Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Off Topic

I saw another Duggar is going to get married. Do you think they have an open bar or cash bar at their receptions? Probably going to have to flask it. Bottle out in parking lot.


  1. I highly doubt the Duggars booze it up at any parties they have.

  2. Do they even drink? Cuz I can imagine if they did they wouldn't want to have so many young'uns.

    (Sorry, new to the hashtag thing)

  3. Why are the Duggars on this gossip establishment?

  4. They dont have to worry about having small intimate wedding ceremonies.

  5. Bro, they don't even dance at those weddings, let alone drink.

  6. Hello everyone. I'd like to take this opportunity to announce that Kendall and Kylie have penned a book!
    It's called Rebels: City of Indra
    Buy it!

    1. Rob, thanks for providing the link. I know it means a lot to the girls for you to support them. I'm so proud of my girls!

  7. Back from my crown fitting! Everything looks amazing!!! Don't believe the hype; I love that Ye is so involved in the wedding planning. So excited to marry my soulmate in three months!!

  8. I find it hard to believe those 2 girls are authors as well. Who did PMK pay to write this shit for them?

  9. Yup, no drinking or dancing at wedding receptions. And dresses usually pretty fugly to preserve modesty.

  10. Kendall and Kylie are intelligent girls fully capable of writing their own material. My little sisters don't need ghost-writers.

  11. They don't even need alcohol at those events - they're all high on the anticipation of the first unaccompanied hand hold.

    1. @Violet, indeed. It's a heady experience. I remember mine when I was 14 and it just felt like the world was my oyster.

  12. I had to look up the word "dystopian" so I absolutely know they couldn't have known it. Therefore ghost writers in the sky.

  13. Dystopian novels are "in" with girls Kendall and Kylie's age. They're big readers.

  14. You know what? I wish them well. I don't think they're hurting anybody, strange as it may seem in "modern" times.

  15. I really don't think they'll have alcohol at a Duggar wedding. Anyone who wants to drink will have to brown bag it and pray they get away with it. They could probably afford free beverages - but I don't know if they are cheap or not.

  16. Huh, this whole time I thought they were Mormons! They are not. Christians can totally drink, right? Lapsed Buddhist asking for a friend.

  17. Yup, Quiverfull (though they deny it). They believe it is their "duty" to procreate and thus populate the Earth with God's army. Sex isn't for pleasure, it's for recruitment!

  18. Brain washed like Scios.

  19. I see a big ole' punch bowl, with home made Kool-Aid in it.
    I see that tater tot casserole... and a cake from Sam's.

    But at least the girl is escaping that house, where she has been raising children, for at least 16 years of her life by now. :)

  20. Who are those Duggars? The only one I know is Hacksaw Jim Duggar.

    1. Kermie, that is the only Duggar worth knowing. Although I believe it is Hacksaw Jim Duggan. Count, Rowdy, help a fella out

  21. Dude, my family parkinglotsit at every/any family event. Even at my sons 1st birthday. It'd better be open bar, they can afford it

  22. My family are devout Quakers and there is NEVER alcohol at any event. They do serve a mean "white trash punch". Lime and Orange Sherbet with ginger ale. I bet that shit would be good with some vodka.

  23. No alcohol ever. First kiss is at the altar. The food, the clothes, the decorations, all home made by the girls of the family. If there is building to be done the boys do it.

  24. @Farm Girl
    She's not escaping anything. She'll be immediately put to work making her own.

  25. ttm, i hope that was supposed to be funny........? since mormons are christians. and lots of christian religions discourage the drinking of alcohol. i was raised as a strict drinking alcohol, no dancing, no playing cards, etc. and if i had kids they would be raised in the same religion until they were old enough to rebel....... as i did. i was given the opportunity to either follow the strict guidelines of my church or become another smart ass, experimenting kid like my peers were. i, of course, chose being like my friends and made lots of mistakes that in the end showed me what a mistake i had made in not deciding to strike a balance between the church and the 'fun' i learned about from my friends.

  26. ttm, i hope that was supposed to be funny........? since mormons are christians. and lots of christian religions discourage the drinking of alcohol. i was raised as a strict drinking alcohol, no dancing, no playing cards, etc. and if i had kids they would be raised in the same religion until they were old enough to rebel....... as i did. i was given the opportunity to either follow the strict guidelines of my church or become another smart ass, experimenting kid like my peers were. i, of course, chose being like my friends and made lots of mistakes that in the end showed me what a mistake i had made in not deciding to strike a balance between the church and the 'fun' i learned about from my friends.

  27. No, I really didn't know, ksus
