Friday, February 28, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

It's obvious that Hugh Jackman's daughter has dancing fever. Or has to pee.
Heidi Klum brings out her Spinal Tap hair on a grocery run.
Angelina Jolie rehearsing her presentation for Academy Awards.
Julianne Hough and Lindsay Lohan are on the same Academy Awards timeline. Never.
John Mayer out for some new loving. I hear Jennifer Aniston is available.
This is a little TMI for a red carpet appearance from Kristin Chenoweth.
Caspar Smart hangs out with Christina Milian. He really needs to get some sun and quit the 24/7 internet porn thing.
Gilles Marini and his wife.
Kelly Ripa and her husband are now in LA.


  1. John Mayer looks good! Too bad aboot the pooping.

    I was pretty sure once JLo dumped him, we wouldn't ever have to see Casper Smart again, right?? That's the deal, that's why she gets serious with the no-name ones, so she can skid them quietly and efficiently

  2. Kelly is looking like Julianna Rancic

  3. Mayer was already with Aniston. She booted him to the curb as quick as anyone. It was barely hit it and quit it.

  4. Anonymous12:34 PM

    Didn't Angelina Jolie once have thick hair?

  5. why is putting a man in his place TMI??

  6. #Nailedit?

    Is Kristen Chenowith VIP?

    But Lindsay expects to win an Oscar in two years.

  7. P: Ripa

    M: Angie Jo

    B: Hough

  8. I don't get how the Chenowith thing is TMI. Weird and oddly inappropriate, but TMI?

    I also don't get this fashion thing where you wear summery clothes and then drape a ginormous scarf/dress around your throat.

    I do get why Hugh Jackman's daughter is dancing. Her daddy is Wolverine!

  9. Heidi does not have Spinal Tap that's call Polar Vortex Wind effect

  10. Anonymous2:41 PM

    is kristin sick or something? she looks terrible

  11. Ew Casper Smart looks so skeevy. All I can ever see is him in that stupid bee video. How Jlo hit that I will never know.

  12. Giles and his wife are cute, but look like siblings. Kelly Ripa is too damn thin.

  13. @ sheit I'm pretty sure JLo never hit Casper. He was around to be arm candy.

  14. penelope jane:

    I was thinking the same thing. Drugs and emaciation have turned her hair into straw and she is balding. Looks like hell!

  15. When will this site stop publishing pap photos of the children of celebrities? How about now? The umpteenth photo of Hugh Jackman and one of his children is not gossip or newsworthy, it is just invasive and creepy.
