Thursday, February 13, 2014

Today's Blind Items - Still Does What He Says

When they got married she was a B list mostly television actress at the peak of her fame. She had been on a very hit show and thought she would make money forever. She also listened to her at the time A list celebrity who told her he would always take care of her and the pre-nup was just to protect them in case something bad happened in life, not their marriage. She believed him and signed a horrific pre-nup. She believed him when he said he loved her even though he cheated on her hundreds of times. She stuck by him through him getting other women pregnant and bringing home STD's to his wife. She believed him when he told her he would take care of her after their divorce. He split with the wife because he found someone younger. She signed a ridiculous agreement and he would give her a few bucks every now and again while still sleeping with her any chance he got. She believed him and all his lies and still at her rock bottom he called her the other day and she went running over to his place for sex and more promises. Her life has been ruined by this guy and she keeps going back.


  1. Pam Anderson and Tommie Lee?

    1. Anonymous10:15 AM

      @sandybrook - that is a fantastic guess! Her house is up for lease now - was for sale, but obviously she had no nibbles. It's quite tiny but very nice. Hold fire - I'll go and find a link.

    2. Anonymous10:19 AM

      Here it is - not sure how to make it clicky:

    3. Tommy got snipped when he was with Pam so the other kids doesn't fit.

  2. Replies
    1. Anonymous10:23 AM

      I like your guess @sugarbread maker, BUT I don't think he goes crawling back to her ... and if he did I think she'd kick him where it hurt.

  3. ruthless vato. id go ahead and teach him how to party. a guy like that needs to be put in check. make the ole cabeza spin. #funngames

  4. The only reason I used the? Was because I thought she made it to A list when she did Baywatch.

    1. Anonymous10:22 AM

      I'm now hmming and haaaing over those two ... because of the rating, yes; but also because I'm not sure he did go running to anyone else after her - and it doesn't say they got back together again, which they did; nor does it mention kids. But then again, her money problems have been very well documented ...

  5. Clearly my ex and i

  6. Didn't Pam Anderson just remarry Rick Salomon though? Would she go back to Tommy Lee despite being newly married? Maybe so...

  7. Heather Locklear and Richie Sambora

    1. Anonymous10:31 AM

      @kday ... I'm loving this guess. They got together when she was in the original Melrose Place. But ... I'm not sure he left her for someone younger - he hooked up with Denise Richards a month or two after they split. And she is not struggling financially.

  8. Pam and Tommy...excellent guess.

  9. Anonymous10:26 AM

    Pam is here at the moment, filming a commercial apparently, and people who've seen her up close have commented that they can't believe how aged she is, in the flesh. Let that be a lesson to stay out of the sun, folks! I'm sure she's still gorgeous though - besides, she's in her late 40s, is she not? It'd be weird if she still looked 20-something.

  10. Anonymous10:27 AM

    If this was written in the future, and the actress was mostly movies, not TV, I would put money on it being Catherine Zeta Jones. As I've said before, there is something very odd in her set-up with MD - why doesn't she just leave and go and live a normal, happy life without all that bullshit he must put her through?

  11. Well Tommy went to prison for awhile before they got back together the first time. I thought before he did his time he might have been with Gena Lee Nolan for a bit?

  12. @Stepforded - I'm having the same ratings struggle with Pam & Tommy. The Heather/Richie guess matches ratings better, but I have no idea on the other details. Off to search rock stars/celebs married to actresses!

  13. I think shes 44 or 45 but close to 60 in her life experiences stepforded. And shes pretty used up.

  14. Who else did Tommy Lee get pregnant tho?

  15. Eva Langoria and Tony Parker

  16. Plus Heather is also A list that's why I tossed her and Richie out. BUT ya know before she was married to Richie she was married to Tommy Lee :)

  17. Don't know if this is Pamela Anderson or not but whoever it is it's hard to give a fuck about somebody this stupid.

  18. Heather was A list.

  19. "Some of them want to use you...some of them want to be used by you"


    I have given up on trying to understand how people value themselves. Good or bad.

  20. I like the Pam and Tommy guess. She doesn't have any real money of her own, that is why she tried to lock down Kid Rock w/ fake pregnancy.

  21. Donna D'Errico and Nikki Sixx

    1. I like this guess, Tootie.

    2. It's definitely Nikki & Donna

    3. Not only did Donna file for bankruptcy and blame Sixx, but she filed the day his new fiancée was celebrating her bachelorette party in Mexico. That divorce was bitter as hell- Donna allegedly even fainted during proceedings. Buckle up, folks. Shit is about to get real...

  22. This sounds like someone who's only had one marriage. Both Pam and Heather have multiple ones under their belts. I'd guess this is someone much younger than them--in their late 30s at the latest.

  23. That's what I was going to guess as well, Tootie.

  24. ok--I have a question for you Cali folks. Do you not have bugs there? Because here in Ohio.outdoors = bugs. I see all these pictures of walls that open up to the outside and actual "furniture" outside on patios and such....and that could never happen here. Summer is great when it's not unGodly humid or nights filled with bugs...screens are a MUST and the mosquitos here are as big as birds...

    1. I don't live in Cali but I can answer this for you. No outside does not equal bugs out "west". We don't have the humidity or foliage that those nasty Midwestern bugs thrive in. Usually only see Mosquitos after a rain and our biggest pest is flies. I live in the mountains and we are to high for fleas :) Its great!

  25. Nikki six and his Baywatch ex wife or Lizzy Mmc Guire's actress

  26. I picture Talk Too Much's son in a corner, malnourished and slowly dying, as she takes endless selfies and inundates a gossip board with her banal offerings all day.

    1. Is that you, Fakey?


    2. @Raspy - shot you down, huh

    3. Anonymous2:16 PM

      "Raspy", like your voice? I can just picture someone named Raspy making prank calls and insulting people they've never met.

  27. Whereas your offerings are so much more insightful and on topic, huh Raspy? Yeah, this world totally needs more hateful posts from pissants like you.

  28. @Raspy: Welcome aboard! Just what we need here, another chickenshit cunt. Have you met Moo and Rosie yet? Y'all will be fast friends.

    1. Ahhh count, did soneone hurt your feelers?

  29. Someone actually believes that "rode hard and put away wet" Pam Anderson is old because of the Sun? um, ok.

  30. @sugarbread; maybe he got those chicks pregnant before he got snipped, as in in between Pam's kids or before that.

  31. @Lurker - What Krystie said. When I lived in Nevada and also visited Cali; there was really only a few spiders and the occasional fly. Nothing like here in NC where there's ALWAYS a bug, no matter the weather.

  32. I've lived in so cal all my life and the only annoying bugs are ants

  33. Classy move Wendy, I mean, Raspy, going after someone who hasn't even posted.

  34. @Rosie Da Pig: You come out to dance whenever I snap my fingers, huh? That is a good hucklepig.

    Someone emailed me a pic of you. I'd pass. NSFW


  35. I really REALLY don't understand why people like you care what I do, Raspy. I don't know you,haven't seen you post, don't get it.

    1. TTM, you haven't made it til you have your very own personal troll. Congrats!!

    2. Honestly, LowKey, I feel kinda bad, it seems like I am hogging ALL of them! This makes, what, 4?

  36. TTM: It is obviously Wendy being a cunt because you are a nice person who other posters enjoy conversing with. You shouldn't waste your time with her. I only spend time with assholes on here because I enjoy arguing and verbally slapping around morons.

  37. I dunno, count. Can you see Wendy stringing the words "banal offerings" together? Sounds like a regular to me. Yaaay

    1. Anonymous3:37 PM

      @TTM: Here are a couple of "banal offerings" for Raspy, courtesy of Mr Rogers.

    2. LOL that's awesome, cocoa!

  38. How many more days left in this f'n month? I'm all for calling off KFF now!

  39. There does seem to be a KFF Kurse going around this month.

  40. "A plague on all your houses!" - PMK

  41. Nikki Sixx and Donna D'errico was the first ones I thought of. She posted on her FB that someone close brought the old bankruptcy story (an old story) back into the media just as #1.Her mom was diagnosed w/stage 4 cancer & #2.His fiance flaunting her party in Mexico. Donna mentioned the 'illegal' way in which she ended up w/the bulk of the legal bills which probably lies somewhere in the pre-nup. The hook-up probably happened when the wife-to-be was at her bachelorette party out of town.

  42. I don't think this is Pam and Tommy.
    He really seemed to love her when they first married. Also, I don't think Pam was in any movies until later on. She was pregnant when she made that awful Barbwire movie.

  43. We still refer to women as "used up"? GROSS

  44. @TTM trolls go after the chatty cathy's so as to get the biggest bag for their buck. I mean chatty cathy's in a good way too. :)

    1. So what you're saying, Ragnar, is that I am low-hanging Chatty Cathy fruit? ;)

  45. I hate posts like these. He didn't ruin her life. SHE ruined her life. Does anyone believe in taking responsibility for their own actions and choices in life? So stupid.

  46. TTM, you're fine. Funny, clever and fine.

    Count, is the vitriol spewing disassociated troll the same that comes and goes under different handles rather consistently? If so, F-em.

  47. I don't know. I figured it was Wendy, because She has gone after TTM before. Could be one of the Unknowns or some other chickenshit, but Unknown is already an alt, so why create another?

    Overall, I don't mind Wendy. She has some good hate in her. I just wish it could stay focused on the celebs.

  48. Great guess, Tootie. Sixx & Donna DA sounds just about right.
