Thursday, February 20, 2014

Six Great Minutes

You just can't stop watching.


  1. The kids are standing right there and they don't warn anybody.

  2. This shit happens on the daily here in hell. I mean Wisconsin. Yawn!

  3. Who is the asshole filming it?

  4. Saw this already dont find it funny at all. Guys a dick and teaching his kids to be dickish too. What if someone broke a bone or got brain damage from a fall? That is hikarious. I hope he and his kids fall on their asses.

  5. I can stop watching if I never start. These video posts are typically lame. Hate seeing people hurt themselves. Those fail videos are the worst.

  6. Yeah for a chick on the east coast who had to deal with this crap during one of the worst winters ever this is so NOT funny.

  7. Well I find it freaking hilarious! Guess I am an asshole too!! Yay!!!!

  8. Why would you want to watch this even once?

  9. I thought it was funny as hell...guess I am a dick! Go to your local roller or ice skating rink people, same thing happens there....geez oh man.

  10. If I saw this douche bag filming me bust my ass on the ice, I would drag him out of his car and shove his cell up his ass. Yes, in front of the children. Having said that, I would laugh my ass off watching that on youtube.

  11. It brings back memories, at uni, I lived on campus it had been a strong El Nino winter that was mild mild mild, I don't think we had a single flake of snow, so in March it rained overnight but was cold enough to freeze in the morning but no one realized it until you got out there, and everyone was flailing and falling, including me who fell 3 times, no one was laughing everyone had to pay attention to themselves but there was a lot of cursing.

  12. I thought this was funny. Not the kids falling, but the guy laughing at them. Those kids are young and can handle a fall along with a touch of humility. I miss those days.

    Now if he were outside of a grocery store filming old people fall, that would be dickish.

  13. I went to college in the Pacific Northwest, where it rained/snowed 10 months of the year,and I lived on the top of this giant hill one year. On the other side of the hill was a frat that, regardless of circumstances, drunken idiots would try to ascend to get to. The results were fucking hilarious, and I guess I can laugh at it now because I definitely busted my ass falling down that hill more than once. Ah, memories.

  14. I think this is a total dick move on this guy's part. Seriously, who has the nerve to film people hurting themselves, in portrait?

  15. This really is not that funny and the guy filming it sounds like a childish prick laughing at people falling. Boring

  16. A couple of you can come sit with me at the asshole table! I guarantee we will have more fun! :)

  17. No one got hurt, for the most part the kids laughed at themselves, that's part of the humor of it.

  18. This is disgraceful. That father is setting such a bad example to his daughter. For fucks sake will you take the video in LANDSCAPE not fucking portrait.

    Someone call CPS.

  19. Thank you, SingBlue. That was awesome.

    Ugh, videos filmed in portrait are the worst.

  20. Oh come on people, stop being so freakin serious, this IS funny!! lol Everybody who's lived in a place where it snows in the winter gets to fall on the snow/ice and most times it's no big deal..
