til he gets it. :b

    @Cocoa, mrrrow!

  19. When I was single, me and a girlfriend or two would go out to a fancy restaurant, order the most fabulous food and get shit-faced drunk. And, it was glorious. Make sure you have dessert! And then go dancing.

  20. Valentine's Day is overrated. Finding your perfect President is more important; check out for more info! Not spam...just a long time reader, rare commenter, and "sick of Valentine's Day" individual who would rather promote something other than "love."

  21. Anonymous7:02 PM

    I eat on my own quite frequently when traveling - room service can be a bit isolated at times, so it's sometimes nice to venture out to a restaurant and be with other people, even if you're not actually 'with' them.

    Actually, it's been my experience that the wait staff often feel a bit sorry for you and give you something on the house.

  22. Hey! OT OT: Jesse "Dreamy Eyes" Williams is playing in the All-Star game! Silver lining for Valentine's weekend coinciding with All Star Weekend!
